Thursday, January 22, 2009

Going for your inner vehicles

I am interested in strange technologies that target human mind. Some of these could be mere figments of imagination. Some on the other hand are real and extremely dangerous like the microwave and electromagnetic devises that aim to maim the mind and take away our freedom. Though enough evidences already exist, the vested interests have kept these developments under cover and have tried to deny their existence completely by disinformation campaigns.

You see it is through our ignorance that they harness their power to rule us!
The effectiveness influencing our minds through overt and covert suggestions can never be underestimated. Have any one noticed how the US Presidents in a good percentage of the Television dramas from the US appeared black in the recent times? This is an example of overt messages that you can plant in human minds to alter or affect the thinking of the people. Some might say that it was a need of the times and the people were ready for a change and the media was just reflecting the mood of the people. But honestly it is not as easy as that is it. A little thought would convince you of it.

I am not saying this is a bad instance of the method of influencing people by the force of the media. This was a nice example. It created a climate for a marvelous change and whether there was an intelligent effort to make it possible or not is not important in that regard. But this should open our eyes to the real power exerted by such instruments of mass communication.

Anyhow what I am interested here is another quaint aspect of the research into the “unknown”. The Microleptonic field. This is the bio energy field that the Soviet scientists used to speak of before their sate fell. It seems that there has been some considerable research into this around the seventies in the USSR. The Micro leptons are said to be superlight weakly interacting particles which are 5-12 orders lighter than electrons.

Well the interesting thing is that these are the material with which our “Aura” is built. Now don’t run away. Human aura is not something mystical as the ‘very intelligent’ may believe. Hold your hands against a white background. You will see a faint out line just outside the fingers and palm. It’s no optical illusion. Its part of your bio energy field and it exists. You do not need a kirlian camera to make sure that you have a bio energy field.

The soviet scientists believed that microleptic radiation was emitted by everything and especially living things. They had also developed an apparatus called the photoleptonic apparatus to see these emissions by converting them into light. These energies were believed to be harmless till it was found that ‘metallurgical furnaces’ (It is not clear what is meant by this expression. I could not clarify it anyway) emit harmful radiation which affects humans in different ways.

They found 5 stages of effects of harmful microleptic radiation depending on intensity of radiation. In the first stage the subject seemed to have lost interest in the surroundings, and became irresistibly weak and tired. Logical activity of the brain was affected in the second stage. In the Third stage the subjects lost orientation inside the lab. When the forth stage was reached the diseased organs in the body began to fail. The Fifth stage probably was not pursued by the scientists……
Though they saw that machines beaming such energies could be built to harm humans they also perceived great potential for it in the field of study of telekinesis, invisibility, levitation and influencing nature.

The darker part of the revelation was that there were people working on the fourth stage of the effects of the radiation on humans. You can imagine what the purpose behind the efforts actually was. If this was the case in the seventies in the last century I can’t envisage where it is now and if the research is still going on in the field.

Well most technologies get misused in our world. If it exists now it could also get into the hands of the enemies of humanity.

They have not wholly disappeared from the face of the earth have they? They can’t even be called the human leprechauns.

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