Well the bastion seems to be totally crumbling now, it’s sad, but it’s a fact. These are perhaps the last days of its existence on earth, I have no doubt about it and they know it themselves too. May be to some of you this might appear as a brutal and vengeful analysis of the current situation, and a blow below the belt, but let me assure you it’s not. It’s based on hard facts. The signs are so clear that one has to pry one’s eyes out not to see the light of this terrible day. There is utter confusion among its rank and file. The leadership is not capable of deep reflection and by misusing and coercing the intellectuals in the fold, that class has become more of a nuisance than a help to them. They of course still rely on old methods of analysis (look up their views on post modernity. They still consider it as an off shoot of late capitalism), they have not even recognized that action has become more internalized now and all wars have to be fought within the mind rather than on the outside.
Yet this is what is happening all over the world and unfortunately the intellectuals have played their part in it. This of course has not been understood by its rank and file. How can they do that if the analysts themselves failed to grasp its import? But they have sensed that the general atmosphere has been changing. This is an animal sense rather than a result of careful thought. They are in the twilight zone and are not sure of where they are going. This fact is reflected in everything that they do. It is a sorry sight and I am pained to see it.
As a last effort they have embraced the very forms of its opponents make use of and are trying to defend it. This is no wishful thinking on the part of its enemies because it’s a self evident phenomenon. It has alienated all its remaining supporters who support it because of the instability and vulnerability of the other structure which has a penchant for falling into the hands of the power hungry. It has its good points too and I cannot but admire its vigorous stance for the rights of the individual. But I doubt whether it would go much beyond mere assurances or lip service on safety. The checks and balances would only function, if everything is transparent.
But they are not are they? Even the rights to information would not be allowed to cover everything. Really, it’s not the absence of laws that we should be afraid of, it’s the presence of innumerable laws and the exceptions carefully integrated into them that need to be worried about. A law in the hands of those who know how to use it becomes an instrument of oppression rather than of help When we consider this frailty in the background of the tools available to them we can only shudder at the future of mankind. Only a miracle would prevent the 90% of the race becoming entrapped in a giant biological zoo covering the whole earth. Don’t think of this as a fantasy, the reality could be more bizarre and more violent than what we even imagine it to be.
There is no infusion of fresh blood into it. Its ranks are deserting it, it has placed itself in a spot that not even fools would care to occupy, and it’s defending its enemy whole heartedly and adopting its methods to do so. But only in a docile way, not in a way in which it could use it to better it. It has decayed, worn out and has become seedy. It a triumph of the opponents, in more than one way and people like me fear that its days are finally over.
Honestly I am ’worrit’ about it and I do mean it seriously. The bastion was good when it was functional, not in the sense that it propagated everything that was good and was intelligent about it. But, it at least had its priorities right. It stood for the downtrodden and it had a right and pedigree to do that. And now there is a big hollow in its place. I am not patronizing it, no, I feel for it. It was the last defense against the onslaught on our minds. Strangely they began the onslaught, but soon were out distanced in the war, may be this led to their down fall. There must have been some who still believed in human freedom among them and loathed their effort to control the mind in heinous ways.
They say it’s a law that an empty space would be filled up sooner or later. Well may be its so, but there is no guarantee that the new intruders into these vacant spaces would be better than those who vacated it is there?
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