Unfathomable- what means it? Not that I care,
Fathom, of course I know( no relation to Botham, Ian), its some kind of depth, twenty thousand fathoms under the sea, you know a guy named Shane Warne has written a text book on it!
Full of psychedelic experiences. Unbelievable, it is now being taught at schools!
I learn that it is about planet Andromeda in galaxy Connecticut. A very sparsely populated country.
Yes sure, fathom I know, it is this UN and this Able that is creating all the problems. Able of course could be the bro’ of …….you know whom, the bad egg of Adam and Eve.
Brother, can you believe it? No one believes in anything these days. Faith is what is needed in our brutally stunted times.
There is a lot of cunning around.
To explain that:
Once a Lady came to our poor land and visited our state the last.
I was the tour guide.
The Lady had a minor fall in the course of the tour. Everybody has one sometimes.
Even Humpty Dumpty had one such.
She was quick and was on her feet like she was never down.
She smiled at me and remarked:
Did you see my ability?
I had it very tough for the next several moments. At last I was able to bring out:
With all due respect ma'm we know it by another name in this land….
Anyway that’s a digression.
As I said, ‘able’ we can tackle. But deciphering this Un…. That’s the snag.
They have family planning out there. In Andromeda I mean, the slogan being:
“We two, we are one.
And then of course there is none”
A blissful state of existence.
The question is, should I have used ‘about’ instead of ‘of’ in the sentence? Then of course there is a need to suffix a ‘ment’ (or is it mend) to the “state” (is it called ‘prefix’. Lord, what capuchin!).
A tough proposition both ways!
Well what about adding a “y” to “blissful”, where should I fix it, front or back.
Both seem pertinent.
And should I also be using an “ed” to “state” as goodunddum? (Addendum comes behind I take it? Goodenddum could be otherwise.)
But we have a problem. Then the “of” has to be done away with (The entry will be truncated and the pain abated)
Or should I add a “d” to “existe” and surgically remove “nce”? (Ense?)
Still there is the question of “of”, of which I am concerned of and think of! The sadness of it all of!
What says the Shah of Bernard?
He is currently the right eminent theoretician of the Holy Empire of Iran. You haven’t seen his fatwa on the love child of Angels, Saxons and the Normans have you?
It is deadly. The main theses being,
“The play could either be pleasant or unpleasant.”
You guessed it.
Scotch it is. Very Special Old Pale.
djidja findj Ich?
Ich bien?
Dja Trismagistretes
I djidj . ‘ere ish itch.
Gooch, very Graham Gooch.
Now we read the treatise.
Premise: There are something’s called Arms.
Example: Armageddon.
Supposition: There could also be something’s called man.
(Explanation: It could be the one sitting in you chair or over your dead body that is! Voodoo!)
Example: Certificates issued to apothecaries of old.
And now to synthesis
“The sub cutaneous ganglia proximal to upper parietal lobe interspersed with ellipsoidal prolate spheroidal cavity containing a sub-space of a toroid traversed by a hyperbolic choroid plexus…”
The opposition has to interpolate here:
“Objection your owner, it egregiously perambulates pre-natal symbiosis consequent to metallurgical precognition of embryonic pathology adversely affecting contextual sanguinity and hence is irrelevant, biblical, and incongruent.”
But this court shall have none of that:
“Definitely over ruled! You have very little jurisprudential latency as of now. Your prudery shall be inserted where it counts. The synthesis may be arrived at Mr. Shah.”
“Gracias your estimable horror, I shall conclude my theses now.
“As is evidentially concurred upon, the corpus callosum membrane adjacent to hyper thyroid in conjunction with thalamus which secretes noumenal spherical double layer of bulbous lipids having their liophobic ends pointing inward, dramatically accentuates the pertinacity to liophyllic the endocortex connecting via the endocrine and hormonal systems.”
The court has to concur and issues its final ruling thus:
“We have heard enough.
There for the sensations arising out of the corporal functions of the anthropoids in their interactions with each other could be further mutilated into the tragic and the comic. Yet these terms do not signify their accuracy. In the above circumstances and especially taking in to consideration that Scotch is a derivative of the said English knock rummy, duplication of Pleasant and Unpleasant is to be allowed in the language hence forth.
We here by approve of the doctoral theses of “Don’t Upset the Apple Cart.”
Further instructions are:
Always keep your candy handy in the holsters while you track down terrorists. They will like it. In fact they can’t live without it.
Be pragmatic and believe in logistics.
Logic is all. A half open aperture is a half shut one. It intrinsically follows that a fully shut one is a fully open one.
The wise realize it in no time. Hence violation is an exercise in logistics.
You may not even believe in logos or logi or loci, but you need to believe in the vestigial frontal addendum.
Not to mistake the court. It is the of the adenoidal instrumentation of which we are speaking of.
That’s a must.
Don’t be stuck up.
Kill Bill.
“Cogito Anglesey Sum”
I think English there for I am.
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