Thursday, June 12, 2008

Alternate methods of resistance

Soon after learning about e harassment and mind control I had considered investigating the use of Yoga to either lessen or to eliminate the symptoms and effects of the torture. I did think that down to earth branches of Yoga like Hatha Yoga and Tantra Yoga might be useful in enhancing the defenses of the body. Do not mistake me here, by Tantra Yoga I do not mean that type of Yoga which caters only to the senses in exclusion to everything else. There is such Yoga and its practitioners. It also is a proven method of reaching self awareness albeit a very hazardous one. But what I had in mind was Tantric practices of a more benign nature like the Japa Yoga and Dyana Yoga. Both if practiced well, releases the latent force in man called Kundalini which if controlled can be a powerful tool to achieve anything. But I discarded the idea since both branches of Yoga are difficult to master and are strenuous in execution. The are some practices of Hatha Yoga like the Trataka and the Sheetali Pranayama etc. which might be beneficial in steadying the mind and keeping the body healthy. Trataka involves gazing at an object without closing your eye for some length of time. It steadies the mind, and Sheetali pranayama is nothing but taking in air through open mouth into the lungs and releasing it without holding it in through both the nostrils. This practice cools the body down. But even these should be done under the supervision of others. If you can take proper precautions to cool the eyes down after Trataka and you manage to practice Sheetali for a few rounds in the open air preferably in a less polluted environment no harm will be done and it might help you in fighting the invisible enemy. Sheetali pranayama could be handy if the body heats up due to microwave attack if done properly but care should be taken not to over do it in cold conditions, for even in tropical climate, it cools down the head and some times causes a cold.

To my mind searching for remedies in esoteric systems of living and medicine could be of help since there seems to be hardly any remedy in the branches of modern medicine or science for this new and spreading malady. We have reached at such a pass where we can’t be any more proud of our much touted “scientific spirit”. The last few decades have shown us that mass murders have resulted from every major inventions or discoveries that did happen. It is perhaps the human collective psyche that is very ill and gasping for breath. It needs a shock treatment to get it out of the moral dumps that it is in at present.

There is something in the cry for returning to nature as far as electronic attacks are concerned. Open air and caves etc are said to be comparatively healthier places for those under attack. Living in cities or suburbs makes it easy for the perps to locate your house and maintain 24 hour surveillance on you. It is easier for them to place bugs and other electronic devises inside your houses to monitor your movements and generate RF or Micro wave energy aimed at you if your living and moving space is limited and previously known to the adversaries. But Ed Light had once remarked that underground tunnels are also not of much use in this battle. He says that beaming did continue inside the man made tunnels. But in the open space at least they can not aim a home-made microwave device at you. It is known that an ordinary Micro wave oven could easily be converted to a potent direct energy weapon and if held against the walls of the building you are in can cause you a lot of distress. These types of attacks can be minimized if you spend a considerable time out in the open. It is not forgotten that there are more sophisticated forms of attack than this. But this too is a possibility and it is less expensive and portable also.

As written earlier too vitamins and minerals have to be taken a lot as these forms of attacks are sure to deplete their storage inside the body. Exercise is another must, for generally, all forms of intensive body movements make the circulation of the blood faster and exhaustive. Brain needs healthy blood to function well, in cases like this where the brain is the main target the success of your resistance depends upon the functional capacity of the brain.

Listening to music is also a good method. There are sites which provides binaural beats and the like free of charge on the internet. Or still better listen to great symphonies if you can get hold of copies of those. Great masters of music have always composed their music in a meditative state. Even if you do not know a bloody thing about them you can be sure that their music can evoke a blissful state inside you. Some of them play with the Alpha and Theta levels of your brainwaves. I would not advice it if you are trying to achieve such states through your own efforts at meditation, for it might lead to further possession by your attackers. But moods created while great music is playing would not do any harm. This is a sort of brain wave entrainment. There are brain entrainment software’s in the market too.

I recently downloaded a the trial version of a program called Mind Work Station which its authors claim to be the answer for every sort of brain wave entrainment( In the good sense of the term) problems. I have not checked it out fully yet. But some of the sessions like the short Alpha session in it were good. I particularly liked sound of the waves lashing in the back ground of the beats of that session. This is not a free product. But you can check out the trial version if you want. The trial period expires in 15 days. They have a blog on the subject of BWE (Brain wave entrainment) The site has interesting information too. You can check the product as well as the site out. It might help you in learning more about the subject of BWE.

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