At one time in my land everyone had to answer this question.
Which side are you on?
It was not multiple choice, it had only one answer.
And you know what that is.
Anyway, luckily I was born long afterwards and hence could subsist without answering this question.
But at all times in your life you are compelled to take sides.
You might know what side I am on by this time. As far as my activities on the net are concerned, I am on my side.
Don’t laugh or screw your face up in disgust, both sides. I am being dead serious here. First hear me out…..
This I am is not the individual I am, maybe there are people discerning enough to understand that. It’s the universal I am. Wait, there is no mystical bullshit attached to it at this level of discussion. Don’t think that I am afraid of ‘mysticulating’ at anytime, I am not. Only the very dumb would think that the spiritual is not compatible with the progressive.
So let us talk of this I am of mine. It may have other aspects to it on other levels but here it is suggested as a workable idea for effecting modification in the human psyche.
You can call it the emerging universal consciousness or it may have been there all the while. Our conception of time as a linear event may not be valid.
So being on my side does not make me the enemy, and one to be constantly monitored. There are things happening out there my friends and enemies, of which we are only dimly aware.
But one thing is evident. Everyone is bound, shackled and tied up. There is no oppression like that to my mind. This happens with both the sides and it is reprehensible.
Now wait a second. Don’t get on a pedestal and complain “But we are humanists” You have no claim to the title in exclusion to everyone else. Every one is a humanist, even to the meanest of us; it operates in different ways with different people.
Even the Rothschild’s are humanists in the sense that they love their off spring like everybody else. No one wants power for themselves alone. They fantasize about power in a human background.
Human beings are not human programmed mechanical toys to follow a certain preset protocol all the time. Humans are a vibrant organism, an evolving organism. It can’t be put behind bars and curbed from reaching out into the realm of the unknown.
There have been stupid blunders like that before, it crumbled even empires. Just look around and you will see them.
So desist from this frantic desire for control. It comes out of fear, not out of anything creative.
I have seen absolute dolts put in place by the most ‘humanist’ of organizations, the reason? Obedience, those that can think and be creative could ask questions. The result could be imagined, total loss of control. Puppets can’t create freedom. It’s a paradox that we are seeing now. Everyone is shouting freedom at the top of their voice, because they want the cries from their camp to go unnoticed.
I don’t approve of servility; I thought we had put an end to slavery for all times on this globe. But I see its various forms all round me.
I can’t see any good coming from, God, state and Society as they are conceived today. But I can’t advocate anarchy. The only thing that we can destroy comparatively easily is God. But the other too machineries are lethal and perennial. No amount of wailing is going to dispel them from our lives.
The only option remaining is to function from within these frameworks and try to modify it gradually.
It’s no easy job, all the other methods have failed, and there is no use in resorting to the external mechanics anymore. There are too many variables, and the basis on which they were launched has once has crumbled, that basis in no more reliable.
So the only option is working from the inner to the outer. This is not a single man’s job.
At present what I am seeing is a very bleak picture. The remedy for this is not optimism. It is faith, faith in the evolving universal consciousness, faith in one’s own internal freedom, faith in one’s own self. It’s that which is going to create a new world and nothing else. The struggle for existence has turned inwards and is being fought within the mind. This has to be understood above all.
We can’t any more function with ideologies; most of them are outdated, we need to band together to form a new alliance on the psychic level. This psychic is not the psychic of the old. It’s a link formed within the mind, a creative link, which works towards freedom of the whole race.
We need to reclaim our autonomy.
So on whose side am I? I am on the side of man, not the man in the abstract, not the man divided into classes as of old, but individual man of today who is fighting a bloody war within the mind for his survival and without knowing it.
I can’t do much. But will try to do what I can. All systems of thought, all structures out there are restrictive, they instill obedience rather than enlightenment. Even my efforts to break out of the clutches of the accepted manner of presenting matter may be due to that.
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