Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Non Lethal Infiltration

People can be influenced. This is a known fact. All leaders have done it to a greater or lesser extant. Soldiers followed Alexander through great hardships because he could influence them. Hitler became a success through this ability. None can deny this fact. But in both the examples, the leaders were reflecting the desire of the masses to come out of a particularly ignoble period. Greece was having a poor time after the decline of its great civilization. The Germans were being subjected to great humiliations by the allies after the First World War. The people followed these leaders out of their free will- yes even Hitler because they thought them right. Again take the example of Mahatma Gandhi. His whole idea of non violence caught root because the people were so oriented in the land.

So it appears we can not influence people against their wills. But wait a moment! That was in the past. The times have changed. Leading the people in the old style is not very interesting is it? You need to study their needs; you need to be interested in their affairs. You need to devise some methods by which they would follow you. What the in the hell, who needs such troubles. If one can devise ways in which one just have to manipulate a few switches, and lo the idiots are under one’s complete control….. well that is a course worth trying is it not? Who bothers about anachronistic rights and such stupid ideas!

Well, you unscrupulous denizens belonging to this wonderful stream of thought, you are in luck. There are instruments of torture and brainwashing plenty in existence. You just need to be in the right place, within the circle of confidantes and you can use it on your enemies, your friends and even on your family without them being wholly aware of it. Yes, you need the controlled to know that they are being controlled. Otherwise the effect would not be encouraging. They would think it a trick of mind and would try to ignore it. That is why there is a need to let them know enough to understand they are being given instructions and are being monitored.

These machines are termed non lethal machines. These do not harm the body visibly and they can be operated from a distance minimizing the risk of discovery. These use a method similar to that of brainwashing. They put thoughts into your head and by constant beaming of such thoughts through electronic devise into you gains full control over your brain. Because the brain is the center of all human activity, if it can be controlled you can make the subject do almost anything. By Stimulating and numbing certain areas of the brain even somatic reactions could be achieved. These facts have been established now beyond doubt that no apology is needed to voice them. There is extensive literature on the subject on the net collected from official government documentation; some of these have been obtained through rights to information procedure for the general public to view.

This is an age of non lethal infiltration. Enormous amounts of money and expertise may be needed to neutralize them and secure innocent people from being manipulated by these methods.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cerebral colonialism

Christ said, “My Empire is not of this world”. The Antichrists of the modern era are could not agree more. Their empire is not solely of the physical and observable sphere alone. It is intruding into our consciousness and trying to coop up large amounts of space within. They are hoping to operate a successful totalitarian system from there. The tools are easily available to them and they are already brutally effective. There would come a time where we would have to obey them to the letter to subsist. It is already partly accomplished.

How did this come about? May be Adolf Hitler was right, human beings are submissive creatures. They can not subsist without a host mechanism. This parasitic behavior was evident all along in the course of human evolution. Perhaps the invention of god has something to do with this human trait. In times of trouble most of us turn to god for solace. The fatalists have a way of reducing everything to gods will and predestination. That gives them comfort and the desire to go on. In that sense alone it has a definite advantage. But on the reverse, there is this belief in the invincibility of gods will, a weak acceptance of fate. Those that had the sense to understand this strange submissiveness and the blessed with a cunningness to pose as god had always others under their control. This is so obvious, even religious systems have accepted this idea. Those in power were gods “son” s or representatives in the past. What they do is willed by the god. They had the god’s grace, namely the strength to rule others.

Not for nothing did Karl Marx intuitively observe that “religion is the opium of the masses” But the followers of Marx did not catch the real significance of the observation. The words had nothing to do with the masses really, but it had everything to do with invisible operatives who propagate, flourish and make use of religion. The role of the masses was taken for granted. They had always been like that. They can not become liberated in a moment. Marx in his simplicity thought that those with a high social sense and moral commitment would come forward and liberate the masses from their slavery. Marx was going against several inherent human traits there, though the attempt to save mankind from its bondage had to be appreciated.

The modern gods operates not alone. It is a theocracy based on this very human weakness of seeking something to lean upon in times of trouble. If the trouble could be fabricated, what more do they need. They can comfort and punish at the same time. And it is quite evident that punishment is more to the effect than help. There has always been a sadomasochist trait in humans.

The show of brutality in enforcing law (!) has several pitfalls. It could get publicized and what we see have an effect on us. This method can be resorted only with caution. The gods have been racking their brains to come up with new technology to effectively control the masses at a distance and without being noticed by anybody. At one time they were hopeful of achieving this by pumping chemicals into the water supply system. Once the normal ‘insensitivity” to suggestions are reduced the masses could be programmed through visual and other media to implicitly obey the dictates of their lords and superiors. But this idea was forsaken with development of non-lethal weaponry. It had several advantages to that of poisoning the water for control. It is invisible and virtually undetectable. It can be launched from a long distance away and is tunable.

These things can be used to control large masses of people and kill them even. To this weaponry our minds are an open book and they can control its functions and moods. It is quite easy to understand this once we grasp the methods in use. They are terribly simple and are based on scientific facts. The experiments on this line began around the First World War. Certain soldiers had reported buzzes and blips in their ears and inside their heads when receiving radio signals. This was investigated and developed rapidly by the agencies that are in the control business. Once the experiments started other states joined in and with the technique of brainwashing already in existence the transition to an era of non-lethal weapons was smooth. In full swing these machines could take over a person’s life and dictate terms to him.

More of it later, but be it understood that we are in an age of cerebral colonialism and our insides are literally being colonized by a scrupulous group of individuals.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Privacy at stake

The question of privacy is near to my heart. A person has the right to have a privet life. In fact it is a prime necessity. If one has to open up his life for others to view it and form judgments on it then this prime need is denied. Okay, man is a social animal; he can not remain cooped up in pupae and go on as if nothing has happened in the rest of the world. He has to be out and doing his thing for the society. He has derived certain things from it and has a duty to return something to it. That is how we progress. But at the same time individuality is a fact. It has its own inherent value. Imagine a world where every one is like every one else. That brings jitters into your soul. The sorry fact is that certain people are trying to make it happen.

