Amusing but it’s true, you can approach a police man in Amsterdam and ask him to direct you to the best place to buy Cannabis! The Netherlands have legalized the selling of cannabis and it is available everywhere. You can buy it like you buy the newspaper and toffees from any of the stalls you see around.
I am not mentioning it for nothing. One of our poor jail wardens have been arrested for possession of some 500 grams of ganja. The man looked unfazed but a little bewildered too at the ‘atrocity’ of catching him for something totally harmless as the possession of weed. I don’t wonder at it. He is being treated shoddily by the system.
Oh I truly feel for the guy, he is a victim of circumstances, everyone knows that our jails are the ‘rest houses’ for our fine and upstanding criminals. They are in there to rest and recuperate for a while. We are duty bound to supply them with all the amenities of (psychedelic?) life while they are there. Consider the service they are rendering to the general public.
And you arrest a poor guy who was trying to do his duty by the country and the society!
Imagine having to face his fierce “customers” when he goes to them without the “Buddha” after taking their money for it. It’s even difficult to face little children when they are really pissed off as you know. Think of facing a bunch of highly vindictive and wrathful criminals!
One has to look after ones family doesn’t one? When they are upset they won’t stop at you. These are in and out of the rest house all through the year. When they cut off your limbs they don’t make any distinction between the nose and your prick. You can’t live like that with your family can you?
Looking after one’s and the families’ interest is the one important thing in life. In fact it has been shown as the primary responsibility of man in Manu Smrithi. Shouldn’t one be respectful to ancient codices of the land? What are you saying man!
Well a man could take only that much. Look at the Netherlands for instance; they peeked into the medical aspects of the Cannabis question. There was nothing to prove that the stuff is harmful to people or otherwise. That’s the one good thing about modern science. There are no final opinions on anything.
Well by restricting cannabis circulation the governments have only promoted spurious trade of adulterated stuff up to now. This violates whatever articles there are in the constitutions’ against adulteration, thus compromising the health of the people. In some case the drug has also been shown helpful to certain types of people in treating their real or imaginary ailments.
Anyway there were some wise and intelligent guys in that land for sure.
They legalized the selling of cannabis. It is notable that there has been no significant rise in the number of cannabis users in the society after the legalization. In fact the average age of the users went up from the teens to the grownups. Spurious trade stopped, state started earning revenue from the sale tax too (this I am guessing. I have not seen any mention of taxes for the stuff anywhere in the Netherlands. May be they have done away with taxation altogether!)
Well that’s what I call an enlightened polity. We should have such men around in this land instead of the boorish idiots who talk about “Desh ki mahaan sanskar” (the great culture of our land). They know nothing of what they are taking about.
No doubt ours is a great culture. But not because what these moralistic dolts think. It was a great culture and is still a great one in certain respects because of the broadness in its outlook. It had called the exponents of every faith Rishi’s (seers). It did not make any distinctions between a Vatsyayana, Charvaka, Buddha or Kabir. All were considered equally great and worthy of respect. It’s a culture which respects Aghoris who practice extreme forms of search for truth.
We were a liberal and enlightened lot before the imbeciles calling themselves the saviors of the land got on the podiums and started preaching to us what is good for us. (It always surprises me how every people in the world manage to send the worst specimens to represent themselves in the government. This is some sort of a congenital disorder.)
There began the real down fall of our great culture. A culture which was broad minded enough to etch erotic postures on temple walls ( try the Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist faiths for something similar, and you will learn what I am talking about. They would cringe at the very mention of it, saying that a pagan, uncouth and totally uncivilized people don’t know any better.
Well they would be right too, won’t they? We are a loose and ‘faithless’ people who sees the good side in everything, pretty nauseating for the one god- one way- one principle type of people. They could never see the walls around them even if it’s pointed out to them by some well meaning people.
Anyway let us laud the Hollanders for their illumined outlook on life.
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