Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To my darling perps.

You inimitable, unbeatable and incorrigible clowns don’t make me do this to you. I have still some middle class morality left in me, though thanks to you it is getting eroded by the minute. Don’t make it disappear so completely that I have to reincarnate as the great grand dad of the very beast. That’s going to be filthy and unhealthy for every one concerned including your progeny. I know that the moment you see this you would start scampering over walls and wickets fences and start seeking assistance. I know what you are. You are total numb-heads and cowards immortal. The sorrier I am for it.

I have become perfectly wooden headed of late too.

Yet don’t worry I was speaking purely relatively. I am not after your issues by any means; I have other issues to think about. Yet consider a case where you stand naked in front of them and they start to wonder, really are these things we came out off. I can see the shamefaced smiles on your faces even now. It’s gruesome to say the least.
Well I could get into a bit of shit because of this as well. I am not bothered about what happens to me, I never have. But think of your own pitiable situation. You are the paragons of morality. You have others who look up to you. Like the little ones who are so pissed about me because of you. Don’t disappoint them. Its betrayal. They are best kids around barring their dislike for me.

Don’t draw them through such refuse every time. I may have purposefully blunted my sensitivity in my fight against you some what. But still I have compassion for those who come into the fight not knowing what they are fighting for and not knowing the rules. If you have painted me black they may not be able to perceive me in the back ground of your own blackness. Paint me white so at least they know what they are up against.

Do I hear some murmur about the heathen stuff I write now? Let me bring the parable of the mirror in front of you. (The trouble I had over this mirror thing!). What does the poor mirror do? It reflects the world back at you. It does the original trick of making you see what you trick out of your consciousness. Can it be blamed for its lack of subtlety in depicting things as they are and not as they should be?

It does not ever interpret, it only reflects (this goes beyond the context, if there is some one discerning enough to catch on to it). Put a lump of dirt in front of it. It does not produce the Taj Mahal out of it. It produces the most wonderful of all things. It gives us back the reality. My genius has always been like this. It has never shown any discrimination in displaying anything it perceives.

Genius is a wicked word I know, but the above ‘genius’ has no connection with Mensa and the like; it’s purely used as a synonym (of what you guess). Incidentally there is a ‘Not Mensa’ group on the net. I tried my very best to get in. But they would not allow me in. It seems that I was a little too bright to get in. Sad it is when we don’t realize our blood brothers!

Now back to our ninny’s and dummies. These are my words of advice to them.

Remember you are only the so called ‘gentlemen by the day light’. I have seen you after dark. I would not say that you are revolting, you are filth itself. But evil is not the privet property of anyone. It is our sublime racial heritage. Its treasury is large and it might even out distance that of the holy one. It is very easy to break into this treasury too. If you stick around for a while you would be nominated as the treasurer easily. The kingdom of the evil is so liberal and democratic. Every citizen in the land has the same rights.

You would do well to remember this.

The one good thing is that I am fast becoming like you. Once the transition is complete, I can set aside the percepts of decent life for ever and start loving you real hard. It’s going to be some great love my dears, you can be sure of that. Once I have set my heart on anything, however trivial it be, I shall not rest till I have achieved it.

Mere words you think?

Remember that I am catching up fast. A few years back I was not even bothered about such as you. But then you started to subtly intrude into my life. You have mucked it up alright. You had begun even before that, now I know, you had the advantage of an early start. But darlings I am fast catching up. And I am pretty tenacious too. I would not be the one to stop now. I shall follow you to the very hell and will reclaim you for myself.
I am very particular where mine is concerned. I do not mind whether it is friend or enemy, both I claim as my own. Once any one approaches me, know it that it is for all eternity.

Have you ever realized the shit that you are in? I can depict your life in all its goriness. I can make you immortal. Probably you know it by now too. Even in English, I mean, I can make you bloody famous. You have all the ingredients to make great heroes.

For look, you have the pusillanimity to stand in groups and bark against those who go by, you have the terrible myopia of the egregious invertebrates who can’t see any farther than where they stand, and you have the reprehensible and pervasive wickedness to defile others. What more do you need to make yourself great.
God the ways in which I can make you shine!

I can pleasantly analyze your life to its tiny fragments and create a collage out of it. I can create innumerable fantastic plots to cast you in. I can etch lovely pictures of you in various poses and procedures. I can dissect you down to your every wonderful idiosyncrasy and fabricate any number of interesting things from it.

The best thing is I can post it anywhere I want. It won’t be mere caricatures from then onwards. It would be a true historical account of your inspiring lives. So don’t harp on my being not original, I can’t be original where you are concerned, that would be more than lying, that would be murdering truth.

Whether some poor souls have the innocence to believe in the yarns woven by you or not you have it coming dears, I am an irrepressible lover, I love whole sale, with no holds barred. I love my enemies the most.

I shall let you into a secret. It is by your enemies that your life becomes meaningful. What shall I do without you? I would have died of boredom.

See guys we know each other, we know each others methods, and we have been at this game far too long not to know that. So why pretend that you do not see the point.

You can make some poor souls believe that I am trying to create an audience for myself and trying to mislead them. They might believe in you too. But that would not wash anywhere else my dears.

You can make a goat into a dog by intense propaganda some say. In the eyes of the deluded it would appear so too, but you can never make the poor goat to believe in it, that is the catch.

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