I was without beard once, shaved twice a day. Every one called me by a god’s name then, you know the legendary enticer of women in India. He is said to have had 10008 wives in all. Pretty dumb to keep so many while one would have sufficed.
All have the same equipment don’t they?
May be there could be some minor deviations here and there. Structural aberrations mostly.
But going by what is on exhibition out in the world it might not be possible for us to say with our amateur Golfer:
“The 1st and the 18th need the same amount of effort”.
Poor guy, he has a lot to learn.
One of our Indian golfers was more precise.
“Every one of them is unique and every single spot is different. The degree of difficulty varies from terrain to terrain”
Significant words those. The poor guy had an accident just prior to the statement. Putted a wrong’un it seems.
I had enough sense then to keep away from enticing any of the fair ones. Do you want peace? Then tie the knot and entice them not.
Would you think me prideful if I mention in passing that I had a wonderful effect on women then? The girls wouldn’t move away from places I were in and the older women would not take their eyes off my face. They would all become mellow and tearful.
The older ones of course were thinking of the god and seeing him in me. Truly I am the God incarnate, have always been, the sorry thing is, none including my dearest wife has recognized it!
No poor God ever has had to suffer like me. I thought that people would flock to me once I have realized the truth.
As of now they only flap and go clack, clack.
Well I am a poor God and yet I am the only God in existence too. I have not the least doubt all the other god men are bogus if they don’t know who I am.
Yes, yes I know, I do not have a set-up to boost myself up as god. I have no disciples; I have little property, and less knowledge of the world.
Yet back in those days people were attracted towards me. Even strangers used to hug me. People were lured to me as if by magic.
Any way all it was a pain in the ass. I hate attracting attention on to me. It sort of disrupts my magnetic field and brings in alien influences.
Believe me I was never the one to hanker after popularity or fame. If some one threatens me with fame, you would see me on the next strip of road running fast and picking up speed by the second.
The thing is that fame makes you comment on things on which you know simple “jeero” (Zero, as those in some places would say.) about. I hate it when that happens. People ask all kinds of silly questions.
What you think of the Schrödinger’s equation?
I would always pretend to be intimate with those things.
“Oh you mean Schrodinger, knew him from my Kindergarten days. Very witty guy. There was this incident where we both were standing near a kerb and suddenly this car swerved towards us……….”
This would normally be enough to drive sense into any one. They would depart with a look of deep understanding on their faces. And whenever they see you in future this look of deep understanding would bubble up again.
You think the effect has to do with lying don’t you. Well think again.
The world itself is a lie. You think that one who knows what truth can’t lie. Well you can take it from me. Every word you utter is a lie.
Those who do not know it for what it is, say this is metaphysics. To me it is bijiks and nothing else.
I do not expect you to understand it all. That is the difference between you and me.
You may know what Planck’s constant is and how you can arrive at it. While I know it not and do not lose anything by it.
But I may know what this world is all about and you lose everything by not knowing that.
One great and kind man has said:
‘If you want to taste a tender coconut, you normally discard all else but that which is inside. Or would you start munching every thing including its outer shell? You don’t!
Then why should you understand every thing to know the truth. Why don’t you accept the essential things and discard the rest?”
The point is:
You can not know every thing that there is in the universe. But you can know what caused it all and that is the thing to know.
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