We are dealing with hearts that are black and thoughts that are lethal, yes we are amidst minds that are diabolical and destructive. Conscience is not even a legible and decipherable word for them. It’s a non existent territory. It’s something alien and repulsive. Power is the only value that they know of, that they work and kill for. When we talk of a scheme to swindle us off our inalienable right to freedom some think we are conspiracy theorists.
Conspiracy is not a theory, it’s a fact of life, its something that have been in existence in the world all along and it is always against people and against groups. There have always been side-kicks of the ruling who tried to usurp power in this way, in the subtle and concealed way, in the most heinous and macabre way. They grow in the shades of power like poisonous mushrooms. People think they are dispensable, but try to dispose of them, and then you will soon find out.
Crimes are not merely committed on the sphere of the physical alone, they are first fabricated in the realm of the mind, where they seethe and fume till they come out into the open in devious ways. Some say that Hitler’s followers were just following orders. It may seem that in a certain sense this could be right. But this obedience is the result of some thing deeper and vile in the human psyche.
We are all beset with the dark and try to over come it. Some are successful in curbing it to some extent if the conditions are favorable. There appears to be people who hang on to some shreds of ethics even faced with the terrible of all experiences. Yet these are few and there are others willing enough to call them cowards.
But once we are in the vicinity of power everything vile in us comes out. Perhaps there is some indefinable thing in the very structure of power which makes this possible. Power is heady; it satisfies a criminal lust in us. Our crimes seem to be spiritual rather than material. Those who have tried to investigate human criminal background tentatively suggest that it is somehow linked to our evolution as an intelligent species. We were perhaps breaking the bonds imposed by nature. We are the only species which kills its own members. Others species seem to be totally incapable of doing that.
Killing ones fellow is not a thoughtless procedure. It can’t be done by other species on earth. It requires the ability to justify the action, however nonsensical the justification might be. This in its turn necessitates a higher level of cerebral activity. Initially this might have occurred due to strife.
Strife is sexual in orientation as Freud observed shrewdly. It’s an effort to come on top, to lord over others, to make others squirm. Some derive pleasure from this and this alone. But the world has become changed. It is never safe to go out and bash people now. Only the lower intellects turn to open murder now. There are institutions and forums to answer before. Most of the criminals are caught. They are put behind bars or are executed out right. These poor souls have worked with emotions; they were drawn in to the cauldron of vice by imbibing the negative energy created by our psyche. Yet we shudder when we learn about the crimes that these do. We have castrated them brutally by allowing them to exist in a void without extending any sort of help.
We do not see the real criminals behind the scenes or more to the point do not chose to recognize them. Most of the poor bastards who are caught are pawns who vent the hatred of others. We created them.
We can’t shirk away from the responsibility and we can’t pose as if we do not know that such environments exist within society and that we teach children the wrong kind of values which they can’t live up to. Most of us think nothing of the value systems we were provided with. We regularly see them discarded, torn asunder, trampled under. We do not complain and more often than not we follow suit.
There is something wrong with our race that we can’t hold on to the ideals created by our own race. We have been trying to do this for thousands of years. But we are as distant from accomplishing them as were people during the Paleolithic age.
This has to do with power. This has to do with the bestial lust to control and manipulate others, to subjugate and rule, to overcome and direct them. I have always believed that those who want power are not after it to do something beneficial for the society. They are functioning with a congenital defect that we carry, of an exhibitionist affinity towards pure authority. This seems to be the most basic fact influencing us. Even the masochist tries to control his or her prey by engendering an emotional dependence within the other person.
Viewed like this everything is a play for power. Even surrender is a sort of talk of taking responsibility for the defeat and becoming morally stronger than the enemy. With all this going on within the individual, facts gets lost and fancies tend to sprout. This is a moral disease that we have to over come and curb finally. This is a great impediment on the society, crippling our efforts to break the rule of internal terror.
Great souls have always tried to instill confidence in us. But every time what was good in their teachings were taken over by the institutions which came in their wake and as institutions go they become corrupt and become unreliable. Even the kind words of Siddhartha were blackened out to create Tantra Yana and worse forms of magic. The followers of Christ fought among themselves and against other faiths, killing their brethren.
Before finding fault with conspiracy theorists, the others would need to go through the story of human adventure on this globe. It has never instilled confidence in the establishment and probably never will. Criticizing the existing institutions is not an effort to nullify or ignore their beneficial aspects (Which are rare though) but is an effort to bring out the ills of the system so that we can do something about it.
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