Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vampires galore

Well I really do not know what I am getting into. I have been writing on aliens, and now here I am writing about Vampirism. No need to fear though, it’s about energy vampires that I am concerned about, not the real variety, the Count Dracula variety. That could be scary, but luckily it seems, if C.W.Leadbeater and company is to be believed, they would not exist in countries where people burn their dead. They need the body to project themselves into the astral form.
The Astral Plane by C.W Leadbeater contains several interesting accounts of the plane that is said to be the next to that of the physical plane that we live in. The belief is that we enter the astral world soon after our death. It is said to be much like the world that we live in and exists in the same region although unknown to us. According to Mr. Leadbeater the completely soulless and depraved men can not stay in the astral world after death and has to go to the “eighth sphere” whatever it is, to under go painful torments for the terrible deeds done by them while living.
Well such men, if they know something of the “black arts” can postpone this fate indefinitely by preserving their body in a “cataleptic trance” by infusing blood into it and thus keeping it in a state of freshness. It is said that the eighth sphere can not claim them till the dispersal of the physical body. As there were no blood banks in the distant past, they had to draw blood from other beings with the help of their “semi materialized astral”.

Leadbeater has said that there were a few such examples of vampires at the time of writing his book. I could not get the date of the actual publishing of the book from it, but I believe the articles in it were written sometime early in the last century. Interestingly he cited Russia and Hungary as the most likely places in which we can find some of these rare individuals.

The book might be available at some of the Theosophical sites

Well these “class acts” in the vampire kingdom and our energy vampires have only one thing in common, they both are supposed to take the life force out of you -The earlier class through physically draining you of blood and the later class by draining you of energy. But how do they do it? Can any one become an energy vampire? I have been intrigued by this question for a little while now. Well it seems now that people are born with this thing. Sergei Nikodimov, a Russian parapsychologist (God what am I coming into!) has this to say about the phenomenon:
“Numerous research works conducted by specialists of bioenergetics all over the world showed that all people can be conditionally divided into two major categories – vampires and donors. Each person radiates with live biological energy, which he or she can give to someone or take from someone. This quality of give and take forms with every human being during the moment of birth. If a baby is born as an energy vampire, this child is extremely capricious. When they grow, they try to follow parents everywhere on their heels and even try to sleep with them at night. As a rule, a person does not realize the need in other people's energy: the energy exchange happens on a subconscious level. However, a human body senses this invisible communication too and reacts with fatigue, headache, etc. A person may feel dog-tired at night and have absolutely no wish to get up in the morning. The loss of energy through human communication may also result in depression and weakened immune system,”
You can view the article here:

It seems that these guys can not be alone and are very depressed when they are so. Their vampirism is said to be unconscious, and they are attracted to sports events because it provides them with a vast reservoir of energy. Well all that is well, but what is the actual mechanism by which the energy is being transferred? None seems to have an idea. At the same time there are people who consider themselves energy vampires like this one:
“Question: I've heard you discuss energy vampires and to move away from them. But I have never seen any help for those of us who are energy vampires and want to stop. I harm the people close to me with my energy. Lately, I’ve had terrible abuse memories, depression, panic, and severe mood swings. When strong feelings come up, I project them out on my partner and cause physical pain and emotional distress. I scare myself. I do this out of fear or anger, and then I wind up feeling more terrified - of myself. How do I face these severe emotions without connecting to others psychically? I want to stop dissociating, because that is when "something else" - something dark or stuck comes through me. All I know is I have been bought into darkness by allowing this to hurt my partner and others. “
The article is at this site:
But the most interesting information came from a blog:
“Actually, I’ll take this a step further and offer a more “inside-out” definition. To me, an energy vampire is any thought pattern, activity, or habit that drains your life force. Whether the external influence that leads to this negative energy flow is a person, place, or thing, the vampire can only strike if you take the bait.”
This seems more like it. She has something going for her. The mention of thought pattern is of real interest. That could be the subtle mechanism at work.
She has also provided some solutions to the vampire problems.
Judith Orloff MD a psychiatrist has this to say on the phenomenon:
“energy vampires exude negative energy that drains. Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. For example, you're at a party talking to a perfectly nice person, but suddenly you're nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend for the tenth time? Eventually, she feels better, but you're spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy level these people suck you dry.

Exercise: Take an inventory of people in your life who give energy, and people who drain. Specifically identify the energy vampires, and begin to evaluate ones you'd like to limit contact with or eliminate. Plan at least one complete afternoon with people who give off positive energy and avoid drainers. Notice how this beneficially affects their physical and emotional well-being”
Her website can be reached through this link:
There is also a book available to read online on the subject. Here is the link
Enjoy the detailed description.
You can check whether you are a donor or taker of energy by observing yourself in action. It is said that if you feel tired after meeting some one, gets a head ache, feel depressed and sad you are under an energy vampire’s attack
On a different note I should also mention that the power loss from your various appliances is also called the energy “vampire” by some. This site might show how powerful this vampire is.

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