As is to be expected, things are hotting up inside the cowshed. The moment I landed insides today our trusted soldier starts off with a tirade targeting the current ‘miss universe’ in the set up. She takes up the cue pretty nicely and starts to shoot off her lovely mouth at the top of her stupid voice. Honestly, and I am saying this out of no malice, her voice is horrible. Admitted that she has some semblance of personal beauty, but that doesn’t excuse the hro hro voice.
Its insufferable, luckily she is given to adding regality to it and can’t keep up the strain for more than a few minutes. That saves us from tearing our ear drums for good.
Next appeared the ‘little vixen’, with the information that I am soon to use the ‘mobile phone’ in my counter attack - They play such tricks ensuring that they win both ways. If their innuendo’s can keep me from using the phone they escape my scathing tongue, if not they can claim that they predicted such an outcome and was ready for it.
Now I don’t normally use the cell phones. I hate them in fact. The one that I have with me now is an expensive one but I had not inserted any sim in it. But the recent hospital visits had made it necessary that I insert one. The sims are totally free in this land and my brother-in- law offered one of his temporarily. I think he has a dozen or so cards with him.
Well I had accepted and the card was still in the phone when the cowshed astrologers were predicting my future action. I was delighted to remember the fact and took the phone up immediately and let go. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
They had declared that they would take care of me by the end of the day. The imbeciles were pretty down when they left for home at the end of the day. Even the daily waged ninnies are raising high hopes of making me go on leave, ask for transfer, resign and what not. You could just imagine their total fear of me. If they had any semblance of morals they have discarded it all in the terrible game against me.
Now they are in constant communion with all the shoddy characters in the society. The kind of intimacy they have with deviants and goons and anti socials make me suspect that these are conducting something basically against their own country and against their society. Some of the gangs they are involved with have a history violence and terrorism.
The things that fear makes people do.
Well I have my hands pretty full now. Nothing sublime and generally useful is peeking out of my mind at present. It might go into a lull after some time. Till then my poor readers would have to do with the kind of stuff I supply now.
I hope you remember that the primary purpose of this blog is to spank my loveable foes soundly so that some sense enters their wooden skulls.
So bear with me.
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