The basic stand with them is that individuality is troublesome and unless it is controlled and behavior is modulated it would cause damage, but damage to whom? To them who are in the business of controlling others. They do not for a moment think that they are placed there to protect this very same feature that they are trying to annual. Let us not be credulous. The world has changed, the once existing notions of free will is no more in consideration now anywhere. It is subject to power. Power is as much hereditary as it was before. Do not make any mistake about it, it is happening all over the world. Empires, both financial and political are being inherited by the descendents more and more. It is easier that way, it has been proved. It saves a lot of effort and time and trouble to produce a new brand of leaders. Why go into such a lot of trouble if we can fashion the offspring’s in a manner they would obey our orders.

There is no denying the fact that there is class who are controlling others even at present and who can modify behavior to such an extant that it appears as free volition on the part of those who are being subjected to it. Trouble is created artificially to cause doubt in the minds of the common people to pass legislations which are regressive in nature. This is happening all over the world. These people at the same time are eroding the very substance on which the culture is built upon.

They are defiling the environment by their insensitive utilization of its resources. They are dislocating people from their homes to unfamiliar terrains. All this is a part of a giant scheme. I was never in favor of communism as such. But it is fact that the decline of the communist bloc has done great damage to the cause of man in general. It has placed us in the hands of a few unscrupulous individuals who consider themselves as gods entrusted with the responsibility to rule. They are elated, because they see the fall of communism as a proof of their stand that common man can not be a master of himself and need some one else to take care of him. This is a slaves and masters story. Unless we are aware of the dangers of this particular brand of thought, we would be soon at the mercy of those who believe in it. This is not alarmism even, it is much beyond that. This stand is a remnant of our conscious efforts to control our environment in the past. It has dug its roots deep into us so that we are sometimes blissfully unaware of the things that it is making us do.

It is a victorious psyche in action. What is worse is the fact that it is operating out of our own sanction. Not overt and knowing sanction, but covert and ignorant approval.

Let us beware of this invisible slayer of humanity. We built culture to combat this evil. We thought we fenced it of by fashioning democracy. We thought by decentralizing we are back in power, But no. It is not the world of yore where simple equations were operating. Then we were sure of what we were hearing and what we were seeing. We are now not sure of any such things. We are constantly being subjected to a farce enacted solely for our benefit. We are being taken in by the force of this unseen devil that is within us. Our oppressors are aware of this devil; they are its vassals and beneficiaries. They firmly believe that the history is on their side. Yes the history is on their side, but the history has not always been right, was it.

If need be let us fight history to root out this evil for once and always.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Anti freedom tech

Now to return to the earlier subject,

Technology has always been used to curtail freedom. Brutal force was the method once in use. That gave birth to more and more powerful tools of destruction. The discovery of gun powder was instrumental in revolutionizing warfare. It is curious to note that the Chinese who discovered it did not get very far with it. They used it for fireworks rather than for mutual destruction. It was its introduction into Europe that did the trick. They had such a healthy respect for other lives that guns became the order of the day. It had one added advantage to other such tools. It did away with the chivalry altogether. You did not have to spend days on end learning to use the sword and other cumbersome weapons. Those used to teach you respect for others in the game. With guns you just needed to pull the trigger and your opponent is down and out, that is, if he did not catch you before hand with his piece.

Terrorizing the ruled had yielded good results in the past. But the modern scenario is a little different. The spread of communication and transportation facilities and the availability of arms and other such tools have made the common man not that diffident like his counterpart in the days gone by. He is more aware of the tricks used by the rulers on the ruled. In fact he thinks he is the real author of the government in many cases and he is proud of his rights. There are organizations which look into violations of human rights and make a great uproar if that happens.

In this situation subtle methods had to be invented to keep the people controlled and make them obey orders. This is not concealed by the perpetrators. They have openly admitted to such things and their necessity. But the general public has such poor memory and is easily lured away from the real issue by placing something of vital interest before them, such as taxes for example.

This would keep them occupied. This is what is called misdirection. These people are adept at that. They would place something before us and would stealthily develop dangerous technology to gain control over us. The only way by which we can be prepared against them is to investigate everything that these people do by whatever means we have at our hand. This is not the job for one day it should be a continuous effort. So let us hitch up our sleeves and be always on the job.

Monday, April 21, 2008


What in the name of god is the matter with the bloke? His team is doing badly alright, but that does not give him the right to slap a member of the opposing team. Our Baji slapped Srisanth publicly after losing out to his team. Poor Srisanth was in tears. He was inconsolable in front of the cameras. It was a sorry sight to see, a grown up lad crying like a girl for the entire world to see.

I have no sympathy for Srisanth. He must have provoked Baji for him to react like that. He probably did not realize that professional sport is played at high stakes and abusing a professional player might be not a good idea after a heavy loss. Baji is temperamental and he has been in many scrapes before. He seems to have learned nothing from his previous escapades. I am sorry for that too. He is a good player and he should be a little more composed even if provoked.

I hate sentimentalism, may be because I am so incorrigibly sentimental myself. But yet being sentimental in our personal life is one thing, but babbling in front of the world on a public stage is another thing. I would advocate professional psychological help for such snivelers like Srisanth before they are sent out to represent the land.

Real men do not cry. Alas Srisanth, you could have hidden from the cameras after the incident, if you were so emotionally overwrought. You created a scene none of us are proud of. You also need to learn to be more professional in your approach now that you are earning a huge wad of money for what you enjoy to do.

A sorry day for Indian cricket!

Survival of the fittest

But the superman is not going to appear out of nowhere. If he is to take over the world he needs to be made, constructed and given life. Preliminary efforts are already on to fabricate such an individual. This superman is one who is familiar with the cutting edge technology of the day. He is totally dependent on it for survival and growth. He has at present all the human weaknesses and all the latest technology in his hands. The combination makes him lethal. His morality is totally chained to his past, where atrocities were committed against the defenseless on whatever pretexts he could think of and with the help of deceit. He is not far removed from the Bishop of Landa who burned all the Mayan codices because they were barbarian. While his, namely, the victor’s laws were civilized!

