Tuesday, June 15, 2010

‘lofty’ regions

Life often makes us good actors. In a way this is inevitable too, for none of us know what goes on inside our minds at anytime. Yes, we may think or claim we do, but on closer examination our every action or thought extend deep into the unremembered past and the causes that created the effects remains out of reach to us. This is not to say that we don’t have clear cut ideas of things and acts on them. We do. These ideas are often about power. We call them by the names of position, money, love or something that come into our minds-yet whatever we call them, it all amounts to one thing- the quest for power.

Beings are always in unenviable positions. They have to act, and act purposefully, and almost always they have to prove dominance in the environment they are in. If they fail to do so, there is tension and there is unrest.

Proving ourselves superior is so vital that we often commit blunders in its name.

All these came into my mind as I was trying to analyze the reasons behind a sort of lethal war going on against me that I can’t understand on the superficial level. I am not an especially difficult person to get along with provided I am left alone to do what I think right in any circumstances. But the hitch is, my ‘right’ needs not be the right of others, however “right” my right is! (There are no political connotations in that statement)

See, in a given situation, you have only one way to act- uphold the customs, law and regulations in force in the realm as they would not be in force unless they are time tested and proven beneficial. There could be any number of flaws in them, but unless you are powerful enough to change them, the better option would be to enforce them. This is especially true if the others in the environment are duty bound to follow them too.

But the cows on a page are yet to eat grass. So rules, regulations, codes etc will still be there till the human beings evolve into something better and finer but shall always be bent or neglected to suit the interests of those who are to use them. I am not a great stickler for rules as such. They are there to bring in order and prevent absolute chaos. A literal interpretation of rules would do more harm than good, for we are not robots and can’t at all times follow rules to their letters. I don’t see this as a failing; I see it as a healthy attitude to life and a welcome show of independence on the parts of the individuals who does it occasionally.

But such activities have to be shunned where there is real danger to the institution that you are working for. Failing to realize it and to go on acting as if it is divinely ordained to act for the downfall of the same organization that is keeping you alive is sheer imbecility. Only dotards would take such a course.

Well, if you want to know, I am living among such imbeciles and dotards at present. Some of them have openly stated that they don’t mind being transferred elsewhere if the organization is wound up here. That is, they still hold on to the stupid idea that nothing will happen to their institution and they still can act in the way they always have done, that is put their personal interests before work and getting paid for it all the same.

So they are enacting these little skits for my benefit. They pretend they are for or against anybody they decide upon beforehand and produce documents to prove their indiscretions and good deeds alternately. Unfortunately I am past that stage of being befuddled by their ancient tricks. I must say that they work very hard at it, and probably are being paid from some embezzled money for it. Such is their total devotion to the cause of discrediting the institution that they are working in. It would soon come to naught without the least doubt. The past two decades have left the institution completely unscathed. It has never done anything at all. Its staff is the most well fed and the most absent of the entire humanity. They absolutely hate to come to the office. It’s a religion and if they come to the office, are they fools to sit around somewhere and work? You dream!

From the chaprasi to sweeper every one holds equal powers with the head of office and give orders to their superiors without fail. Okay I am ready to admit that hillbillies would always be hillbillies, but such total disregard for what is to come! My mind boggles at the thought!
So I am acting my part in the deplorable little dramas that they are putting up every day. I am acting the part of a spectator and they seem satisfied with it.

I would not recommend any of these “maestro’s” in a children’s play even. They only have one skill- that of brazen self bias.
More from the ‘lofty’ regions soon!


Unknown said...

New theme to your blog looks good...but somewhere your writing and the template seem to go hand in hand!

Chasing my shadow said...

True, I am a little angry and the color perhaps suits my mood!

Anyway I am glad that you like the template, there is something going for it too, it fills up the screen nicely:)