Now that you are with me here, I am going to confide in you, I have been to that place and it was full of grapes.
You think it’s funny, well laugh, that’s what you are here for, I shall tell you again, I have been to that place and its full of grapes…..
No no not rapes( how can you think of that), but grapes, you know the kind of stuff you buy from fruit stalls, its like small pebbles, some dark and some green, some are with stones and some are stone less.
Perhaps you are not familiar with them. You are?
No I am not being funny, I have seen people who have not seen grapes in their lives, can you imagine that, there are all sorts of people in this world.
Now don’t tell me that you have a stone! You have? I guessed as much. No offense meant, I was not referring to it to gain attention, some people have these, stones, it’s not a sin. You haven’t heard of the Bezoars Stones have you? I thought so; they are too expensive, used in all sorts of magic.
You don’t want any? That’s alright, I am not running a business of it, it’s just that people come to me for all kinds of things, we can’t disappoint everybody, they expect it of me you know, now take your own case, were you clear in your mind that you were going to sit in this chair this day and asking me about Bezoar stones., I bet you were not……
(Lowering Voice) it’s good for that too……!
I thought you would understand, It is important isn’t it, your stone is giving you trouble, I can guess, Oh I see all sorts of people in the world, some comes to me with all kinds of problems, Trans… you know what they come too. It’s a job, you think they are not worried about life, none are more worried.
There all sorts of hopeless affairs, the head would reel just thinking of it.
You see these gem stones, some come for them too; between ourselves they are not much good if you don’t know what they are about. It’s all about energy fields you know; they have the property to enhance your energy levels, I can tell you many things about them, you need not believe them, but there are moments in life isn’t there when you would give anything to be safe and secure. May be they just push up the level of your confidence?
That too would come in handy, it’s all a make belief, we tell certain things to ourselves and they sort of acts on us in a good way. But we don’t do it always, do we; we are too much perturbed to take a stand. You see I have been around, that’s what you call experience.
All of us need some sort of a prop, something to lean on, now the people around us, I shall be frank with you, they are all terribly self involved, they wouldn’t care a hoot if anything happens to you.
But the stones, don’t think they are inanimate, they are not, they have energy and world is nothing but energy, if I may go as forward to say so. You are an educated individual you know it to be the truth.
They care about you. They get you the energies that you most need, would anybody else do it for you. Well who was it that sent you to me. No one? That’s alright, you can come on your own too, no problems on that count. I am always busy you see, that’s why I asked.
So you don’t need stones? You came to kill me? That’s all right too, would you mind if I sort of prepare for the ordeal, it’s tough you know, to suddenly leave this world with everything you cherish in it. But all the same I wouldn’t want to disappoint you, can you wait for a moment till I freshen up, this has been a hectic day you know, there were several visitors. You would not mind if I pack these things up, too valuable to leave scattered about.
Yes I will be back in moment, there is an ante room to this one, be back in a jiffy.
(In the other room)
Yes, yes, looks perfectly normal, no not violent, yes certainly disturbed, any way come quick, he is not leaving by himself. No I can handle it. No I am not scared really, but be quick about it…………
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