Thoonu smiled at me quite angelically; there were stardust and rainbows in it. She was resplendent, quite composed and assured.
She had achieved her aim; she had brought a government order directing all the government institutions to throw out temporary hands the moment Public Service Commission hands reports for duty, for me to see and comment. I looked at it and decided to play along.
I asked:
Can we dismiss Namja and Cheeru with it?
Both the mouthy darlings were temporarily with a project that our office is supervising. They have no business in the Office, but are retained there and go about as if everything in the office is their ancestral property. They are being paid pittances and could not live on it. They are just slaves and are brainwashed into everything unseemly, including acting against me.
I have seen others employing them in certain other ways, or seemingly employing them in that way. It’s all a charade inside the office now, so one can’t believe what one sees with one’s own eyes. I am consoling myself with this thought. Well I know that human body has many uses, but to use it as a rubbish dump is not something I approve of. Anyway they have become indispensible to them so I wondered at this sudden change of stance. May be they were getting too used up to be considered necessary anymore.
I have compassion for them too, in a way that is. They are bad through and through and would do anything for a few bucks. The younger the age the more immoral they become, it seems. Don’t mistake me, I have nothing against any practice as long as they are done in the true spirit of love, otherwise it’s only a commercial adventure.
I have also seen them reading x rated magazines quite openly inside the office and feigning great pleasure in it and with promptings from others. A guy named Asharto is supplying the ‘” unholy” stuff to them. May be he is acting as their go between. He is a staunch Catholic and invites all sorts of religious leech’s insides all the time.
Maybe they are just faking reading them to make me disgusted. But I have gone a little deeper towards the truth than they ever can and would not be troubled by such displays. I am only sorry that the imbeciles had to bow so low to have their revenge against me.
Anyway it seems that Thoonu was after something else this time. She was targeting my dislike for Karuppachan and was praying all her gods that I would say something on the line. But not being as intelligent as she is and the perps are I failed to perceive it. Yet being very persistent she became more direct.
Do you think Karuppachan would be dismissed if the PSC hand comes?
She now asked, naturally expecting that I would take the bait. My present policy is to take all such baits and respond in the manner they like. I consider them as good opportunities to rub some salt into those that are completely anti-people.
I gave it a go and she as well as the other poor perps was highly satisfied. They have achieved their aim of making me utter things which would incense Karuppachan and would make him react against me. Every move in this game is preplanned. The copy of the ancient order is supplied to Thoonu by the perps and Karuppachchan was previously briefed about it.
He would take it up tomorrow and start mouthing words which are put there by the perps. As I have made remarks against the other inconsequentials they would be in the fray too. I am planning to record the tirades.
Anyway, in exchange for my outburst Thoonu was kind to inform me that such and such persons were taking bribes and that is why files are moving quite fast in the Office. I said some nice things about those bastards too, fully well knowing Thoonu was baiting me.
Well tomorrow would be the big day for the perps and their slaves. I gave out to Thoonu that I am expecting as much. Thoonu sat for a little while munching things over and left her seat to inform the major perps about it. I like to have things my way all the time and am never remiss in putting a spanner in the perps wheels. Well soon afterwards Pappedathy paid me a visit. I felt delighted.
She is in some other office at present but is considered to be the think tank of the perps. The activities of the perps were reaching a crescendo for about a few weeks now. They fear that I am to get a promotion in the near future and they would rather die than see it happen. So they were on an all out attack to make me quit everything and leave.
Their terror is natural; you cannot have a more dangerous adversary than me in your life. Once anything is decided in my mind I would make it happen. If I am against any one (Let it be any one in the wide universe, their power, position, stature, influence, wealth etc would be of no importance. That would not stop me in getting into them true and proper) they would be dealt severely with, and it would not stop even if they cry out for god’s mercy. There would not be any quarters on offer, no pity will be shown, and no charity will be evident on my part.
But it will only be done if it’s the sole option. In the case of my perps I had tried to be friends with them for over a period of three long years after returning to this station as they had posted me elsewhere, even putting my prospects in jeopardy.
But I had decided to carry no animosity and had decided to behave as if we have been great friends all along. I am not a guy to dissemble, and am open about everything I do, have never acted against any one in a way to rob them of their livelihood or put hurdles in any their path, even of the worst among the human race.
