Friday, December 19, 2008

1000 billion Bill Gates’

I don’t really want to be negative, but I am sorry to say that all the preachers of abundance are leading you astray. They have the best of intentions of course, they are trying to help you and perhaps help themselves in the process too. But the fact remains; you don’t have the resources to make every one rich in this world. You just can’t have 1000 billion rich people on our globe, this is a fact.

Imagine a world where you have so many Bill Gates’ equally rich, even as an ideal there is something weird in the concept is there not? If any one of you can visualize it in any detail hats off to you for I can’t.

Well there goes the great theory on the Law of Attraction, where every one is equally ‘blessed’ and equally capable of attracting wealth. I am not saying that positive thoughts can not help you, they can. But they can only help when the situations are favorable. You may even be able to attract wealth and love (both dangerous things to attract if you have your senses about you) by visualizing success.

Agreed even Bill Gates must have dreamed of success before it really came to him. But it was not merely the law of attraction at work in his case was it? There was some talent involved too. He had the good luck to be on the scene at the right moment and come up with something which was useful. He also had the good sense to market it aggressively.

There was a good deal of work involved. There could have been hundreds of obstacles. He could have been cheated out of his inventions (if there are any such) and the company he formed. Anything could have happened. When you start a company and are trying to make a head way you won’t have time to sit back and picture your success in any detail.

Gates was intelligent enough to realize the need of the times. The computers were becoming popular and UNIX was not offering any solutions for small units. He gauged the pulse of the people and was quick to react. As they say rest is history. There was no “secret” in it. It was honest and hard work coupled with good fortune. Not every one could have done it at that point in time.

I like books on positive thinking, not because they are great but they are curious stuff to read. The imagery some of them employ is cute. Here is one for example.

Question: How do you over come the troubles and difficulties in your life?
Well who wouldn’t want to learn that! Some of us would give our right hand to learn the technique won’t we?
The question was asked to Andrew Carnegie or Napoleon Hill, I do not remember whom. They set you a riddle by way of answering it.

Think that you have to get over a mountain and reach the other side at the very next instant. The mountain is large and the time is limited. What would you do?

Well you think up of several options. Climb over it, go round it, dig a tunnel to get to the other side etc. None satisfies the questioner. He says there is not enough time for all that.

At last you give up and ask the other guy what you would do. He replies that you have to become larger than the mountain and step over it. Just like that!

I read it in my youth in a book of Norman Vincent Peale and it has remained with me. Good imagery but unfortunately not very helpful when you are emotionally affected and you are fighting against immense odds.
Take for example the case of this family that lives near my house. It’s the one of the saddest cases I know of. Talking about extreme ill luck, they have it. The eldest of the family, a woman, is wandering about our neighborhood stark mad. A young girl (the child of her dead sister who was being looked after by her) had accidentally died catching fire from their kitchen while the woman was away somewhere. Some say she went crazy after this incident.

This woman used to tend my wife when she was a little kid. Those who know her then say that she was quite fanatical about personal hygiene then. Now she has not a thought in her mind. Sleeps where she pleases and goes about in rags, calls people all sorts of names, smells like hell. Strangely she still remembers my wife and calls her “my own” whenever she catches sight of her.

Her younger brother who was an epileptic had died recently falling into the temple pool. He was around fifty then. He never spoke a word in his life time.

The family is now looked after by the youngest sister of all. She had lost her husband recently and has some five kids to take care of, both hers and of the elder sister who had died some time back. She was doing it by working shifts in many houses including our own. All the children are studying. All of them are boys and there is no one to assist her in her in house work.

A pretty tough life to have already it seemed.

She had been complaining of some pain in her legs for some time now. The pain worsened and she had to be admitted to a hospital. Well it seems that she has some problem with the bone marrow. She can barely stand up now and is in terrible pain. No one has told her about the seriousness of the disease.

They have barely enough to live …….let alone treat her. She is the only earning member in the family.
Do you think that such troubles could be easily stepped over?

I am positive of only one thing about life- that it is negative.

I am not making a rule out of an exception. In reality life is nothing but trouble. We generate fantasies about our heavens to forget what we have actually. Do you think money, fame and positions in life would help you in anyway?

Do you actually think that they would?

Christina Onassis had it all.

That was not enough for her, was it?

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