Monday, January 5, 2009

Don't want to do a Yayati

Since I seem to be stuck with this blog till the worlds end I think I can’t manage with out a change in strategy. I am running out of ideas too. I haven’t written anything for years and years (not even a letter mind you) when I took up the challenge to write something every day for a period of six months.

Well I did not do that bad at it considering the odds I was up against. In fact I was having a whale of a time doing the silliest of things with the blog and was keeping my wonderful enemies interested too.

Then the inevitable happened. I forgot what the blog was about and side tracked.
No wonder, the moment I ‘intelligently’ (god save me from such intelligence again.) involved myself with the common net- life a subtle change had come over my sworn enemies. They are currently encouraging me to do more such intelligent deeds. They are even openly enthusiastic about my intellectual caliber and the extent of my knowledge and the like.

It has come to this, to being patronized by my deadly opponents!

Well I seem to have some ‘idiocy’ left in me still and have been managing to hold out from such temptations again. Once has been enough.

The internet is the playground of the young. People like me, who have begun their slow slide towards the inexorable, have no business in such a young environment.

Not that I am totally wizened internally. I could even be younger than most of the “Young and Serious” dears on the net. But that is another matter altogether.

Like Yayati in the fable (He gave his son his empire to rule in exchange of twenty years of son’s youth) I do not want to usurp the dreams and exploits of the young. In fact I never wanted to. I had clear notions regarding why I was starting a blog. I should have stuck to it.

I am past that age which hankers after fame and money and influential connections. I may go for them if I had a point to prove even now. But at this late juncture of my life I have little to prove to any body.

Well what is the use? One becomes disillusioned with the world after one is over thirty I think. Not even success has the same sweetness anymore. Oscar Wilde intuitively said it all when he wrote “The Picture of Dorian Gray”.

We all project our younger selves into the world even when we are old and wizened and keep our real selves behind doors in the attics of our minds. Wilde had the delightful talent to convert the sordid in to the sublime.

[A story has it that the Byronic Mr. Wilde was asked if he had anything to declare at the immigration counter and he replied.

“Nothing but my genius” and walked out.]

Unfortunately I do not have that too to declare. If I had I would have been terribly bogged down and would have been tottering along (probably much respected by the rest of the world) with the whole weight of the universe on my shoulders.

Well any way, as I said I seem to be stuck with blog now and have to do something to keep it going.

I require a strategy to cook up something every day. This is not in expectation of any further readership at all don’t mistake me. I have now the entire readership I intended when I started the blog. But yet I have to give them something to puzzle over every day. That’s becoming trickier every day.

I am not the proverbial juggler of the ancient who can conjure up anything out of the thin air. Yet I have had a go at it more or less. I have tried the most prosaic to the poetic and the most honest to the cruelest and the most sublime to the weirdest in my search for topics. They still keep my exclusive readers interested.

Only they could know what I was writing about. Mostly every piece would have some reference to what had passed between us on a daily basis.

Even though we have this antagonistic relationship with each other we are still trying to please each other and keep ourselves engrossed in the game.

Well what else is there in life other than these little games?

They help us to pass the time.

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