Gawd, how tired I was yesterday! It’s a bitch driving in the rain to the office and back. Oh, I like the fooking rain alright; it’s not that, my monsoon beauty was not the real culprit in this case.
I like her in and out. I even liked that character “storm” in X files, Halley Berry enacting it notwithstanding.
(She is stunning by the way, a pretty unglamorous role for a mighty glamorous cat!)
Anyway, the real criminal(s) were the roads and the gods who make roads.
You know, stupidity comes in many guises. One guise is that of the idiots who digs up the roads in the monsoons in this land. I just can’t imagine what they get out of it other than the sadistic pleasure of seeing people jumping and hopping in their vehicles as if riding on top of a camel without a saddle through a deadly terrain.
Long stretches of National Highways are thus dug up and packed with boulders and rocks the size of a footballs. It’s not even rolled in to the ground. There is some kind of sports where people take bikes over barrels and boulders and what not. To be honest any of us could compete in that sport and be not laughed at.
We have been doing it for ages.
-Once a girl from north told me that those who drive any kind of vehicles on these roads can do anything on any stretches.
Stretches my god, she used to stretch a lot in front of me, showing armpits and the novelty that was her navel. I was pretty stressed out during that time; she used to sit damn close to me on my bike.
It sent shivers up my spine. I was barely a hermit then. Talk about a head catching fire and the fire force not being around!
Man, she had laid it pretty thick on me then. Oh, that is another matter anyway.
Well after the terrible hip-hop on our roads on this day I got home tired like a chipmunk after coitus. I am not joking, I watched one poor little guy of the species sliding off in a faint after the act back in my younger days. Its eyes drooped and limbs became like melting wax. Anyhow let us leave that one alone too.
Well after reaching home more dead than alive, I was sipping some scalding tea and munching crisp potato chips and was dreaming about writing something. I only dream of writing, not about its subject. It will come somehow.
In any case there I was sitting peacefully at home trying to be happy and then my dear girl rushes in with the news that our neighbor lady fell into a well. Well I dragged myself there and there she was in the well face up fully conscious and holding on to the hose of the motor and its attaching nylon rope. It was evident that it was a suicide attempt (The dame was disturbed).

There was a regular commotion out there, people were rushing in and out of the area with ropes and chairs and what not and was trying to go down the well to rescue her. Being idiotic as always I advised them not to do that and wait for the fire force that was called for. The mouth of the well was half sealed in concrete and the walls were steep and moss covered. It was a deep well. To my mind any bungling attempt would put her life as well as the others lives in danger.
It was the most unpopular opinion there and there was black looks and hostile comments all round. When they were going down the well I left. I was tired and was not in a mood to witness a farce. Of course the guys could not get her even half up. She was heavy and in that particular well it called for expertise. The fire force came and took her out immediately and rushed her to a nearby hospital. She is recovering now.
The strange fact is that no one was at home when she did it. Her husband was away visiting his folks somewhere distant and her younger girl did not care to look for her when she was nowhere to be found. She must have lain in the well for some time.
Nice folks, and with the kind of excited and interesting people around in the neighborhood it’s a wonder she is still alive!
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