Hmm, I am displeased. I am hopping mad; I am going haywire over here! For the last hour or so I had been walking up and down in my room trying to understand the world. It’s a pretty tough business, there is no way you could understand it, it’s a programme which recreates itself and gets out of hand. It’s rumored that even the god does not understand it anymore. Good grief (can the grief be good? Well who is asking whom?)
He (the God) is currently on a vacation thinking things over and the inside information tells us that he is kicking himself for creating the wucking forld. I feel sorry for him too. I have also seen my creations getting out of bounds and turning against me. Well you can’t do anything about it. All creations are like that, they live their own life the moment they are produced and sent out into the world.
It’s a sad case.
My grievances are not minor anyway. It’s gargantuan in fact.
Who would have thought that my repository of jokes would yield more visitors than the great stuff I put out in my other two blogs! It has stumped me. You should see me now and the expression on my face. You would not need to watch any more funny stuff from that time onwards. Even I can’t stop laughing at my own expressions and you know that I am as serious a guy as ever lived.
What sort of a world is this where genuine crap is not appreciated while the crap dished out by others is taken up in no time? Is no world at all.
Well on serious reflection, I can’t blame them too. The stuff that I am currently dishing out in this blog is not the tastiest of all. It’s wicked and vindictive. It is aimed to hurt and maim and drive people up the walls, but not my dear good meaning visitors anyway. My ill luck is that I am a great genius caught up in a terrible war. This war robs me off every ounce of creativity and is making me do things that I would be otherwise ashamed of. The only consolation is that, there is nothing wrong in love and war.
If I was in love, I would go all out and do every stupid thing in the world to get her who I love. I would not mind if the whole world rises up against me. There are no half measures in these things. When you go out to war, you go out to war; you don’t go out half way and stand on the field thinking about philosophical points of views like Arjuna of Mahabharata.
It’s your stupid ass that at stake.
Not everyone has a Krishna to kick them awake and send them into war. I certainly have no one to do that. I am my own Siva and Krishna. I do not think when I am in a fray, I only react and rely on my instincts to save myself. If those instincts can’t save me, then nice manners are not going to save me either.
It’s a bloody field out there folks; it’s a deadly serious business. So there won’t be any apology on my part for whatever I do. It’s not a case of thinking realistically and acting wisely. There is no such thing in the world, no one work that way, none of the Alexander’s, Napoleons and Lenins and Lincoln’s did. None could do that. While you sit in a chair it is easy to spew philosophy without end, but when you are out to do something there is only will and determination to assist you.
Well though I am grieved that my other real blogs are not catching any one at present, I consoling myself that my genius would attract people to me once again.
Well life is nothing but hope is it not?
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