I have often laughed at my adversaries for seeking assistance from Kuttichathan’s and such supernatural forces. No doubt it was a little hard for my very few readers to latch on to what I was talking about in there.
Well I have at last taken pity on them and am about to reveal certain very ‘secret’ information about Chathanism here. These have never been revealed before and if you miss this post you would never come to learn about it!
So be on your toes!
Well are there such things in the world, and if there are, are they dangerous?
-What do you think, are they?
Let us examine what they are first.
Never doubt it for a moment that they are real (wink), in the sense that your thoughts are real, you don’t perceive your thoughts do you, but all the same you are sure of their reality.
(My muse says that some do perceive thoughts nevertheless and she is right, I used to perceive them in my father’s face even before he started to speak once. No judge would look more condemning than him at those moments. Where do they come from you may ask, the thoughts I mean, well it seems that I had triggered them off in those instances. A pretty straight forward case don’t you think?)
Anyway back to serious discussion. Kuttichathans are thought forms and they are very real, you might think that I am dabbling in the supernatural here, but let it be made very clear from the very start, there is nothing, and I emphasize it, there is nothing supernatural in the world. All phenomena that you come across are natural and physical.
-Only that there are levels to it that we often fail to realize (Man, don’t we know that feeling now!)
Well, didn’t once people think that Praná or life force is a mere figment of imagination of some mystics, then the late USSR scientists came up with the theory of Bio energy, though it is not the same as Praná it gives you an idea what it is in a very basic form. (Some say that it led to the downfall of the Soviet empire, there was too much bio energy around it seems….)
Any way the power of thought and its property to create material phenomena was known to all the people in the world, especially people who dabbled with the psychical phenomena. But it’s not a part of modern science as yet (may be it should be made so).
There have been a few experiments in clairvoyance and remote viewing etc which had turned in some results. We know of instances of telepathy though it has not been proved conclusively. (I leave it to you to think of an instance in this case)
But why are these not proven like that?
My very secret information is that, it has to be so because the world is full of people who are after power and control, if any of them gets wind that there are such things around they would start trying them out and bring their own and others downfall. What I say would look lame and stupid to certain kinds of minds, you need to experience and learn about these things to be sure of them! So pray for such things to happen to you.
Let us jump into the cauldron now.
The term Kuttichathan is made up of two words in my language. ‘Kutti’ and ‘chathan’ . But you guessed as much by now did you not? In case you haven’t here is the full dope. The word Kutti means “little” and the word Chathan is a derivative of shaitan of the Arabic or of Satan in a more anglicanised version. The meaning is clear isn’t it? These are ‘little satans’ and the name is appropriate as they are thought to be evil entities which are mainly used to harm people.
How do they harm people?
Well they are sent with harmful intent towards people to kill, maim, complicate things, and generally ‘despatch ‘ them.
Do they do that?
I don’t know if I have mentioned this before, once some dignitaries in my land called a shape shifter before them. Shape shifters in this land assume frightening shapes and appear before their prey in the night to dispose them off by frightening them to death.
Our guys asked.
What if you can’t kill him like that?
The shape shifter sheepishly admitted.
Well sirs, then we need to apply some arm pressure on them.
Meaning of course, strangling them.
These were the erstwhile ‘exterminators” of this land, but they don’t ply their trade now, more sophisticated methods have been invented for the purpose it seems.
Anyway thoughts and magic might not always work, do they?
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