“I am tired, I need rest”
(A man we know back in this land.)
Of course, we know that you are tired; we know that you need rest. And let me tell you, it’s not a physical tiredness, it’s not a mental or intellectual tiredness, it’s a spiritual tiredness. It’s a tiredness resulting from seeing the fruitlessness of upholding a stance, trying to live up to those ideals that are fast being overwritten, annulled and put aside.
Some of us would say that you are sadly out of tune with the times.
But you did well. You stood fast to those things that you believed in even when others were shouting for your head. It’s not a little matter, it’s not a silly matter, it was gutsy and nice and we respect you for that.
You took on an iron structure and escaped comparatively unscathed. If that is not heroic, what is?
You see, we have very few real heroes nowadays, we only have hyenas prowling in the dark, we have been reduced to such a pass that we were even cheering the hyenas if they come out in the day.
We had lost heart.
Do you know, we don’t need supermen anymore, we only need people who exhibit a semblance of integrity, who tries to stay with what they think at least till it is proved otherwise?
It is not much to expect is it?
But sadly we can’t find many who do that. That is our predicament; it’s the dilemma that we face in this most lighted up of all dark ages.
We have been cheated and taken for a ride by those we trusted in for ever so long that we sometimes forget to clap when we see someone otherwise. We no longer know what is right and what is wrong. We have seen right proved wrong and wrong proved right so many times.
So we wonder when we someone say “This is right’ and hold fast to that.
Some of us call it obstinacy.
We have been taught so by our peers and elders. We call total looseness flexibility now; we have discovered new meanings for words, in fact we are regularly inventing expressions to cheat ourselves out of any meaning that may find hidden in them.
-So that we can call ‘black’ white and the ‘day’ night.
We are whiling away our time like that.
But remain with us for a while anyway, we may reform, we can’t rule out anything can we?
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