Monday, June 9, 2008

The Placebo Effect

In mind control the placebo effect may not figure at all. But I believe that it has certain interesting aspects to it and those may be acting in these cases too. But then, what is the placebo effect? Well it is only a high sounding name. It is nothing new and nothing very strange (though being a heart sore to the doctors over the years!).

Lightly considered it is what we call quack medicine or magic potion. Physicians have known the placebo effect for a long time. In cases where a person is put in a lot of pain and administered all sorts of pain killers to take the pain away an injection of saline fluid may trigger an immediate relief from pain. The saline has no property of relieving pain, but it does the magic in this case. It was believed that the placebo effect is purely psychological in nature. Fabrizio Benedetti of the Turin University(Italy) has studied the phenomenon in detail . This strange fact has always irked doctors and most of them would not even go near it. Benedetti, a doctor too, has tried to find reasons for this phenomenon. His experiment proved the efficacy of the saline placebo in relieving pain, which as is known is psychological. But the researcher tried to bring a bio chemical reaction in the patient by introducing Naloxone a drug usually prescribed to prevent the effects of morphine to the saline at the very end of his experimentation. The effect was strange. The property of the saline to diminish pain suddenly vanished altogether!

The doctor now believes that the placebo effect may have a bio chemical side too. For those interested in studying the report the following links might be useful.

It would be worth while to investigate if some sort of placebo effect is valid in mind control cases too! Some of the physical symptoms said to be exhibited by the victims are found to vanish the moment the main elements of the attack, that is, voices beamed into the head and energy directed towards the individuals disappears or reduces their strength and newer phenomena are introduced by the attackers. What if there is an induction of elements by the perps to reverse or neutralize or positively modify the earlier damage? Mind you, not as method to help you, but to prepare you for more severe forms of electronic bombardment. I do not know if they are really capable of doing this.

One person I know of reports of soothing periods between attacks and even the introduction of music to sooth him down. In his case music is being used both ways. By constant repetition of certain pieces of music he is sometimes notified that he can’t get away from them and is prompted to panic. And at other times there is a calmer atmosphere where music is used as form of therapy by them. More severe attacks usually follow. The above method would also come under the category of bait and trigger ops. The guy says that at such times these operatives almost seem disinterested in their chosen work of being brutal cannibals. Could there be some finer feelings in these lost souls too!
The calming effect of music has been well investigated. There is branch of treatment called music therapy even. So it does not come as surprise that the perps are using it to calm him down. There are mind control websites who are distributing wav files of binaural beats for jamming or neutralizing direct energy attacks. These could prove useful too. But what if there are methods to combat it through a change of perception inside the brain just like in the case of placebo effect. The only problem being of course that the attackers can easily monitor what is going on inside the skull, by the sophisticated electronic surveillance tools they have and prevent it from happening.

Because the attacks are primarily based on psychological manipulations their solutions could easily originate from the same source. Music is very helpful in this sense. But Direct Energy Weapons are also known to cause severe burns, rashes, itches, depletion of energy levels , pains all over body, severe abdominal pains, cramps, nausea, burning sensations, thirst, increase in body weight, pains in the joints, heaviness of head, headache and a host of other effects. If these could be eliminated or reduced by conscious or subconscious efforts on the part of the victim that would go a long way in helping him/her recover their health somewhat. Is there any method by which the electronic intrusion can be totally eliminated- may be not. But people have come out of worse darkness’s. Once Cheryl Welsh remarked that unless an accident of severe proportions occur while using these tools of torture and their use have to be publicized there seems no chance of stopping these people from doing harm to individuals. She says

“Another possibility may be an accident in which the technology is exposed. Or time will pass, such as ten to twenty years, after which the technology will become public knowledge. Then there will be enough victims who come forward and protest. It would be an indication of man's humanity if the mind control scenario could be changed.”

Please look up the following site to see the full article. She is a prominent activist against mind control and is one of the few recognized experts on the UN list on Direct Energy Weapons.

But the scenario should not stop us from trying to fight it with every means that we have. A larger issue than the health of the affected persons is at stake, the liberty of entire populations.

Let us take this effort seriously.

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