Lust is something we never fail to recognize. We can shut our eyes and call it by something else. But it’s a primordial ‘effluent’ that is knowable by its grasping insistence.
It can’t be denied. Nobody has done it till date.
It’s so tangible as to be nearest to our very being. Many have tried to drive one type of craving out by replacing another in its place. The sad thing is, most of them never know that the replacement is ineffective, since the thirst driving it, is a part of our right to be.
This hunger is there because there is something to crave for and everywhere there-is-something, it naturally generates lust- Because lust is world in its widest sense.
It appears in many guises in our lives and it involves most of our senses. May be the mind is the organ that lusts and not the others. The other organs might be playing second fiddle to the master tune played by the mind.
There is a theory that mind is everything.
Lust in a being is probably situated in the heart and mostly has no ‘sense’ to it. It doesn’t recognize the intellect and would have nothing to do with reason. Its domain is the irreconcilable desire for possession.
We often wonder how many forms this can take.
For example one gets curious about why people drink human blood. I am not talking of vampires here, yet there are at least a few people in the world who crave for blood and consume it.
And there is this report that a villager in India has been drawing blood from his wife with a syringe and ingesting it for the last two years or so. He is reported to be saying that it gives him strength. Such cases are not rare. Some people report such a craving in all cultures.
Well there are those who abhor, and delight in, and would not be judgmental about this practice. Some of those who criticize it point to the health hazard involved in it. They believe people can catch all sorts of fatal illnesses drinking blood. But there may be no scientific basis for this assumption since ingested blood has to survive the culturing of stomach acids to be a part of the body, barring in the instance where it comes into contact with a cut in our body and gets in the blood stream directly.
Apart from medical issues, why do people do that? Could there be psychological reasons for this behavior? There are certain instances where hired killers sprinkle the blood of their victims in their food before consuming it. What prompts them to do that?
It is hard to say. Some of us would like to consider it as a morbid state of mind and a sickness resulting from psychological problems.
The killer or the drinker of blood may think otherwise. They may say that there is life force in blood and they are absorbing it by ingesting it.
One also wonders why some god’s are gratified by a bloody sacrifice!
It may all be just lust in the end. The desire for possessing something we do not have or imagine that we do not have.
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