Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bugs and neighbors

I was not God then. I was only a devotee; I had the blessings of my Goddess. She shined through me and people were seeing her and not me when looking at me.

I was smiled on by the most beautiful of deities, the star of all goddesses and I was deeply in love with her. She seemed to be deeply possessive of me too. Wouldn’t let any one come near me and would not let any one have a bad thought on me.

If I had followed her all through I would have been anything I wanted. I unfortunately did not want much.

Alas, she does not often smile on me now. I have a tough time understanding words as a result. There seems to be giant gaps in my comprehension.

Yes, some words I know, like the first grey hair on my moustache, oh, we have such things in India, fuzz I mean, grey hairs we have none ever since Aldus Huxley invented hair dyes.

Great man our Aldus. He was about to invent pneumatic jeans too. He would have done so had old man Peter (Saint Peter I mean) not made a gross miscalculation. He had accidentally deducted a prime number from a decimal and ended up in reducing Aldus’s life by the truck loads.

Saint Pete later alleged that chasing my shadow had possessed him while doing that. They are in search of an exorcist now. There is also a case of shape shifting accused on chasing my shadow, it is reported.

CMS seems to be a red Injian rather than a brown one. Well that is another thing altogether.

One of our sweet girls (Ninety nine decimal nine nine percent Indian and only a wee bit English) said about the incident right after the Mumbai “Shoot out”.

“I am sick and tired of all this.” She was right too. The heaven world has lately become decidedly devilish.

Yesterday the brightest of our TV anchor’s put it succinctly.
“It is inimical”

No doubt she had ‘said it’ this time; everybody is in prime need of an enema in the world. I would desist from thinking about the aftermath. (Please don’t compel me

Incidentally this was the greatest criticism Aristotle had against the Pythagoreans. That there is no evidence of motion in their system.
Aristotle knew of the dangers.

Constipation is serious business. One of my dearest friends had it once. He thought it could support the Eifel Tower without sweat.

People think concrete is hard, Grrr, they err.


A sage had had once remarked. “ Yayaa kayaa kavidhaa bahuannam praapnuyaat. “
You did not get the meaning did you, I also didn’t then. Needed some search on the internet!

They say that you can find anything on the internet minus your soul. I tried to fill the gap and the results are not very heartening.

I feel sorry for the deluded. Maya has got them by the throat and they believe that the squeaks that they make are from delight. Honestly it is heartrending to say the least.

If people can’t distil truth from tripe how do they learn? Poor misguided souls
As for ‘yaya kaya’ I am still to find it in the net though.

It is the most difficult of all things. Getting the meaning from things (or out of things) it is called divination you know.

Any way that quote means “get lots of grub without caring how you get it”

So start feeding yourself before feeding the soul. I shall let you know when you are ready.

But don’t overeat because the more you shovel in the more you have to squeeze out. There lies the predicament.

Thinking about the sad state of affairs I twirl my moustache.

Mind you it is not a bad moustache, it is not thick like thieves but it is strong and can be twirled. I often twirl it too; the only enemy to it to date is my darling wife. Though she denies it, she has trimmed the upturned ends a few times while poor ‘me’ was dozing off.

Having no whiskers and not knowing the pain it takes to grow and maintain one she has no compassion on the poor souls who grows them and she is brutal in her dealings with it.

As you might have guessed. I do not usually embrace the “all forgetting” siesta when I am “upturning“ my macho mustachio.

There could be dangers all around. The bugs being the most prominent terrorists. My wife is not a creepy-crawly, but she does dislike my machismo from time to time.

As you can see, we don’t go for the sleek look in India. We are all very rough ad tough, the macho male to the core.

Of course we are ever careful not to show it on the outside. What if some one steals it?

You see there are all kinds of thieves around. So when trouble is around we normally don’t show.

Law included.

Every thing else precluded.

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