Thursday, June 5, 2008

It’s not of early morning dew that we are talking about

Surveillance is nothing new. It’s a part of all established enterprises whether you call it by the name of government or other power groups. Incidentally I saw an interesting description of “Government’ the other day. The word can be split into two parts says the guy. To“Govern” means “to control” and “Mental” means “Mind”. In effect a government is a mind control agency! Amusing but true too. All governments are after control, overt and covert. But the technology utilized for the purpose is not the same in different eras. The Arthasatra ( Science of politics written by Kautilya, the key adviser to the Indian king Chandragupta Maurya (c. 317-293 B.C.E.), advices a benign attitude towards the ruled and hostile intentions towards all in the opposing countries. Some of the methods described in it to topple opponents and opposing kings are chilling. Poisoning, covert attacks on property, spreading of baseless rumors, creating trouble in the neighborhood, disinformation the list could go on. Some of the methods detailed reminds us of the current techniques of gang stalking and bait and trigger ops.

The times have changed and now the people have become the biggest perceived threat to the state. Governments all over the world have come together to form an alliance against the masses. We are the guinea pigs in their efforts towards posterity. They want to be the harbingers of the new era of human development- the production of soulless, robotic, mind controlled slaves and their absolute masters.

Your lives are privet no more. You are being constantly monitored where ever you go. Imagine you want to fly to some place. You are made to pass through some contraption which literally strips you down to your bare skin, without your active participation or conscious approval of course. All of us know that we and our belongings are being scanned at the airports to discover hidden arms and explosives. This we could put up with but what if the same technology gets into the hands of criminals, sociopaths and your mortal enemies in life or a wicked neighbor for instance. There are commercially available through the wall radars and surveillance equipment in the market. This pre supposes a higher level technology in the hands of governmental agencies. Take for example the Millimeter wave machines which can see through walls. These are portable and are currently being used by law enforcement agencies all over the world. Some of their capabilities are described below. It is taken from a well researched article on the subject.

  • The ability to see through walls, and most common construction materials.
  • It can generate detailed through-the-clothing images of individuals in the room or home under surveillance.
  • The units can be operated remotely from a nearby home or apartment.
  • The units can track movement, and monitor speech, heartbeat, pulse, and other bodily functions remotely.
  • The units can provide precise distance measurements for targeting individuals under surveillance with weapons.
  • The units are portable, silent, and can be disguised or hidden in a typical residential home or apartment

-The author of the article has invited special attention to the part highlighted. He says that these weapons are commercially available for the last ten years or so.

Other weapons with novel abilities such as being operated from a laptop computer to remote control single individuals developed by Synetic is also mentioned in his article. The above Company does not have a separate web site now and a search reveals that the company merged with another biggie and is currently a part of it. Specific search for the Difference Acoustic Wave Generation System mentioned in the article yielded only general results.The company page is in the web archives and this is the link to it

The curious among you may wish to look it up. If as stated in the description of the tool it could be operated from a laptop computer to monitor single individuals and if The remote station (for weapon control) is hosted entirely on a Panasonic “Tough Book” (laptop computer) and includes all of the system control software, a real time live video display, and a joystick to direct the acoustic beams.” any imbecile could destroy your life with it.

I whose hand is the weapon now and what are its present capabilities!?

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