I recently saw something about Aghori’s in Ripley's Believe It Or Not!. The footage intrigued me. I had heard of the sect before, but was never interested enough to look them up. On a whim I went through all the stuff in internet on them. Well……. what can I say, may be there is such a path to harness power too……….
You can have a look at it yourself; here is a video of what they do. But it’s a very disturbing one and you are warned. It might hit you hard on the head and might haunt you afterwards, so be very careful watching it.
(Aghori video)
Some may call it macabre, ghoulish, ghastly, gruesome, chilling and the like. I would not even dare to call it revolting, after all dead human flesh is like any other dead flesh we eat. Some of us do that on a daily basis don’t we? Okay, we don’t eat it uncooked normally, but our partiality and reverence for our genus is what makes us abhor human flesh. May be the Agori’s are right in saying that there is nothing sacred anywhere and all have the same value shorn off their trappings.
Yet I doubt whether it would really lead one towards truth……
In fact I am pretty certain that it wouldn’t. Power (even if you gain it by such out of the ordinary practices) presupposes powerlessness, both are inseparable, they are twins; one would not exist without the other. Hence it is apparent that there is no absolute power anywhere.
Absolute power is only possible in the back ground of absolute powerlessness and they would negate each other.
So the sect’s basic premise that they can become Siva by storing power is untenable. Siva, if viewed as consciousness, goes beyond the realm of the dual. Gaining power is one thing and becoming liberated is another thing altogether. You can become Mr. Universe or a head of state without being an ounce illumined in the process.
Some say there are three main ways to reach truth (with innumerable subsidiary paths), the satvik (pure) rajasik (energetic) and the Tamasic (mean), they also say that people are naturally inclined towards one of these because of their dominant guna (quality). May be they are right, but in the end the method they all resort is one and the same.
It has to be, there is no other way to truth at all, whether you do it on the top of a Shava ( dead body) or on Shiva ( on the trikut) alone, it’s all the same technique. May be certain people may require a strong jolt to awaken themselves, like sitting on a dead body and meditating.
In reality the body housing a non-illumined self is nothing other than a dead body. You don’t need to find one stinking and rotten to do meditation at all. If you can’t use your brains itself what is the use of eating someone else’s brains.
Anyway some have collected stories of meeting them in person, strange stuff but interesting though.
But to believe that the human flesh imbues one with certain powers is taking it a little too far. To those who see the world as it is everything is powerful, whether it is dead or not, or it can also be powerless. It’s all a point of view, in the end all powers are the product of the mind and are not produced by anything that you see around. There are other ways to harness power without resorting to such strange practices.
I am stunned, but it is also useful to know that there are such methods of search for truth too. It drives the point nicely home, there even such desperate practices to get at truth, though delusional……..
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