Monday, December 22, 2008


Y’ll know that I have this wicked habit of turning Alvin Toffler into Francis Fukuyama and Jan Huizinga into a Japanese gentleman.

(Well this “I am” is the most irresponsible dude in our intelligent species).

Of course they would naturally want to waste me if they can locate me (Anybody with a GPS?).

Or would they look down on me with withering scorn?

(I leave it to you to imagine the look. I shall only provide you with the dialogue.)

- The insignificant li’l worm crawling in a third world country!

[Let us consider the dialogue in full:

“What is that crunchy again?”

“You mean Hinjia Sire?”

“Do I? Well anyway, who lives there?”

““Lives” Sire!”

“Anything amiss?”

“A ‘miss’ sire! A dreadful one. Our ‘intelligence purports’ to say that no one actually ‘lives’ there.”

“That’s gross, but how come?”

“Live on what? None other than the Juice have survived on the nectar of Hope.

“Yet there is Cape of Good Hope”

“No one wears that now”

“Sad, still how distressed are these people?”

“Pretty buttressed in by China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Srilanka sire”

“ Dangerousticus diplomaticus problematicus!”


“Should we drop manna from our F 16’s, but my god are they Aryans? Give me the lowdown on these Anthropo Pithecus”

“Well sire it is a country inhabited by two distinct racial strains named Proto Hippocratoids and Grotto Patientoids”

“In brief?”

“That’s the brief and full of it, or do you want me to de-brief?”


“What Sire?”

“What you mean by what?”

“Are you pissed at summim….?”

“I only said I saw your point”

“Oh Sire this is sheer bliss, you are too lucky!”

“Well thanks man, but what makes you think so?”

“As if you don’t know! Don’t sire don’t!”

“The jolly truth is, I still ducking font!”

“Sire you are the first to see my point”

The Sire looks at the man with an expression which suggests:

He is that type is he!

And says brusquely:

“Anyway let us come to the po……I mean the business at hand”

He conceals his hand behind immediately.

The man looks for the hand with intensity and at last resigns to his fate and intones.

“You have to just to ask you know sire”

“Don’t I know that? But coming to the po…..hmm tell me about Hinjia, do the Hinjians live well?”


“The two strains, do they like each other?”

“Can you re phrase the question more placidly sire?”

“Affinity betwixt them existext?”


Well unlike in the above dialogue I don’t want them to happen, these name and country swaps, yet they happen without my ken. What then?

We can’t just say Nompenh, Cattle Penn, and Battleship Potemkin and put up with it.

We have to be doin summin.

Honest to Beelzebub, all this shit happens unknowingly.

(Another sorry admission to make. I have no idea what the word ‘unknowingly’ actually means. I haven’t bothered to look it up in the thesaurus.

Some say thesauruses are some kind of dictionaries. Well what can I say!

They may be in the know. Every one has their own point of view haven’t they?

And I am ready to defend their right to believe in it, but dictionaries! Man…..!

All the same if ‘unknowingly’ means anything other than “without my knowledge” or “ “unknown to me” you are welcome to genuinely mope and hope that I wont make holy bloopers like that in the future(future of course was created in-absentio)

It never realizes it doesn’t exist and encroaches into our very present.

Sadly one can’t do anything without being suspected of sabotaging something. If some one says something others ascribe it to the ‘thing in itself’. Sad, sad what has the world come to?

Though I never planned it this way I am glad that the world has turned out in this form. There is an unbelievable amount of blithest wickedness in the world. You can partake of it if you have the rhino hide to hide you.

If that worries you well and good.

I am the satisfaction iddself!

If this world was full of laughter and goodness, I would rather be in the ‘out of the world’ universe.

I like a little bit of everything. Having said good bye to ego long ago I am all go.

We Indians (barring the two ancient species mentioned afore) are normally a very intelligent people. Have you seen any of the Hindi movies? They make you like the world the more!

You got it I hope.

(After writing this post I carefully checked it and was satisfied that it is absolutely meaningless. So rest assured that none would find anything meaningful in it.

Well you are not taking my words seriously are you?)

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