But none of these overtures registered with them, they did not want my output, they did not want my sincerity, they did not want my friendship. They wanted me out, they wanted to have the freedom to do whatever they wished without having to go in fear of my reaction to the base things that they do, and they were waiting for an opportune time.
They thought I was being docile out of fright, that I feared them and their organizations. The moment their “people” got the rule back they started going at me in right earnest. They thought it would be easy that I would buckle under pressure. They thought an elected government is their private property and would do everything they wished it to do. May be it would, there are things coming out which do not add luster to any regime.
But they guessed wrong. I would have taken the least friction ridden path in life if it is on offer; there are other things to do with my life than fight imbeciles every step of the way. But they left me with no options. There is a saying, you should only bend and not break things. They broke me with their idiotic insensitivity.
I painfully realized that they are out to ruin my life and I can’t draw back now. But even then before going any further I tried to repeatedly warn them to let me be, that I mean no harm to them, that they should not push me into places from which there is no coming back for all.
But they laughed it away, and went on with their attacks, these were bestial, they did not stop at anything, they would drag everyone connected to me to it. So that was that. The games had progressed even to electronic harassment. I had to put my foot down then and there is no more of it now.
Their open attacks are still continuing. The event described is the current high note in it. I help them all the way too. I play up to them for the fun of it. They produce deviants, prostitutes, terrorists, lunatics, lechers, quarrelsome people, imbeciles, beggars, lepers, politicians, astrologers, clergy etc in a stream and pit them against me to upset me and make me run. They were pinning their hopes on the middleclass morality that I may have.
They would have succeeded in every other case, but in mine they reckoned without my knowledge of the subtler aspects of existence. I have seen things which prove evil as well as the good have little relevance in the real scheme of things. I can take the so called sublime and the so called evil in my stride and spurn both with impunity.
Now I watch their every move with delight and I help them in bringing it to fruition. Today itself, I sang a few innocent ditties on and off, sending the perps telepathic suggestions that these were about them. As I have mentioned previously too I can get into their heads as easily as entering an open field and they can’t do anything about it.
They panicked and started calling every one of their friends outside. People streamed into the Office from all walks of life, seeking me out.
There would be exasperated stage whispers by them. “This guy”, “Don’t know the danger”, “He doesn’t seem to learn” . (All this because I sang “Twinkle twinkle little star” a few times? They were out to make me neurotic and ended up being neurotic themselves.)
Then there were the power guys who faked that they had to disconnect the power supply because we haven’t paid the charges in time.
Though I have nothing to do about it, they seek me out and start haranguing about the necessity of looking into it myself. The main guy got so worked up in the process that he started shaking all over, all this in vain for we never fault there because there are “files” to go. You get my point I hope? There is vested interest inside the office that would pay the amount out of their own pockets rather than have the power disconnected.
“You need to serve the people, no?”
I told them to disconnect the supply if they feel like it and that threw the main guy into a fit of apoplexy, he became incoherent and livid and jittery. It is my belief is that the guy has little more to live. May the god rest his soul! He thinks the whole world as his own and everything in it is his own personal property. He is in the “Union” it seems. They own the world. Tax payers like us are mere non essentials.
Then they made the whole bunch in the project to come to the office and make a din for some time. These were all for my benefit I gather. There is one supposed good looker in them and one “light eyed” boy too. These slaves are forced to make ‘passes’ at me, can you believe this. Luckily I can view all this dispassionately while taking it all in.
I enjoyed it all. Even the final appearance of Pappedathy. She had previously contrived to send some of his official details to the A/G and the Treasury with my knowledge while instructing others to make it appear that they are not sent. Now she starts complaining about the little attention that I have paid to their safe delivery.
The game continues. Tomorrow either the perps would buckle down or would go totally berserk.
I will let you know of it later. Anyway I would be sorry if they buckle down. I like them to be active twenty for hours a day, thinking of me. I am terribly egotistical that regard. I want people who dislike me to think of me all the time!
Won’t you think of me perps? But don’t go all rosy and feverish when you see me. You are my very own, though you haven’t realized it yet. Our connections go back to earlier births. I was your master then, I still am, and you would come to realize it slowly, but surely.
Forsake everything my dear perps, and rely on me alone.
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