I don’t know what the hell is happening; the world has come totally unhinged for me. May be it is not a new feeling, may be some of us feel it some time in their lives. But the feeling is intense.
It is as if the whole hell is breaking loose and the sky is falling down. And no I am not merely speaking of the disaster in Miyagi. It’s terrible, it’s sad. I have always liked those hardy and small statured people. The scenes that are brought by TV are painful, but as I said earlier, nature nurtures many such calamities in its clichéd ‘womb’.
Maybe it doesn’t like men anymore, may be it doesn’t like the sins that we commit, maybe it is after us in real earnest. On many parts of the world, rains are drying up, rivers are growing forests in the middle, and the temperature is in the heavens. Soil is fast becoming uncultivable.
It’s a total mess. The earth’s axis is also said to have shifted four inches after the tsunami.
Now don’t shiver up. We are not going to die immediately. We may all die off all the same, individually and socially, sometime in the future. We have not been promised by any god that we would go on inhabiting and surviving in this globe called the earth have we been?
No of course not, this is the general belief carried by most of us, barring some teleologists out there, who believe that everything is created for a purpose and for us to make use of. Well they may be right, who are we to say that they are wrong. These are the times that people are slowly shifting away from the scientific approach and are embracing all kinds of new beliefs.
Even the discovery channel is showing, ‘’psychic investigations”. May be they believe in the crap. May be the little light specks they are showing on screen are ghosts or souls or something like that. May be the creaks and tapping that’s heard are real and ghostly.
But they are not our real problem are they? The real problem that we face is of the ghosts that are amongst us and undermining everything that we have stood for. These are the ghosts that we have created, of misuse of power, misdirection or resources, misinterpretation of signs.
These go by the name of politicians.
I know you are on my side on this and shares this distaste of politicians, at least, that’s what makes me go on. You know this thing about being a member of civil society and having the need to communicate. On this point most would agree with me. There even seems to have been a guy who said “I may not agree with what he says, but I will lay down my life for his right to say it”
Okay it was not about me that he said it. But that doesn’t alter a single thing. As long as we are members of a free society (not all agree on this point. There are views that most of the race is only good for hard labor) we have a right to put our thoughts into words. None of these are big secrets too. We all know the world is where it is, is because of our mismanagement. And we don’t directly manage the world do we? We do, or supposedly get it done, though our representatives.
And these guys have totally made things worse haven’t they?
What could be the answer? Anarchy? Maybe not. But there has to be an enhanced awareness of what’s going on around us. Not the kind of awareness that’s created by the vested interests. But a deeper one, a positive and strong one that’s created out of our own uninfluenced experiences and analysis.
Let’s hope that this enlightenment would permeate into every sphere of human life and make it a better one.
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