Saturday, January 24, 2009


Was he stinking that bad? No no he was attired in the best of cloths. He was scented and powdered. He had the best of manners. But that is not it, is it? There is something beyond appearances. Something which is discernible to the mind when you are dealing with a fellow human being. Something you gather from your experiences even if involuntarily that tells you the real story.

I was never interested in this strange being from the very first. He has very few thoughts on finer things of life other than that which went to polish his outer self. The absence of the inner being has left a gaping vacuum in his character. This is not obvious to the general public. People go by appearances. When they see a presentable façade they tend to believe that what is within has the same kind of finesse.

This sad specimen of humanity has a way of taking everything for granted. Though his moral level is that of the lowest scum that was ever born on the face of the earth he normally exhibits it as something unbelievably unique and likable. It sends the shivers into me. I have seen morally depraved characters, those without a conscience. But this one could have been a Penzaram if the circumstances were favorable, without the saving grace of keeping the promises.

He would commit any crimes with impunity; go to any lengths in moral depravity. It was a sorry day when I set my eyes on him. From his looks you would never guess to the extend that he has sunken. Though I was not taken in by his poses I had thought him as a normal human being and not as a monster in human form which he soon proved to be from the words that he let pass and reports of his colleagues and acquaintances. I was never very observant in that regard.

I had the extreme ill luck to meet this depraved character today and it has completely ruined my day. No amount of washing has taken the stench off me. I am still revolted and disgusted. It’s as if something slimy and terribly heinous has touched my soul. I feel defiled and filthy. I don’t think that I would ever get rid of the stench in this life.

No I do not claim to be so pure that the whole heaven would stand up and worship me when it sees me. Honestly to such a man creatures of this sort would not be a problem at all. I believe that in a certain stage of my life when I knew one or two things about life I also could have withstood such as him, for depravity as well as finesse seemed senseless to me then. But that is a different path and can not be followed by those battling in the normal world. Here one need to discern what is acceptable and healthy and what is not.

This deadly soul (for want of a better word) can not be accepted under any circumstances. He is sum total of what is ill and destructive in the world.

Interestingly he seemed to be on intimate terms with my inane colleagues and may be that is no wonder at all. It is a case of blood recognizing blood. These evil specimens have the same preferences in life. Well I would not categorize my in-office enemies in the same cadre of this monstrosity. They have a lot of ground to cover. They probably do not know what the thing is. But they have certainly shown promise in that line. May be with his guidance they would become even willing to sell their kids (He is very partial in that regard it is heard) as well that is if they have not already done so.

Well all types of people go to make a world. It seems we have to suffer these obscenities silently. There was a poet in our land who wrote the most ticklish sort of poetry ever. To all appearances he should have been the nicest individual around. Yet he modeled himself on Byron it seems, in his personal life. Not poetry-wise but lifestyle-wise. He once said that he had sex with a serpent. I leave the details to your imagination.

This guy could go one better and do it with the worm itself yet he would be partial to his own child in such matters.

It’s all about ‘good parenting’ you know.

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