The poor Mayan ruler was taken prisoner by a few despicable Spanish adventurers and held captive to terrorize his subjects into submission because the poor man was civilized enough to think that honorable men could also be found on other parts of the world. We should never repeat such mistakes again in our struggle. The moment they think we can be tricked into submission they would start taking advantage of the situation and would finish us off. I mean, quite literally too, they would not think twice about it. Remember to their minds we are weak, we are expendable, and we are useless to them. Come to think of it, these are the real dark ages; the ordinary people are so far removed from the centre of power that they are totally ignorant about the developments around them. Those in power, though insensitive has the advantage of technology to support them. Sophistry of culture has never yet won victory in wars, it has always been the more lethal, more ruthless and the more bloodthirsty who have always won. Darwin has very poetically expressed it as “The struggle for survival” and the “Survival of the fittest” Mostly it has always been the survival of the barbarous.

In the Indus valley there was a civilization worthy as any at that time, it was destroyed and world had to wait thousands of years to see something like it again. Some say it was due to natural calamities, but we have to doubt it very much, knowing the ways of men. The pattern was of mass murder most likely than any sudden natural mishap. The evidence collected from the site indicates that several new cities were built on the top of the earlier ones consistently. If it is so, then the theory of natural causes would not hold much water. They would be aware of such things and would have made provisions to overcome it.

So all history points out to us the course of events to come, these power conscious bunch of insensitive specimens of humanity is out to replace the existing system which is largely based on a belief in democracy, with something else which would hand over the power to a few who would decide the fate of the rest. They are making it happen too, with their several instruments of secret intimidation. They have a specific campaign plan.

The campaign to over-ride the human element is subtle; it is not visible or evident. It makes use of sophisticated technology. It attacks you out of nowhere. It comes unseen and unnoticed. It may come through the water you drink, the food you eat, the channel you see, the daily you read and even though the way you think. It has woven a mesh around you.

What do you do when immense instruments are out to get you? You feel weak and not up to the fight. There is an element of truth in believing that you can not get back at the machines and their arsenal. They are not prone to human weakness like fatigue and biological drawbacks. They can be merciless. They would go on and on if they are put into use by their users.

All this is true, but this is so important a battle that we can not sit back and let others do it. There would not be any others if every one takes on such a stand. It is of vital importance to humanity. The attacks are many and wide spread. It might cloth itself in the guise of promoting health, or it might put forward a serious action plan such as cleansing the society of evil.

Do not be taken in by the show of concern in their voices, it is a front for something lethal.

Let us find methods to combat this evil by making individual efforts to nullify it.


What is wrong with being god? It is an interesting occupation is it not, to control everything and to meddle in the lives of every living thing, perhaps even in the entire workings of the universe. What is wrong with having such power, nothing at all it seems? Every one of us plays god sometimes or the other. We dictate terms to others and sometimes carry it off.

Well, the wrong is not in the wish, it is in the assumption that we could be so, for nothing is certain in the universe, time space, everything that exist function in ways that are unknown to us. That would not be known to us even if we try. This is a scientific fact. We can not exceed the limits imposed on us by nature. The subject has been discussed thread bare and we would not engage ourselves with it. Even in the back ground of self evident facts we still crave for superiority. We want to rule, we want to teach others how to live. Quite a sorry state of affairs is it not.

Perhaps none can be blamed for this. Every one needs order in the midst of chaos, what we see around ourselves in the universe is something beyond our comprehension. The more we think about it the more confused we become. We want to see some sort of order in it to be comfortable. This order can only be inserted from within ourselves. We need to fabricate an environment where this is possible. This is what we did by taming nature in the first place and building civilizations. Now we want to take it further – to the state where man can effectively control all aspects of his environment.

For this we need superman. The superman would be blissfully liberated from the troubles of the ordinary mortal. He would have a lengthier existence and healthier moral code!

Well, we may not think much of his morals, for we are weak, we do not see the giant picture, we are still enmeshed in the sloppy and slushy sentimentalism. We believe in freedom for example, what in the hell is that. Only the superman is free, he is free from desires, lusts, cravings and several other things besides regarding the lesser mortals of course, his genus would be well looked after! He is like your Budha, completely above everything that we value, but with an important difference- this Budha would never preach quitting everything to find peace, this Budha would preach quitting most of the things others need to gain absolute control. He would quit the very things that make us human.

He would replace the very substance of humanity with a type of ruthless passion to be on top, to be the lord.

This superman may lack the finesse of the idea of superman in vogue, but I believe that this is the guy who is bound to take over from us in the future if things go in the present way.

It is our duty to prevent this from happening.

Beware of God

-On the same vein as of before, there is the need to bolster up our defenses against the mass violation by the establishment. May be Establishment is not the right word, may be some thing more meaningful is needed. It is hard to find the real in the realm of the virtually real. I believe that is the one big problem facing the world at present. We are so used to value our experience supplied through the media that we do not bother to investigate it any further. Yes I know, our capacities are limited, we do not have fancy technology with us, we do not have the financial backing for the effort, and we do not have the spare time to invest in the effort. That is where raising the level of awareness matters. This is not easy. Those in power would do everything to subvert it. Any one moving against the established order has to be prepared for a grim battle, for it is like an octopus with billion tentacles. We just can not cut all its tentacles at one go. But we can sever one two or more tentacles if we put our effort into it. You might think, what the hell is the use of fighting against such immense odds, but again that is what the establishment wants. They are pretty sure we would turn back and fall a prey to our own despair.

