Sunday, December 14, 2008

The parts to the whole

The ancient texts of this land contain some lovely stories; here is one about Satyakama who sought truth.

He wanted to study so much that he asked his mother:

” Mother tell me about my Gotra (fathers Clan), for the master is sure to ask for it when I approach him.”
His mother told him:

“My dear, I do not know about your Gotra. I gave birth to you when I was serving many. My name is Jabala, and your name is Satyakama so tell your guru that you are Satyakama Jabala”

He approached Gautama and asked permission to study under him. The guru asked him about his Gotra.

Satykama replied:

“My Lord, I do not know my Gotra. When I asked my mother she said ……..”

And he related the whole conversation.

“So my lord I am Satykama, Jabalas son.”

Gautama said to him:

“You would not have said thus unless you were a Brahmin. So bring the necessary things. I shall initiate you now. I see that you did not deviate from truth.”

Gautama initiated him and gave him 400 weak and starved cows to look after and told him

“My son, follow them”

Satyakama said, leading the cows into the forest:

“I shall not return until they are a thousand in number”

He stayed in the forest till the cows became so many.

Then a bull called to him :


He replied:

“My Lord”

“We are a thousand now; lead us to your guru’s place,

also shall I instruct you about the parts of the ultimate truth (Brahma)?”

“Do so my Lord”

The bull then taught Satyakama:

“The east, the west, the north and the south are subdivisions to this part. It has thus four segments. It is called the illumined being. If one worships this part of truth with its four segments he would become famous in the world and he will go to illumined spheres after he leaves this world.

Now Fire will teach you one part of truth”

Saying so the Bull retired

In the next morning Satyakama took the cows with him on the journey back to his Guru’s home and when the evening came he camped, lighted fire and sat down near it.

Then Agni (the fire) called him:


He replied:

“My lord”

“Shall I teach you now about one part of truth?”

“Please instruct me my lord”

“My son, the earth the air the sky and the ocean are divisions to this part. This part of truth is with four segments and with the name of eternal being. Those who worship this part of truth with its l principle eternity would have an unbroken line of descendents and would reach endless worlds.

The swan will instruct you about one part of truth now”

The next day’s journey also ended thus. While he was sitting by the fire the Swan came and asked him;
“My son may I now instruct you on the one part of truth?

“If you please my lord”

The swan said;

“Fire the Sun the Moon and the lightening are portions to this part. This part of truth with it four segments are known as luminous being. Those that worship this part of truth with its luminous principle will attain the quality of light and will reach the worlds of the Sun and the Moon.

The gull would instruct you further”

The next day’s journey also concluded thus. The Gull approached and asked:

“Shall I tell you now about one part of truth?”

“My lord be so kind”

“My son, the breath the eyes , the ears ,and the mind are fragments to this part. This is that part of truth which is known as Reliable being. Those who worship this part of truth with its principle of reliability shall become reliable at all places and shall reach vast worlds after death”

Satyakama reached his Gurus place.

The guru wondered :

“You do shine like a knower of truth. Who instructed you?”

Satyakama gave him his word of honor:

“My lord I was instructed by those other than the humans. I wish that you would also please instruct me, I have heard that knowledge becomes fruitful only by being taught by the wise”

Gautama then set out to instruct him on truth, it was the same as the others taught him. Nothing was missing.

I believe that the spirit of the poetry might linger even through my faulty translation. I quoted the entire story because I could not leave anything out of it. The depth of feeling contained in every word and every line is beyond words.

Great poetry speaks to us through what is concealed in it rather than what is actually narrated in it.

Some say you need to cover every existing sphere of knowledge to learn truth. But it seems to me that a little bit of reflection is all that is needed for it.

Satyakama was alone in the forest, with nobody but the cows to talk to. He learned to reflect on life as time passed, perhaps that was why he was sent on such a mission by his guru, he became so involved in it that everything began to speak to him( reveal their true nature to him. Well some in these times would call it schizophrenia. ) and teach him parts of reality which would evolve into a beautiful whole in the end. There was no need to teach him anything after he had acquired such knowledge.

Yet he asks the guru to instruct him on truth when he returns, and it was no different from what he was taught by nature earlier.

In fact he was instructed in full by Gautama when he bade him follow the cows. That was the real instruction, and to those like Satyakama that seems enough.

May be not to us….but then who knows……!

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