Remote viewing is the ability to see things and events distant in space and time. There have always been individuals claiming to be remote viewers. Some spiritual practitioners such as the Lama’s of Tibet are said to posses this capacity. The theory behind the practice seems to be that once consciousness is able to break out of the barrier of three dimensional worlds it embraces a sphere were space and time converges and everything is in the “present”. There is no past or future in that state, every thing is visible to the last grain and all is “now”.
This has always been thought as a super conscious state and those having the ability were also considered gifted. The popular view was that one needs to be born that way to be a clairvoyant. But all that is in the past now. A separate industry known as the Psi industry is developing over the internet. Some of the firms claim to teach you remote viewing within a span of a few weeks. To them remote viewing is not magic. It can be learned by everybody provided that they are willing to work hard for it. They say that certain protocols were developed recently which makes it possible for the ordinary man to learn to view remotely.
These protocols were discovered by remote viewers employed by the department of defense in the US at the time of the cold war. Hearing reports of Russian remote viewers employed in surveillance of the western military bases and defense projects the Pentagon also started experimenting on the same lines. Psychics were found and were given the job of remotely assessing the capabilities of the opponents. This is stated to be a secretly funded operation.
A web site teaching this course says that there are no secrets associated with it. Their method is based on Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. Carl Gustav Jung used to believe that everything is interlinked within the universe by this all pervasive phenomenon called the Collective unconscious. It is a record of all the events that have happened and all the events that are going to happen in the world. He also believed that we can tap into this reservoir to learn about our own and every one else’s life.
What I have given here is a very crude summary of his theory. His detailed exposition of human psyche is not relevant here. For those interested there are plenty of resources over the internet. Project Guttenberg may have some of his works in their original form. Suffice it to say that the modern practical remote viewers base their methods of remote viewing on Jung’s philosophy. Jung has divided human psyche into four functions. His categories are perhaps taken from oriental philosophy. Among the four functions intuition is one. The modern remote viewers say that this property can be developed by exercise like any other human mental properties. They call it the activation of the Psi muscle.
According to the site it is like downloading information rather than anything else. It is not out of body experience. You stay put at the place you are and work with papers and pens. There is nothing mystical in it, they say. Once you have learned the technique there are no limits were you can go with your mind. It is possible to reach distant planets and stars and even past events. You can look into the lives of historic personages like Adolf Hitler for example. They claim to have looked into his life and the events after his death. Here is an excerpt from the interview with Joni Dourif the Psi Tech president by FAT BOSS
“Like, we even looked at Adolf Hitler to see, oh well, you know, two angels can't come for him, right, because he's so evil. Well, no, two angels came for him. It's just like everybody we looked at.”
I am giving the quote without comments, for I can’t either verify or deny it. Also I think that the world is full of possibilities and there could be things beyond our ken in it.
If the claims of the site are true and that the method taught by them opens new doors into the secrets of life that is a good thing. One thing struck me though, some of the things stated in the site closely follows some of the things stated by the theosophists. May be it is a case of great minds thinking alike!
Psi Tech
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