Yes the things have changed; we would never see a situation where the renaissance was enacted. We may not see the fall of the present establishment. It is far too secure for that. Its technological superiority would guarantee its survival. But we are not talking about physical battle here. That is impossible, what we have in mind is an emotional and intellectual battle which is of more importance at present. No, the old methods would not be any use for this struggle. It has to be waged inside ourselves. We need to cling to the ideas of freedom and the right to live like human beings. On the superficial level no one would like to be the slaves of those in power. We may even have mistaken notions that the structure of power is man made and is supported by us. We might even be made to think that it would not survive unless we exercise our franchise in the periodic elections. Nothing could be more farther than the truth. Take any election in the modern era. Those who come into power follow the established order as if pre-programmed to do it. Do not doubt it in the least, they are carefully chosen to carry on the effort of their predecessors, what ever may be the color of their professed beliefs.

The right wing and the left wing compete with each other in promoting the same style of government. This is glaringly obvious to all who take a cursory glance at the functioning of these structures. The poor politicians have as little choice as we have in the matter. They are as controlled as we are. But then who is the controlling entity. That is the big question really. And it is the most difficult of all questions in the present context. It can not be answered by pointing to a single entity standing alone and supervising everything like god. What we have is the mass consciousness acting against its own free existence. What we have is a phenomena which kills itself to supersede it self. It is a situation where the mind has turned against it self and destroying everything it stood for.

It can be a bit unclear to those who are not familiar with the functions of the human consciousness. It is a historical phenomenon. It grew with us and it is trying to supersede us, in the sense that it would strive to replace the puny man with the superman of Nietzsche, it has obtained our individual sanctions by the constant exhibition of human weakness. It says we are weak, we cry and blabber. We cringe and draw back. We are no good. We are emotional; we need medicines to calm ourselves. We can not look after ourselves, we need assistance, we need directions, and we need some shoulders to lean to. We are hopeless. The future of the world is not safe in our hands. The world requires supermen, those who can rule and those who can dictate, those who would not be troubled by a few drops of tears.

This is the mass consciousness working through us; it is the greatest enemy to the human kind. We need to be aware of it in its essence. It is no mean enemy, it has a strangle hold on us from the time immemorial, it has always wanted to substitute us with something more dependable. I firmly believe that it is the human weaknesses which fostered this destructive force. We all would like to become more ruthless more effective and more lethal. It is as great a desire within as that of submitting ourselves to something. In the struggle of these two opposing forces the super slave lost out and the superman won. It would remain so if we are not careful. This is the era of the gestation of the superman. Once it grows to its full potential we would be relegated to the status of guinea pigs living in reservations.

The first step in the counter move, in the move to arm ourselves against the superman syndrome is to prepare ourselves to do battle within and without unceasingly to cling to the idea of man and reject the crown of superman that is being offered to us. Every effort to divorce us from our human element is to be defeated. Let us cling to what would make us human, not what would make us God.

Being Serious

I have never really been serious in my life. Others might say “Oh, that guy, he is so damn serious” Could there be some truth in it? Hmm what can one say…….

May be It’s my handsome face, or may be it is my demeanor, when I look in the mirror I seem so grave that I am some times afraid of myself!

But in reality, I could be like a child, full of pranks, full of whims and fancies, full of malice too on flimsy pretexts. I could be difficult, raging like a bull, roaring like a lion and several other things besides. But we are all like that are we not. Inside our very selves we are incomparable. We are the sum and substance of life. We are the place everything happens.

This so true that at times we feel the tremendous burden that we bear. It is the weight of information. It weighs us down. Most of our information is useless to add meaning to any thing we do in our lives. They take up lots of space inside us. They clutter our lives. But we feel compelled to absorb more of it. Why, because we think of them as useful, but useful in what way? Where is the use of having something we can’t use? Yes I mean that. Most of us have information that can not be used in anyway. I do not mean that sensitive information we come across in our official lives, if we have any, those which are classified and can not be disclosed.

The information I speak of is not classified, they come to us in streams, they speak to us from every bill board that we see, every bit of news item that we view. They cram us with their crap. There are Goebels’s out there to make us believe in what they want us to believe. They do not just repeat an untruth a hundred times; they repeat it a billion times. They come to us through the back door, they catch us unawares subliminally. There are methods to get into our heads without us being aware of it even. We are living in a world where the will is holding supreme and imagination is modified into a vassal of the will. It does not require a Schopenhauer to tell us that the will has a definite say in life. But the question is on whose life? Not the lives of them who are trying to modify our wills to suit their propaganda, but on us, the targets. We are not being modified in any way for the better in this campaign. We are being used to try out the force of will with the help of technology.

This is where the use of information helps them. They confuse the mind; they rob us of our valuable time. They hide their real motive behind the mass of information they supply us.

But are there any routes of escape for us? Is it better to keep away from all such sources of information? Andre Jid for example advocated keeping away from the media. In his time it could have been possible, for the media at that time was largely consisted of the print media. But the times have changed. Now the media is visual and it has many times the attraction than the print media.

There is simply no way of keeping away from it. The sophisticated technology would make that impossible. There is technology which can project ideas into you invisibly and unknowingly.

We are really in for it, it seems! Even our dreams are being produced for us.

But is there hope in this bleak scenario? May be not unless there is an awareness of the evils that we are facing and the future generation has to face, among the targeted populace and there is the development of a counter technology.

A bit off track

Well, did I say meaningful in the last article? To tell you the truth I would rather have no meaning at all. Searching for meaning is a bore. There is nothing new in it. It is not even that, why this craze after meaning. Does the life have a meaning at all, hardly my friend, hardly? Really what we have is this sordid life and a few fantastical notions about after life! No one has proven that such things exist and there is a god supervising the process.

One rather believes with Voltaire that either god was completely potty or he must have had some very weird turn of mind when he created the world.

-Such misery in some quarters and such luxury in others. When people are dying like flies at some place certain others are having a ball. I am not debating the political issue here. It is the over whelming sense of meaninglessness in all these that stifles me.

