I am not particular about anything in life and most everything is permissible to me in this laughable existence we lead. But certain things affect me in a way that is almost biological. One of them is hearing somebody lie without any reason at all for it.
Now, we all lie, only the dumb and the retarded don’t do that. May be they can very well do without lying too, being protected by powers that is unknown and unintelligible to us. But that is not the case with others like our own poor selves. We have no one to protect us when we land in a soup and so we need to lie to save our asses sometimes. This ‘saving the asses’ might not even be necessary in that particular situation. But we don’t know that, we haven’t been blessed with the foresight and clairvoyant ability to see what is in store for us in the future.
With meager available data we normally take this plunge and lie bare faced. It saves our skin some of the time, but it might land us in some trouble on other occasions. But this is a risk we are willing to take and probably that is worth taking too. Even the mighty do that on occasions and have been doing from time immemorial…….
You see, you and her are doing something very privet and the tiny tot wakes up and starts to cry.
“Don’t kill my mummy, please daddy, don’t kill my mummy”
Well you have no intention of killing her. You rather intend to enliven her somewhat and you have been hard at work at it for sometime too. You are pretty heated up and a bit breathless and nothing other than stars and dull specks of light is visible to your inner eye.
The mom starts to laugh and you accompany her with a helpless and pitiful hraw hraw hrrr and try to slide off her inconspicuously. This is difficult at the best of times and you are no acrobat.
The tiny tot is immediately put at ease by its mom’s laugh and dries its eyes to scramble on to the bed without heeding you and looking crossly and suspiciously at you.
You wonder, from where the thing gets all this possessiveness. It’s not from you; you are a giver, even when there are no takers.
The mother tries to sooth the tiny tot by murmuring “it’s nothing my darling”
“But what were you doing?” It enquires.
“Well mommy had difficulty in breathing and papa was trying to breathe in to help me “The mother is whispering with a mischievous look at you.
“Now you are alright? “ The tiny tot is concerned. It can’t imagine a life without mommy.
“Yes my dear, now that you are with me, mommy can’t but be alright, isn’t it so my jewel?”
“Yes I will help you” It clasps her with all its might. You enviously look on.
The point is we all lie, even without intending to do so. You wouldn’t go and say to the kid that:
“You know pet, we were just trying to make more things like you to pester us all through our lives” Even if you feel like saying it -Whatever the sex educationists say.
No, you don’t do that. That is not done and we can’t help lying at those moments.
But when people intentionally lie to gain some selfish ends I feel it very raw in my bones.
I don’t just dislike it, I totally hate it.
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