( Don't be confused with this rambling post. It has a purpose behind it. I hope I can achieve it. So those who has nothing to do with it can skip it and read my shorter posts)
Oh, yeah, it’s about music and mayhem, and yeah again, it could be about something else too, but about that later. First things best, or is it said some way else? Keep forgetting things! It could be the result of aging. Or it could be something else. Some 'kind' philanthropist friends have even tried to help me with this!
People should be like that, helping others!
There are drugs to keep the mind alert all the time they say. I haven’t taken any, but I think the guys who suggest that to me need to take some ‘forget-pills’ urgently. I mean, immediately, straight away, at once, promptly etc, etc. They are remembering too much and that could be the vilest shit one could find oneself in!
And what shit at that!
Oh let us not ramble but return to the matter at hand.
They say one should not play a violin into the ears of the buffalo. There I go again, I am talking in riddles it seems!
So you need clarity? That’s alright, everyone does, it’s all murky out there. I need some too, the problem is, there is no place on earth that sells the stuff.
Imagine a conversation:
“What would you have sir?”
“A ton of clarity man, a giant, imponderable, ocean of clarity.”
“We are at presently out of stock sir! Could you call some time later?”
One thing I like of capitalism is this willingness to serve people. I mean, there is no shitting the shitters, is there? We need to admit that “ a rose is a rose, rose rose”
Emily Dickinson would have said “A Violin is a violin and other things are other things”. There is something in stating the obvious like that. For one thing, nobody states the obvious and what is not stated is what is not seen. This is a subtle point, you need to think hard (try holding fast to your chair while doing that) to grasp it in full. It’s mystical, but not psychological, so you need not worry, no Freudian myths are being utilized here, no Oedipus, Electra, sado - masochial stuff.
So what was I talking about? Yeah, it’s about music, the most democratic of all arts. This guy who plays the violin gets invited to a gentleman’s house to play before his kids; he did not know the house so he goes to ask the way from the place the gentleman works. To catch attention, the man starts playing the violin in front of the administrative building, and boy, would you play violin to….. You know whom! Certain guys rush out and smash his violin to bits. It’s costly equipment, and he is not a rock musician who could break an instrument in a fit of artistic inspiration and buy a new one.
So with the only source of income gone (he plays on the streets for a living) he is destroyed, the poor guy is seen in tears, but then would our hearts move, would we listen? You see even with the violin he was invisible.
Didn’t Adorno et al speak of the invisible mass man? Visibility can only be granted to those who have labels.
Poor guy……..
(If you ask me what the above stuff means, well, one can’t tell meaning these days can one? It’s a Bengal Tiger; it’s a beautiful myth, the meaning.And another thing, I have lost the touch of writing long posts. Thats a cause for worry!)
of course I am confused!!!!
Don't be. Its another affair altogether!
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