I am not as lazy as all that and I do go to other blogs sometimes, more accidentally than intentionally. I thought these guys would be the unbeatable kind, the best in the business, the ones who have their wits about them , the ones writing about the most abstruse and intellectual of all subjects- in fact I picked such blogs to go through.- the intellectual blogs, the ones where they discusses the world.
I wouldn’t be naming no names, Devil forbid (Currently he is in charge of these regions as per the astral records).
Guys I am disappointed, I am sad and almost into crying, I may not be an intellectual at all, but your blogs made me into one and I am angry about it, at least I had to develop the acumen to call a spade a spade, to call out to the kings that they are parading in the nude.
The terror and fear I had to go through before my baptism into intellectuality. It shook the balls off me.
You have made me come out very plain. I am ever the nice man, the one who cares for the weak, but your mental weakness had a desultory effect on me.
I am totally shattered.
Oh, boy……..
You see, being dumb is no sin, being thought dumb is still less sin, being dumb and thinking yourself dumb is the least sin of all and to tell you the truth being dumb and imagining yourself intelligent is entirely no sin in the whole unimaginable universe.
Yet being intelligent and calling yourself intelligent is SIN, nay it’s S I N in capital letters with double spaces between every letter. It is unpardonable, it’s the worst kind of idiocy that there is.
I need to be brutal here.
You are totally, completely, wholly, and utterly off dudes, if you can’t catch the reference, let me be more specific, the shit that you write, it’s totally gross. I would not call you duds though, you need to have a brain for that, there is no use in targeting something which doesn’t exist.
May be I am the only person aware of this out there in the internet at present; I could be the only wise one. I hope you wouldn’t post my profile with the caption “The only intelligent black mass in the internet, or the entire planet” now. Yet I am not talking about the indefatigable cunning that some characters exhibit to ruin the lives of others. We have them even here in this blessed of all countries.
You may create the biggest din in the universe about this, but ‘water with gas’ is ‘water with gas’, there is no point in calling it anything else. Forget the language, forget the style, forget the grammatical errors, none of your nonsense’s would come anywhere near mine. Not as nonsense mind you, but as real authentic musings on life.
That is the sad part.
I never expected it; I had thought my writing style was stilted, uninteresting and uninviting. But oh no, oh no, it appears to be the best in the world, it may lack in high sounding words, it may not say “peremptory castigation” and things like that. It might say ‘unmindful ridicule’ instead.
To tell you the truth I do not know the meaning of both the expressions. But anyway I am not going to put up banners on my ignorance, by the way you are. Good luck with it.
May be you are clawing on the wall by now. But wait I haven’t finished. I have something more to add.
Those were cruel words, those were uncharitable words, and those were nasty words. But again truth is truth, there is no gainsaying that. Just forget about the cliques involved in the blogging world; just think on the merit of the out put. Not one blog out there would stand up to mine. Take even the silliest of my posts; they shine like a beacon in a stormy sea.
Never mind that I have not been to the sea as yet, let alone find myself in a stormy sea, but believe in every word I just uttered.
They are not utter nonsense’s. They may not make sense immediately (What does for that matter?) They are about nascence, about being born again, and renascence, about being reborn. May be its even about renaissance, namely internal transformation or also about reformation, that is, restoration.
Did anyone expect that I can’t see even if I have ears, and I can’t hear even if I have eyes? Wrong, it’s the wrongestest thing anyone could look ahead to. I see everything little ones, I miss nothing, I may feign ignorance, but I am the light, nothing would shine in my absence.
Not even shenanigans.
This is not said out of elation, this is said out of disappointment.
I expected more from you guys. I was out to learn at your schools, I was out to begin afresh, to polish what I write in very easily understandable words and to stun the world with my profundity. Well now none of that is going to happen.
I may not know Einstein, but I know when I see a good thing, a good piece of literature, even if I do not write it. Let me tell you without mincing words- Yours are just hoogle boogle, whatever that is.
I am the unquestioned king of the nonsensical in the world by common consent. But even I feel dejected by the wares on exhibition out there in the world of blogs. Terrible stuff, terrible stuff. Not even a glimpse of insight, not even an iota of sense, most of them talks about papers that they are about to present. Man, they are not much better than some ‘papers’.
What the hell are they talking about; do any of them know them themselves? I doubt it, I doubt it very much.
(I think you have the sense to take none of this seriously, the fact is that you guys write sublimely and I am a little envious of the fact. There is the case of finding equilibrium or the homeostasis or the center, or whatever, isn’t there? I am trying to do just that. )
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