No, please do not advance the law of Karma to me. I come from the land and I know it inside out. It is just an effort to justify the atrocious scheme of things. If you have the faintest sense of justice in you, you would murder the guys who propagated the theory even if it was the correct one, You would rather have something else than this terrible justification of obvious evil.

Well, if the life itself is lacking in meaning how one could find meaning in what one does. You could find meaning in the urge to go to the toilet, in the squashing of a mosquito, in bawling loudly when hurt, but can one find any real meaning in being completely vacant at times in the midst of activity. Hmm that is supposed to have something to do with the higher self is it not. Well let me tell you, there is nothing called the higher self, what we have is this lower self being completely dumb. And that is the whole mystery to it.

Oh my, I forgot to recall my past in the bustle to become wise. Here is your lesson, never beat around the bush, when you have something interesting to disclose. The best strategy would have been not to start to beat around the bush even. You should have kept mum in the first place. Now that you have done the beating around the bush, it is wise to keep your mouth shut from now onwards.

I promise you that I would be serious from now on!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The earliest memory

Well I do not have detailed and colorful memories like that of Leo Tolstoi. His remembrances start almost from the beginning of his life. He recalls his nurse wrapping him up in a towel while he was still a few days old in this world. Such memories could be terribly depressing at times. Our life does not pass on with out landing us in very compromising situations now and then. If we have carried all of them with us through out, it would destroy us completely. One of our writers here always prides himself with the prodigious memory that he has. He has often said the one strength he has is the strength of these memories. It might be good in recreating scenes in which he was a part in life and translating them into his work, but at a price, I am sure.

Now here I am with the task of recalling the earliest of my memories and I see a porch paved by ceramic tiles with sand sprinkled on it and my discomfort in moving on it on all fours. I can faintly recall the surroundings too. There was a compound wall some distance away from where I was and it was old and covered with dried and blackened moss. I can see every tiny sand particle in the light of a brilliantly shining sun (It could be the sun for no artificial lighting could be as brilliant). I do not remember what I was doing other than moving around on all my fours. Perhaps I was investigating the surroundings like all little ones do when they are left to themselves. There was no one around and no sounds were heard. No movement at all other than the play of sun on the floor.

Well I can not say why this memory remained with me all these years in stark contrast to all the other interesting things I seem to have done at that period of life. My mother never tires herself of recalling every incident in which I was the main culprit and destroyed something. And according to sources I was a great destroyer. I am reported to have had a great liking to dismantle and tear apart anything I could lay my hands on. These deeds appears to have been done in a clinically thorough manner that my grand mother, a great disciplinarian, is said to have commented the world would have to fear me when I grow up.

I am just starting! Other meaningful memories would follow soon.


It is true what Proust says, memories come back to us as colors, scents and touches. They assail the mind once you give them the faintest of permissions and take you back to the places and escapades that you were in.

The last two articles have done that to me. They have lifted the veil of years and shown me those years when I was still stumbling along without having an inkling what the life is all about. Not that I have any such inkling at present. Life is too involved for that. We may think that we have an idea what a particular thing is, but when you look into them closely you see layers being peeled away from it and the things beginning to take a different turn altogether. I have felt it many times before. The boredom and apathy we feel at times do not pluck the charm of life away. To my mind they rather enhance the feeling of being very much alive. What we dislike actually is the fear that we have to plod on without having anything interesting to do.

This might be the proverbial burden of life.

More about my escapades later!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shocking them into action

I saw a funny interview with Osho Rajneesh on You Tube recently. Like always he was shocking. Asked about the late Mother Theresa (then very much alive) he told the interviewer that she “should jump into a lake!” His followers burst into laughter. Well I would not go that far! But I have always wondered what made him tick. Perhaps it was this very trait that he had of disparaging every thing revered by others. No doubt it is healthy to hear someone say such things with nonchalance.

I remember the late John Abraham (A iconoclastic movie director from the south of India) jumping up on his seat in the audience and calling the speaker on the podium a liar while the poor man was explaining some intricate system of thought. The speaker lost face and the listeners roared with laughter. That was good, though John was always afraid of the police and of women he was never afraid of himself and that none of us conditioned by our up bringing can claim to be. It does not matter whether the person criticized is eminent or not. What matters is the freedom to hold on to your opinions and express them no matter what.

It is like a breath of fresh air when it happens. It makes us think. It makes us feel good, not because something revered is pulled down, but because it makes us laugh at ourselves and our silly convictions about life, society and everything.

But Osho classified Adolf Hitler as the greatest idiot among politicians in that interview and that was rather disappointing. Well, Hitler was shrewd and some of the idea’s he let out in his book Meincamf were not that of an idiot but was that of a person born to lead. He may have made political blunders, like invading Russia at the wrong time but was like every one else a creature of circumstances. Osho corrected himself later in the interview by stating that Churchil and Stalin would have not been on the scene if Hitler was not there in the first place. This correction was in another context I know but I believe that the man knew calling names can go only just that far.

One of Oshos observations was very pithy. He said he liked to shock people out of their complacency into thinking for themselves.

Yeah he is right, all our thinking is done by others, sad is it not?

Invisible stalking

I believe that electronic stalking has arrived in our land too.

If it is true then it would have serious ramifications in this apology of a society. We are so lax in morals that any spiteful specimen of humanity in our land could make use of it with scant regard for the rights of other individuals. I do not know the present state of development in the technology, but my guess is that portable equipment is already available in the market to make use of.

Governments normally have a vulgar delight in putting people at a disadvantage. In a society like ours where politicians unashamedly sponsor criminals, the self righteous officials would make use of every means to get back at them by the use of new technology. They might even make use of voice to skull machines to get the better of their opponents, and as this is yet to be brought under legislation in this as well as other countries in the world the threat is great.

In the eighties there were already plans to control whole populations chemically by injecting pacifying drugs into the drinking water. Perhaps the amount of drugs needed for such control and the risk of fallout may have prevented this from happening. But if there are other methods which are invisible and as effective those would be tried and experimented by the unscrupulous.

