Friday, June 20, 2008

Types of reality

What is real to a person may appear as quite unreal to some one else. This is the result of differences in life experiences and life conditioning. Persons who have been through harrowing experiences and are incapacitated by them in some way to express these events in their life find themselves in an unenviable position. They have been through a lot. But their experiences are unique. They do not also have the tools to express them clearly. They feel isolated, cast out and sidelined. In truth every experience has a right to be presented if it impinges on human freedom in any way. Such experiences should form a part of general social experiences. This is how humanity learns and improves itself.

This has been the general scheme of things before the explosion of technological revolution. The onset of revolution was so sudden and people were taken unawares. The human social structure woefully failed to cope with the boom of technology and it’s after effects. Laws enacted were soon out dated as newer advances were made. Press the greatest machinery invented for dissemination of information slumped under the onus of reporting facts to the public. Researches were going on an unlimited number of fronts to make any intelligible discourse possible on them. The media shirked from the responsibility of providing a platform for discussion and put on the garb of a mere broker of approved information.

In reality there is a war on. An invisible war, this war is waged between an ignorant people and their insensitive governments. As centers of power the governments are in a position to obtain the latest of technologies and make use of them. All the governments are afraid of the growing size of their subjects and their rising level of understanding. They are afraid that people are becoming restless with the realization that their governments are sorry failures and can not cope with the situation at hand. I do not see the fall of Soviet Union as the fall of communism. It in reality is the failure of the present system of governance. They fell because the authority was more concentrated there. Make no mistake about it; the same fate is awaiting all other countries. The untrained and incompetent lot that we elect and send to legislate for us can’t stop this from happening.

But there are shrewd people who realize this and its implications. It is these that are behind the undeclared war that is waging between the ruled and the ruling. They do not want to let go of the present establishment. They are the children of this out dated system of governance. And they are its fiercest advocates. How to survive in the face of info-tech and the World Wide Web? How to prevent the merging of barriers and diminishing national animosities, how to sabotage a one world scenario-their worries are not baseless. They feel the ground shaking under them. They had foolishly advocated globalization on purely economic considerations. Now it is backfiring on them. Not on a large scale as yet. But this class of people is survivors. They have made it repeatedly under all sorts of ideologies- Under Kings and under communism and under democracy.

These are at the “phony” centers as one brilliant writer called it. This is the place where things happen. This is where real ruling occurs. These centers always function within a wickedly centralized form of government. Do you believe that there is a process of de centralization going on in the world? Well think again, for you are going to be disappointed. There is only a sharing of resources among the centrists. It is the center that is spreading, and not democracy as is believed. This shows the fear they are undergoing. They are out on a last ditch effort to save their system and they are damned determined that they would win this battle at all costs. But how do you fight this one world, no government menace?

Use tech to defeat tech. The logic is simple. The centrists have shifted the seat of their manipulations to the minds of their “opponents” namely the people. Soon all of us would have one reality and the centrists would have another reality.

This is broadly where the world is going at present.

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