Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Now life is what we call unpredictable. No, no, not unprintable as some believe. There are such bits too in it. Even De Sade found them hard to print. Or the forgetfulness on the part of Mrs. De Sade made it appear so. At one time people went for the curious and printed everything that is remarkable in life. Once embedded they lost the curio.

Yet there are still capricious things in life. Sometimes we think of one thing and something else invariably happens. Man and brother (let us exclude women, they are the most capricious of all. I go in their dread) that is the most outrageous of all.

Normally we don’t take kindly to it. We have our pride mind you……

And we say ‘crap’ like billions out there in the world, the world reverberates with the din, still our friend the God does not utter a single syllable. Strangely there has not been a recent incident where the guy has enunciated a word.

Why not say something like “There is no use in peace” or things like that. It might keep the people happy you know. Are the politicians better than this dude who made the world?

Remember he is the one who was with the word from the start or was it the other way round was the word was with God. Anyway some one was with somebody for sure. But both seem to be very reticent now for whatever reasons.
Certain of us seem to have got the wind of it.

There was even one guy who asked us to listen to the inner silence! Dear Satano’s what has the world come to?
Tell us, how can we listen to the bloody silence? Isn’t it an oxymoron?

The guy also seems to claim that he is God a la Nietzsche’s superman. It is not clear whether it is a la Christopher Reeves or a la Jeeves. There seems to have been some doubt whether Jeeves was a Nazi too.

Anyway if Nietzsche was not a Nazi he created the philosophy for it. Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Now coming back to this guy who is all for silence, what right has he to advice the rest of the world to be so.

The sheer audacity of it all. Not that there is some one called God; that we are sure of. Voltaire has proven otherwise. But that is not here or there. Even if the fellow is a figment of imagination it would not harm if we show some respect.

Well as an aside we also would like to be God would we not? It’s the most pleasurable of all occupations. You don’t have to do anything; you just sit there and keep your silence. C’mon what can God do other than play marbles with his aides in heaven. Do you think that he doesn’t realize the ‘complex” world he had created is not easy to manage?
Give the God a modicum of intelligence my friends. He is God after all. He did create us all in a fit of forgetfulness. Well he was not to blame. He had not taken his medication on that day, and every one knows what happens when that happens.

‘The poor chap’ as the English would say.

Well as you can see we have arrived at the conclusion that the world is unpredictable and God is highly predictable in the sense that he is not likely to utter a single syllable now by way of deductive logic. Don’t ask me where the deduction is. There could be some such thing somewhere. You can find it for yourself can’t you?

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