In countries like USA there are vigilant activists working against such threats and there is also an internet community keeping watch over the developments in the field. Their efforts are met with derision both from the Government and the ignorant. People are often deluded by the amount of information that is available in the world today. What they amass is not knowledge but mere information and information is the servant of those who own it. They can color it in any manner they want. When the visual as well as the print media is fighting for their existence compromises are likely to be made, especially in areas where they also have an interest. If voice to skull could be modified to suit ordinary radio/TV transmissions none would be more delighted than those who control these media now.

Internet, because of its nature seems to be the only solace for the wise at present; all the other systems of communication have failed people miserably.

Well, whatever may be the current stature of this technology; it would be wise to be wary of external suggestions occurring seemingly out of nowhere within the mind from now onwards

Monday, April 14, 2008

The sighting

Every year I visit my ancestral home at the time of our new year. It comes in April. This year was no different. I went there with my wife. My mother likes to have us with her at such times. At the dawn of the first day of the New Year she wakes us all up and ushers us to the place where she has prepared a beautiful yearly “sight” for us to view. Every home does likewise. It is an annual ceremony at the dawn of New Year. We are required to keep our eyes closed till we have seen the “sight”. It is usually set in the place of worship that we have at every home. Things which are considered the symbols of prosperity would be arranged for you to view. The effort is to convey an idea of prosperity for the coming year. We take it very seriously and religiously believe that viewing it would bring good luck and prosperity for the whole year.

But this year at my ancestral home was interesting otherwise too. All the three days of our stay was “blessed” with the visit of the lords of the earth the Cobras. They would come to our courtyard and lay there till some one of spots them and would stay and shower us with their blessings by spreading their hoods and then would slowly depart. It was a wonderful sight to see. One of them was very cute. It was a small cobra. It had wonderful spots on it and when it spread its hood it appeared like a bird spreading its wings. We have a place for worshipping the snakes at one corner of the plot in which the house stands and my mother lights a lamp to them every day. So she was worried by the appearance of the powerful snakes. She says that they would not show themselves unless there is something amiss, either to their interests or for us.

It must seem strange to some that snakes are assigned godlike qualities like this. But we believe that these snakes are not the ordinary snakes we see generally. These are the manifestations of the powers of earth and show themselves only when something goes wrong. None may believe it but these snakes, though they outwardly appear as any other snakes are unusually small in size and has an ethereal quality to them when they are seen by us. They do not instill fear in us and often appears very cute and attractive. Some of them opens their hoods without any threats being visible in the surroundings and keeps like that for hours on end.

Though I have heard of the stories of these snakes as long as I remember, I have never seen them like this before. I have seen snakes in the zoo and snake parks and even in the wild but always at a distance and as a spectator. But this was different; these snakes came quite close to us and were in the least afraid or malevolent. Their purpose seemed to be making themselves visible to us, and nothing other than that. They came every day on these three days and my mother used to talk them and offer that their interests would be taken care of and the necessary purification would be done to their place of worship if by some way it was defiled. They appeared to listen to what my mother said and wait patiently till the words are over and then slowly depart.

I know that the snakes have no ears and they can’t hear us. But there are facts stranger than fiction, this was one of them. I always had a soft spot for the nature’s children in whatever condition they are seen. Well perhaps this weakness has influenced me in writing this article, I may have added colors that was not there and was purely imaginary. But I really do not think so, I believe that I was witness to something strange and there is something in what is transferred to us by our ancestors by way of myths and sayings.

There may be several explanations to what I witnessed, but I still choose to believe in what the superstitious say.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yoga- the dravidian descent

Even after the advent of Aryans with their multi-purpose divinities the practice of Yoga did not disappear completely from India. Time and again there was a resurgence of yoga. The Buddhist philosophy is indebted to the Samkya system to a great deal.Later day Budhism resorted to yoga, especially to Tantra yoga to a great extent.Though this could be considered as a fall as far as the Bhudhist ideal is concerned, it nevertheless emphasizes the fact that Dravidian influence retained its hold on the populace, even during the fierce onslaught of Aryanism.It had to submerge
Again after the Buddhist period for some time. Intellectually sharp adversaries like Sankaracharya had emerged and with the added stength of the invincibility of Vedas treated the Dravidian heritage with contempt.

