Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to the middle ages

I am in a strange place where the breath of change never dares to venture. Perhaps I am in a dreamland or someone is playing tricks on my mind. I don’t know, everything looks normal on the outside, but the moment one tries to penetrate within the shell one discovers a bizarre realm where only self interest rules supreme.

May be I am inside some science fiction story where the protagonist was put on a time machine back to where we all started, where we only bothered about our rights and never cared about our responsibilities. I thought that age was long past; I thought this was a new age where people cared about themselves only in relation to society. I thought the new trend was to consider every advance of the society an advance on personal level for everyone in it. Alas, there seem to be places where such knowledge is scant in this era of changes.

This one is definitely such a place. I have been trying my level best to make things happen in this new scene. The things I was pushing for is already in existence everywhere in the world and especially in the domain I work in. I am a bit slow to understand happenings of this nature. Being a person with a decided intent I am mostly surprised when my efforts to bring it into being fail deplorably. I have never yet tried to make anything happen that is not time tested and instituted already by society and is proven to be beneficial for the people in general.

That could be the reason for my surprise. But in a sense in this old world scenario nothing should come as a surprise to me. There seems to be no rule of law in this bit of land. There is only the presence of brute force. I have already stated the reason why my life and the lives of my family were under threat because of an incident at the office. This was only a precursor to other things.

The members of the lower level staff come and go as they please.This is a touchy subject, one can't do a single thing about them. Well, at least in this they are very modern; they seem to be operating on the basis of a flexible type of time. The only thing is, they do not carry their work load to any place else, that is, the little work load that they have. What they want is free time at the expense of the state. They of course ask my permission to go out. Whether I grant it or not they would necessarily go out. So my permission in such cases are only incidental. Larger forces are naturally at work on the outside to monitor these developments. They have huge reserves of crocodile tears in store for them and would become belligerent if we go against them.

They have been probably granted permission to leave like that by certain functionaries of the most prominent employee’s organization in the area! I am not guessing. And these guys run the world as you know(!), whether they belong to the class four or whatever classes. One has to obey them or else one would learn it the hard way. Organized terror is the bane of every public institution.

Yet there is this thing, that if I give any one permission to go like that, the other group would immediately complain to all and sundry that such a thing was done and there would be questions about it. All in all its a nice situation to have. It might even go up to the highest level of the government. Both the groups in essence are working close together to undermine the effective functioning of the office. This affects every level of the office. What personal gain these fools have in acting against public interest is something I can’t understand.

You all thought that such things do not happen anymore in the world and they are the things of the past. Well how wrong you were. There are still unlighted pockets like this in the universe. It’s my luck to be ‘deported’ here. I feel like having materialized in the middle of heathens. I do not understand the language they speak; I do not know the activities they revel in. This is a deplorably outlandish world. Here people quote rules in English by the volumes to impress others but do not know how to do a thing for the welfare of their own state, district, village or whatever.

I have always believed that those who learn rules by heart are the most ruthless of criminals. They foresee a situation where it would come useful to them. Normal people do not need to do that, they do not need to break laws and most laws are self evident in the working of the society.

Some of the staff had proudly presented the old case files containing everything including assault of higher officials of this organization to me They are chilling. It shows the entire retrograde history of the institution. Those who showed it to me seems to be immeasurably proud of the ‘great deeds’ that has happened in this office.

I have recently begun to wonder what purpose this organization serves at all. A careful examination of the workings and history of the organization leaves a complete blank to look at. No useful work has been done by it for a long long time. None of the functions entrusted to it has been carried out. No one at the helm has been able to run it any manner in the last two decades. And I am honest to the core when I say that none would be able to run it in any way in the future too.

It’s simply the case of the fence eating the crop up. If it was not a government institution it would have been wounded up years ago. One should not say such things about the place one works in, but let me tell you these are barest skeletons of what happens inside the environment.

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