Monday, February 22, 2010

Smile at life

What for trees flower
Other than to smile at life?


Unknown said...

Is it
"What for flower to trees
Other than to smile at life?"

or is it something else?

Chasing my shadow said...

Well its really-

"Why do the trees flower
Qther than to smile at life?

Meaning every such flowering is a pleasent statement on life.....

I tried to jumble the words up out of boredom!

Unknown said...

Now i got it... Idle brain is rusted so takes sometime to understand such things :)

Chasing my shadow said...

Haha, nice point, the inertia is on my part I know, the only consolation being everything was inert in the begining!

"Naasadaaseeno sadaaseel thadaanim"

"there was niether being and non-being" and all was envoloped in Thamas etc..... and incidentally my name is that of the lord of inertia, Shiva ;)

( Well you are going to study sanskrit, aren't you? Learning 'Nasadeeya Suktha' could come in handy!)

I agree, I get bored with being serious most of the time ;)

Should try to be more lively!