In the land of shadows we hate light, we worship darkness.
It’s in our nature, we are vampires, and our code says it in black and white.
Day light is death, only those who seek death shall seek the light of day.
It’s a secret doctrine, not many know of it. We have kept it under cover. But there are those who prefer light among our subjects.
They are our food supply. We can’t have them agitated, so we supply them with synthetic lighting and they seem happy.
But we are fearful. There may come a day when some would realize the truth.
Our ideologues are trying to devise a method to overcome that.
As an initial induction, we have tried to erase the mention of darkness from our annals.
There is no darkness, we say, there is only the brilliance of light all the year round.
Those who seek darkness would not find it in our kingdom.
We are the only fully illumined environment in the universe. Those who see darkness anywhere in it is subject to an optical illusion. (We take them out for treatment and naturally drain them of their blood.)
Or they are the trouble makers. (Our treatment of them could be guessed)
Or they are after power. (We question them before draining them).
These are only the initial steps. Our guys are working on something better.
In the mean while we are keeping our fingers crossed.
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