Then again during the middle ages yoga in another form surfaced.Hatha yoga was the basest form of yoga of all.It turned away from the exalted ideal of rediscovering ones real self to the enhancing of the capabilities of the outer vehicle of consciousness-the body and the subtle blue-print from which, supposedly,the outer shell of the human being is created.This ,whatever its advocates say, was really a lopsided effort to enhance the life span by a system of body conditioning.Granted that any practice of yoga needs a minimum level of physical well being, but that is supposed to be the outer limb of yoga as was stated by Pathanjali In his famous aphorisms.To make it an end in itself defeats the grand aim with which the system was devised.It is said that Hatha Yoga is attempting to do this.
Yet all these different methods of yoga is supposed to have originated from Siva himself.There are innumerable instances in the Tantra literature where Siva is called the disguiser of truth.Siva is said have been responsible for concealing truth by creating a multiplicity of gods and forms of worship. Why this was so has never been explained.
This constant mention of Siva in connection with all the literature in India brings another aspect of the god head before us. Disguise is only possible were there is diversity.Thus siva operates in everyone, making life complicated.This aspect of Siva is not the all encompassing one of which we were concerned about before-hand.This is more in the line of Jiva, the individual consciousness.
Thus the myth of Siva operates in both ways.As the cause of everything and as individual specimen of conscious action.This grants enough ground for ascribing any special property to siva.On a very limited scale Siva could be considered as one with consciosness. This defenition provides many advantages.The most important being the lucidity accorded to the subject matter.The term consciousness is familiar to us.May be not in the same sense as it was used in the old Texts.Not in the sense of Jiva the individual soul.In the modern meterialist context consciousness is a by product of the evolution of nature.Meterialism is thus monistic in its present day formulation.To the ancients especially Kapila, consciousness (in its limited sense of course) is inherently separate.It is a whole entity by itself.And what is more the Samkya philosophers goes further by stating that consciousness is not single but many, and has been so from the beginning itself.this is a very useful tool to comprehend some of the older texts as well as their theorems
However, we cannot ascribe the conception of Siva entirely to the philosophical foundation of reality of the ancient Indians.Because the samkhyans did not propound a theory of godhead. Their view contained many entities acting in isolation to each other.The vaiseshika and Nyaya Schools also decried the belief in god head .The Mimaamsakas laid emphasis on action rather than the ultimate entity.Pathanjali and Badarayana,also did not stress the primariness of a single mover of the universe.Later day commentators on the Vedanta theory of Badarayana were mostly in favour of the concept of godhead.This appears to be a deviation rather than progress in the evolution of the thought process.
But the cult of Siva and Devi seems to be of primordial origin in the land.This aspect of belief appear to be a motive force for all the people in the subcontinent as far as the individual worship is concerned.According to the Anthrapologists the cult of the Mother Goddess is the natural evolution 9in the human cultural process.It is intimately connected with female physiological properties like menstruation and conception.The outer portions of the human generative organs acts as motifs of fertility and creativity.The physical acts corresponding to the universal acts of creation are symbolized This may have emanated from either a crude attempt at super imposing the most familiar aspects of human life on nature by way of comparison.Or by lucid deductive logic,by arriving at the process of distribution of energy in the universe. The belief that human progress is always in a linear form may not be taken for granted.This stems from our experience in the past few millenniums.But as is evident,human beings existed on the face of the earth for tens of thousands of years prior to that.Cultures more advanced than the present one may have been wiped out by natural calamities.If the story of the civilization of the Atlantis has any truth in it,our advances lays far behind them in many spheres.Their experiments did not concern the physical aspect of human life alone.By surpassing the physical realm they are said to have discovered the hidden truths behind life. If such is the case, the belief in our own unimpeachable status as the only progressive civilization which have made inroads into nature would hardly hold water.In this background the old and existing sects could be a true or erroneous representation of the beliefs which were in vogue at one timeAnd in this sense the percept of Samkya’s that “nothing comes out of nothing” is believable.Every idea man now has is not new and pristine.They could have been in existence all along.They are being re-disvovered anew by man.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Year

Vishu is back again. Oh by the way, it’s our New Year. No, we do not give much importance to such things. We are too wise for that.

Vishu indeed, a bloody remnant of depressive times when we had to wait a full year for one day of enjoyment! Man that is in the past. We are a prosperous country now. We don’t need such festivities to remind us that we exist.

By the way we do exist, though the first world (Hmm) does not recognize us for what we really are, an emerging superpower! Guy’s you’d better take us seriously. We are going to shake the world up, though we do not yet know how.

We still light up the crackers at Vishu. Perhaps it is the only thing we do on a Vishu now. Any one with or without licence could have made a few fire crackers till recently, all that is changed now. We do not give permission to all and sundry to make such dangerous things now. We had been taught a good lesson, there have been a few deaths by such explosions, we had to investigate those things and all has not been well. You know, the disclosures, they have hurt us real bad. Better have some legislation than have legislators who have a penchant of surfacing with guilty connections at every such investigation.

Yeah we are progressing, but at a price too. We just can not keep anything secret now what with the press and the inquisitive visual media. In the golden era of post independence there had been no bloody press to rattle us every now and then. We managed to declare an emergency too without any cause what so ever. The media was co operative then. Now they have no patriotism, they are after the available bucks in the market, the damn blood suckers.

You see we have problems; we can’t celebrate Vishu or such festivals because of these.

Well let us hope that we can find something to celebrate without being troubled by the point of that!

Hard facts

The last article was a bit depressing. That was but natural; the theme was rather weird. No one would like to believe that our life is that bad. Well there are different phases and faces to life, like we all know. Some of them are quite dumb even if we cleverly conceal them behind the fine drapery of silky substance that we weave out of our mind. But there are stark realities too. Even in the background of shattering woes we go on building our personal nest of contentment and partial revelations.

That is what we normally do. But there is a substratum to life which is not all that enriching to know. That might shock some who are not familiar with them. The presence of such elements in our midst goes un-noticed by people who do not have to involve directly with them in their life. The middle class is mostly shielded from them and is often jolted when it accidentally comes into contact with them. I believe that the middle class is lucky in that sense. They are the creators of culture; they propagate ideas and are always in the forefront of everything that is happening anywhere in the world. But mostly they live in protected environments. I am not saying that they do not have their troubles, they do and some of them are terrifying at that. But mostly they do not have to deal directly with physical realities in the sense some of the poor do. And they do not venture so high up in the air for the fear of tumbling down, and landing rough on the ground.

Yet there are truly devastating facts around them. I too belong to the middle class. In a poor country like ours, the disparity between the various economic classes are so clearly outlined that they are some times frightening to look at. Some would not believe the depths of poverty in which some of the poor live in this country, neglected by society and the government.

There is a scheme to “uplift” the aboriginal people of the land to the main stream of society. Billions of bucks have been spent on them and they are still remaining as poor as they were ever before, perhaps they are poorer than they were previously. Some of these innocents have been uprooted from their natural habitat and planted elsewhere. They were then ignored. Well no, I am not an advocate of the theory of returning to nature that would be tantamount to disregarding every thing we have now as a result of combined human effort. But these poor devils had lived out of what they dug out of the forest land till now. Now they do not have even that. The guys who brought them to the new place have conveniently left them there and seem to have forgotten all about them.

A senior level officer of the government wondered where the money went after it’s been distributed. In one such scheme, around one thousand tribal families were consistently “helped” over the last half century or so. He calculated that if the money was directly distributed to them all the families would have been millionaires by now. You can imagine the deception to which these humble beings are subjected too.

These are some of the hard facts which remain within, when one dares to take a look around, considered in the back ground of such incidents one’s boredom with life pales into insignificance.

