Friday, July 15, 2011


So, how are you guys!

Still at whatever you were doing before I guess? It’s not bad, you know, doing the same things ad infinitum. I do it all the time, never become reformed. In fact some sages say that’s what’s we have been doing from the time immemorial

Anyway it’s great you know, being persistent and not giving up. Methinks that’s how the mankind discovered a lot of things, not to say ‘invented’ some others.

Sadly, I have not been very inventive in my life. I lack the genius for it. I am the guy who used the word ‘technology’ doggedly without seeking a replacement for it in my most famous post till date. I now shudder at the usage. You can search my site for the post. It’s hilarious. Not that it felt hilarious at the time of writing it and also when certain very lucid and intelligent souls criticized it. I must admit that it felt terrible.

I actually cried a bit!

Well as we get on in years we become less sensitive and less ‘imaginative’. So I can now safely look at the post and not cry for my imperfections. It’s not my imperfections per se I know, it’s my lack of skills in authorship (but then I have never been very skilful in anything as you should know by the way I ‘pen’ my words).

Honestly, it’s some gargantuan ship, this authorship. I can never be a sailor in it let alone its master. I have stopped trying even for the post of a cook in it if it’s any consolation to you.

Still, even a person like me has a few things to say now and then. And in my country everybody supposedly has the right to freedom of expression. They say “we gave it to ourselves” and they are trying hard to take it away too. Anyway one likes hearing one’s own voice sometimes! One has to check whether the sound box is working alright.

Well that’s about it for this time.

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