Monday, February 2, 2009

Tube Species

People write to get accolades. But really, of what use is applause? It is sweet to the young ears, it pumps them with confidence, it eggs them on. But to me, it just reeks of malice, not in the sense that one who says a nice thing is malicious, no. But in the sense that those words are mostly vacuous.
They are just lip service, there is nothing underneath it. It takes time to discover this. Then we become disillusioned and start our little laughs at the world. It is bound to happen to any one. You just wait. It will come to you.

It has happened to me. I now know that there is only deception around. We deceive ourselves. We deceive others. Every one deceives everyone. Why? Because we can’t live with ourselves. We are not proud of this shitting and farting machine that we carry around. It is the most insufferable thing in the world. Some say you have to be proud about yourself to succeed in life. Succeed? Tell me who has succeeded in life?

It’s only the young who are worried about success and failure. To others they are just words play. The very success may look such a big defeat in retrospect. You think that this is meddling with philosophy? Well okay let it be so. Whether we meddle with it or not, reality remains the same. It would not become something else if we ignore the wisdom of our own mind.

I agree with Alan Watts, we are a tube species which takes in food at one end and expels something through the other. That is all there to our lives. These basic needs. Yes these things continue till death. We cover it up. We look on ourselves as something wonderful but all the time we are aware that we are no such thing. We are just pawns in the hands of nature and no amount of praise is going to make us anything else.

We know that others are watching us. They think it is amusing to watch others. It is so really. It is even interesting to see others suffer. But that obliterates something from our mind. That we are no better. We follow the same fate.

No no no. I do not see anything wrong with it as long as these activities are not hurtful to the rest of the world. But mostly people believe that the only way to keep alive is to go at others. I can’t say if it really works. There could be some satisfaction in seeing others cringe. But that is in relation to you. You feel well and the others are not.

The moment the situation reverses they become good for sometime. Then they can see the goodness in others. And it goes on like this………….

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