Saturday, February 28, 2009

Knowing The Truth

Some think that real knowledge is reserved for a few blessed beings. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This was known to all who have experienced it. There is no cast, creed, levels of intellect, social positions and amounts of learning which accompanies it. It’s a total liberation, liberation from the limits of a person’s awareness. You can read thousands of books on the effects of water on your body, but the moment you drink some you realize it yourself without a shade of doubt. Those who have drunk it always remain in a better position to know and understand it than those who have read about it. They may not be able to tell you about its chemical combination and the way it is absorbed into the system and acts within it.

These points are not important; they would not quench your thirst. There is limit to the amounts of information that we can gather and store and use. These limits are imposed by the physical world. In the realization of truth we are going beyond the barriers of the physical, in fact we are ignoring them altogether. There is no freedom in a closed environment. Our effort is not to learn what lies within this closed space, our attempt is to break down the walls and step outside.

Once we step out our perception changes, we no longer feel certain that the dream that we are living called the life is all that important. We just don’t feel like studying the composition of water before drinking it. We want to appease our thirst and that is of prime importance. There is no point in ridiculing those who have tasted it by stating that they don’t know its composition. Think about it, you will realize it too.

The major point that is mostly risen by the ‘knowledgeable’ people is just this. If a man knows truth why can’t he do this and that in the world? This of course is possible if the man invests time and effort in it. Any one who is thirsty can study the chemistry of thirst and water. It would take a little bit of time. But why waste it like that why not drinks at the font than look and wonder at it. That is more nourishing and less troubling.

There two kinds of truth seekers, one who are after the powers of creation and destruction of the world. The others want just to learn the truth. The later is the easiest way. Those who are after power would have to work bloody hard for it and would undergo all kinds of torture before they acquire it and after they have acquired it. It is the most evident truth. One who has some the right amount of sense in him would know this intuitively at all times.

Why waste time in fashioning dreams this way, why not go after the real. Once you have known it do as you wish.

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