There are rare specimens of humanity, so degraded that others would not dare touch them with a ten foot pole. I have the good luck to work with some of them. They wouldn’t mind to stoop down to anything, even pawning their dear and near to achieve their ends.
Harsh words you think? Well I haven’t expressed myself satisfactorily enough for my own liking. I shudder when I meet them; honestly I am revolted to my very core with them. It’s a fear people feel when they meet despicable types who is vile personified.
To those who have a modicum of decency such horrors among men are fear-inspiring. When I look at them I see the very abyss of humanity, the yawning depths of human depravity and treachery.
I fear for the rest of human race at those moments. When such specimens are around the case for humanity is lost. You can do anything, you can be rash, you can act vulgar even if needed, you can turn tantrums, you can call names, you can screech and explode, you can do any of these things, but you cannot dissemble. You need to stand forth and be true to yourself.
But this hateful bunch is otherwise, they have made an art out of dissembling.
To me that is the nadir of life.
Those who dissemble to dupe everyone into believing that they are truthful are not members of human community for me, they belong to some other race, no, not even to the animal race, animals don’t dissemble, they don’t cheat, they don’t take people for a ride without any cause other than to relish the filthiness in doing so.
This they practice on one and everyone.
Wouldn’t you be afraid of coming in contact with absolute filth? I unfortunately have to do that all the year round too.
I have never tried to hide my revulsion for them at anytime. Well does that aggravate them, oh no, they are pleased as hell with it. They think it’s some kind of an achievement. They think so high of their achievement that they even celebrate it all the year round.
I have been working with them for years and have not seen everything that they can do. Currently they are lying high and low about their lives and their colleague’s lives. You can’t take their words for true even when they are about to die. They would lie about anything and everything, even about illnesses of their colleagues. Only they know the benefits of that.
There is a lifelessness about their faces that’s utterly revolting.
Currently they are on a collection spree to help the ‘needy’ of their colleagues.
Actually, as can be guessed, they are the needy lot. They are trying to masquerade as benefactors of others in their gang in their absence and those it is intended for wouldn’t see the color of it at anytime.
Nice trick to make a few bucks isn’t it. They are getting fat on that too.
Others would puke even hearing about it, but not these. They would even gobble up the puke too, much too tasty to waste.
There is even a specialist of such practice in the gang.
He is seen admitting that he “is not interested in anything else”. He seems to be some sort of a deviant unfortunately. There could be others too.
What can one do but ‘respect’ them for their ‘contribution’ towards the human society.
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