But such juxtapositions do not really happen do they? We would not like to set such precedents if we can help it.

Well that is how life is!

Friday, April 4, 2008


I could not find it in me to post anything for today. So I thought of posting a fragment I wrote on the spur of the moment. The effort was to portray the vacuum inside the protagonist, being thrown back at him by the external and internal environment. Tall words, I know! Hardly justifiable by the effort, yet, here it is, for better or for worse.

“ ……so it was an ordinary evening, Quite lame, quite dull, without any purpose whatsoever, an evening patented by the listless, the tired and the bored, an evening full of non-events, where everything looks dreary and copied.

He too had no special intentions. Just walk on until he was tired-out, until it gets dark and the lights come on.

In spite of his resolution to do so, there was a change of plans.

Now he sat on a bench in the Marine drive. The sea seemed distant, not immediate, though very near. The roar of the waves was muted by the noises from the city. With some amount of expectation he had looked at the horizon to see the play of colours. However, the sky appeared bleak, displaying some grey and brown brush strokes distributed thickly at the edges.

He was not disappointed, for such things are to be expected on such a day. As he turned away from the sea, he felt slightly disturbed. As if some thing was intruding into his consciousness, something alien, and antagonistic. He searched the neighborhood to locate the cause. Usually these originate from the human element, eyes being the most obvious irritant, nevertheless, all who were around seemed wholly engaged in their own activities, none paying any attention to others.

However, he soon regained composure. I am being neurotic; there are no spying eyes around. Even if there is, it should be natural. People are inquisitive, curious to learn some thing from their surroundings. They would look, listen and murmur. There is nothing strange or mysterious in it.

In his turn, he now began to look at the people around him, searching for something amusing, interesting, in them. Once again, he was not disappointed, for he only found a mass of faces, which were blank and emotionless, just as the evening was. He hoped some of them would smile at least, to one another. Perhaps there is nothing to be happy about in such an evening.

Feeling fed up, he now stood up, undecided which way to move. …….”

Jelly bones

It was John Mc enroe who remarked at Wimbledon that the grass was for cows.

Well it seems that the Indian cows are not very fond of grass at all. Yesterday the head cow of the Indian cricket team was delighted when he saw a patch of grass on the ground and probably thinking his herd would like to graze on it sent his boys in to bat. Well the grass must have been heavily toxic, for they turned up their noses at it and promptly departed. They scored heavily with their opponents. One opponent in particular, Stanes was delighted with the top notch performance of Indians. He reaped a mere five wickets for a few runs and fewer deliveries!

He was kind to remark that the Indians took fright after a few wickets fell and buckled under the pressure exerted by his team. He was also felt delighted with the Indian under preparedness. His team of course was well prepared and had done their home work. How fate changes, for it was the other day that Mr. Kumble the Indian captain had demanded a sporting wicket to play on. He was sure that if such a wicket was provided his team would produce a win…..

- For the other team of course!

He was cautious not to let it out just like that. What he was after was a good wicket where a result could be had! The grounds men at the new ground took his cue and produced a green wicket as if by magic. It ended in a fiasco, as could be expected from this team of jelly hearted hero’s.

The Indian team management must have been hopping mad. They decided to hand over the ball to the opponents on a green top. With speedsters smarting under the useless Madras wicket like Stane and N Tini the South Africans tore the fragile Indian batting down. It was over before it began. The Indians played a sort of Twenty 20 match. Their whole innings was over in 20 overs. This had not happened ever since the Indians entered in the Test arena. Well there is a first time for everything is not there? They scored a mammoth 72. Man if you really knew how difficult it was to make runs on a green top! We had to sweat blood to make as many!

Well the South Africans had done their sweating back at home and in Bangladesh. They mauled the Indian attack without mercy. They have now amassed a lead of 412 run lead in the first innings, enough to ensure a win for their team unless the Indians pull up something out of the ordinary. That is in the realm of the dreams. Never in the history of an Indian team has such impossibilities happened.

I am not disappointed, no, none of us are, for we know this team, well fed, well looked after, pampered and idolized by the masses, earning billions in return for the shoddy performances they come up with every alternate game they find themselves in……. We still go gaga when these invertebrates put up some resistance to a tough team, for what else have we to eulogize than this cowardly bunch that represent our land! We have seen this happen hundreds of times, but being what we are, a nation infected by the epidemic of Cricket we soon forget all that and rave about the few hurrahs that we have had.

I feel sorry for all the cricket fanatics that we have at present and we have ever had. We have always been cheated by our national team. Expect the worst guys
(to the live ones of course)…and do not ever imagine that things would ever change, we are assured of many such heart breaks in future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Mr. X is not a friend of mine, we have so very damn different perspectives on life, but he is colleague, and he is about to retire. In the government business retirement is a tricky affair. The amount of paper work is huge. They have to be done right, other wise the poor slob would have to leg it around to various offices after his active service is over. And that is pure hell in this blessed country, for, the moment one retires one’s value dramatically diminishes among the still working. I do not know why it should be like that, but that is the case.

I am in charge of his papers and though I do not like the guy myself I have to do it right. The man has done several things to get under my skin in the years I have worked with him and he is a little doubtful about my interest in his case. Yet he is as evil in his approach to me as ever he was. I can guess why. The poor man is small time leader of a service organization and is looking for an opportunity to rub it in. I do not mind that, for I know him inside out. Like all small time freaks he has a big opinion of himself and he derives great pleasure in showing it off.

The panic of retirement has not yet stuck in.

What irked me when I was going through his papers was the dissembling that went into making him an officer. He belongs to a converted community, or at least I gather as much from his papers. He had given a different community name and has marked his descent from a tribal clan. He was quite shameless in admitting that the thing was done to get him the benefit of reservation in the selections to the services. Now the deception was a quarter century old, and there is nothing to be done about it.

I got through the paper work with a very uncomfortable feeling. I have no ill will towards the guy as such, being aware of his financial position. But yet a bad taste lingered.