Sunday, June 29, 2008

“I am now at the office/-place”

At first I thought my friend was lying when he told me of the harassment he was being subjected to on a daily basis. Well for one thing, like every one else I too found it hard to believe such activities can go on in our midst without being noticed, and for another what is the point of the attack if it is invisible to every one else. Also the described attacks involved almost every one at his office, its neighborhood, public places and most of his neighbors and those that come into the area where he was staying as per his report. I looked hard at him for a moment. He was visibly agitated while he was describing the events. My first assumption was- the guy is becoming delusional. I tried to laugh it off saying he was overworked and was under constant strain with his daily commuting so it was natural for him to feel the whole world is against him at the moment.

“Man you are feeling the strain, that’s all” I tried to reassure him.

But he did not budge; he wanted my help to verify whether some of the things that he is experiencing are real as it appears to him. Well, to be frank, I did not think much of the idea at all. His plan was to have me around while he was out, to watch what is happening near him. This required both time and an interest in the sleuthing bit of the activity. I had neither at the time. So I refused and suggested that he use a detective agency to do the work. But it had intrigued me how a man of his “iron will” (for he was a self made man) falls prey to such fancies and fears.

Some time had passed when I accidently ran into him in a mall. I was enjoying a bit of smoke( smoking in public places was banned in the land and I was trying to keep out of sight of the law and doing it on the sly) while he drove up and hastily disappeared into a booth where you can have your documents Xeroxed. I could see the inside of the booth through its glass doors. There was no one except the owner of the booth and him inside. I saw both of them conversing and then suddenly there was this guy in the vicinity. He also entered the booth and said something to the owner. It seemed casual. He came out and stood near the door. May be some acquaintance of the booth guy I thought. There was a bit of delay in the shop and at last my friend came out. As I was starting to call to him (for he seemed thoroughly engrossed in stuffing the fresh copies into his satchel) I saw the stranger taking up a cell phone and saying loudly “ I am now at--” Nothing further was said and the guy put the phone back into his pocket. I had neither seen him dialing it or the ring of the phone.

My friend just paused for a moment in his strides but did not look back at the guy. He drove away without looking around. The guy with the cell phone looked at the booth owner and there was some sort of a malicious smile on their faces as he moved away. I suddenly remembered the talk with my friend the other day. He had said that this sort of “reporting” is a regular feature of the attack and name of the places are the only changing part. When he reaches the office the report would be “I am at the office now” If he is on the veranda it would be “I am on the veranda now”

I was intrigued and decided to follow the lead character in the story and see what happens when he gets to the office. By what he said these attacks are planned for an odd number of days in the month. This, if my friend is right could be the day of “I am now at such and such place” day and I was going to find out if it is true.

My friend rarely goes over 40’s while driving and it was easy to overtake him and get before him to his office. I stood on the veranda outside his office towards one side of the entrance so that when he comes up the staircase he would not notice or recognize me immediately and come towards me. If that happens the game would be spoilt and probably the script would not go on. I saw him park downstairs and was ready to shield my face if necessary. I shouldn’t have bothered, for he ran up the stairs and was into the office in one moment. I went in after him and what happened inside astounded me. The moment the poor guy reached his seat the guy on the nearest seat took up his cell phone and said loudly into it “I am now at the office” He repeated the phrase several times to make it clear it is intended to be heard by every one who has ears in the neighborhood. Many of the other staff was trying to look very serious while hiding their smiles.

I felt a sudden repugnance for the office and its staff and left the place. The “I” in the report was clearly a noun-substitution exercise (though I did not know of the theory then, I had to assume as much). It was crystal clear to every one at the office who was being referred to. The guy under attack was my friend and I know his life inside out. He is not a secretive man and lives an open life. There was no reason to tag him like that for any of the official agencies in the land. I believe that he is biologically incapable of committing any crime. He can be a stubborn and difficult man at times. His openness is also irksome in certain situations. He is so because he has little to hide. But to tag him as a criminal and openly stalk him thus is nothing short of heinous.

I began to see the reality of the situation for him. It appeared everything he told me was true. But I could not believe that a person could be hunted like this 24/7 and that every one around would be actively participating in it. It seemed logically impossible for me. Can an honest citizen with no record of crime be hunted like a known criminal who is on the wanted list in a democratic society like ours? It was apparent that in my friend’s case there can be any official action against him, for it would not take so many years to complete it and bring charges against him. But if there is no direct official involvement in it then who is running the racket and where do they get the funds to spend on such villainous schemes as this. How do they rope in others to help them, some of the nearest relatives even? What about the conscience question! How could any one knowingly destroy a man without any credible reason what so ever?

He also was troubled by these questions. It was he who suggested searching the web for answers. At first both of us knew not how to search. We did not know the key words. It was only when we learned of gang stalking and mind control and the equipment in vogue that we began to see light. The extensive documentation on the net placed the unintelligible things happening in his life in their true perspective. Every event was true to book. He says it is laughable how they follow the exact same procedure over and over again. To me it seems that they do not have to change their modus operandi (I know this is a law enforcers term for criminals. But we are dealing with heinous criminals here. The perps are nothing but the basest groups of criminals ever to walk on the face of the earth) for the massiveness of the attack itself is intimidatory. And they want the victims to know that they are being attacked. That is how they terrify them and finally erase or totally nullify them.

But I believe that my friend as well as many of the victims is made from sterner stuff to quail and give in like that. The perps have a fight on their hands. Once you realize the extend of the crimes that are being committed by these sorry specimens of humanity you will have to join force with like minded people to fight and bring down this evil. I believe that my friend is thus targeted for his open views and fearless thoughts. Some people out there are trying to create a submissive society where orders would be obeyed without considering whether they are right or wrong- to me everything which curtails freedom of thought, expression, and beliefs movement is wrong. But to them it may be the other way round.

-To hell with them.

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