Well it’s about Igor Smirnov again (Do I hear a snigger somewhere? May be I am becoming two noid’s at the same time!) All the same isn’t it wonderful how the name crops up every now and then on the net out of the blue? The strange thing is, the guy seems to be haunting us even after he has left the human haunts and has gone elsewhere with his mind control expertise.
-The question could be should we wish him bon voyage?
Harsh words these- as some would say.
Well may be I am not in the business of being nice anymore or maybe there is nothing to be gained by being nice. And again there is a chance that these words are being put there by someone else other than myself. Pretty scary I know, but who can tell? Are we thinking our own thoughts any more, are we feeling our own emotions (even motions) anymore?
Frankly I have nil idea. I might have been turned into a remote controlled biological machine for all I know.
Is this the Zombie land? Who can tell………..
Things are getting scarier by the second, the one consolation is, you are not anymore responsible for what you do. There is always ‘them’……….
Thank god for small graces.
Honestly I have nothing against Smirnov other than that he meddled with something sacred and inviolable- our right to be free (laugh your head off and continue. Who wants to be free, we are seeking the masochist heaven, we expect whip lashes and bestiality. See how our flesh develops goose bumps all over with the mere thought of such delicacies).
Every particular ‘movement’ has its own messiah. Well the psychotronics has Igor Smirnov. He may have been just moving with the current, the argument being-if he did not do it someone else with an even wicked intent could have.
Of course the current was getting stronger even in his time and was becoming a flood by the second.
Incidentally the in-thing now seems to be the calcite crystals in the pineal gland; they are similar to those seen in the human cochlea which captures sound waves. The mobile phone companies are pumping big money into the research to learn if a technique could be developed to send messages directly to the brain by way of pineal gland.
As you know they are the current moguls’ of the EMF technology, need anything more be said? We are in for a lush time it seems! The lords and masters are always considerate; they know what we need and what we seek. Look how they are spending their hard earned pittances to better our poor lives! May be the Rothschild’s and the Illuminati are behind all this. Some say they even funded Karl Marx to write Das Kapital.
May be they are funding me too, though I would like to see the color of money sometimes! You can’t live with hope alone, even Jesus seemed to have said so. “Man doesn’t live by dread alone” (No fear, I said dread and not bread, there was no ‘mishtake’ as I sometimes make, in this case)
But yet who can tell. Nothing is certain anymore. Are we our own friends? Am I my own friend? Some call this sort of writing convoluted metaphysics. Some also calls it the metaphysical bulshit.
Actually its convoluted bulshit. As an aside, shit may be the only substance that we now process on our own. Everything else is packaged and presented to us for ‘convenience’.
Well if the Rothschild’s are involved there could even be a class struggle in the future between mobile-made- Zombies and other Zombies. Perhaps the government of the ‘mobiles’ would wither away in the end.
Who can tell…….
Anyway coming back to Smirnov, an internet site is offering his mind control tools for commercial use. They call it psycho correction tools. (Well why does it bring on thoughts of correctional facilities all over the world? And again where do these thoughts come from? I seem to have no idea of anything of late!).
Well let that be. These tools of Smirnov are intended for screening candidates who are seeking jobs.
Smirnov was always evasive about how the technology works in what he had said before. This new site is a little more explicit on the subject.
The technique seems to be one which has been in use all along- Find trigger words to bye-pass the conscious and modify human behavior by influencing the subconscious.
Smirnov persistently calls it the unconscious. May be to him all the portions of mind beneath the conscious are the unconscious. Anyway for simplicity’s sake I am sticking with the divisions introduced by Freud -of the conscious, the sub conscious and the unconscious. (The Rothschild’s seems to have funded Freud too. If you think I am in jest, read “The Synagogue of Satan”)
The long and short of it is that I don’t know what Smirnov is talking about. But Freud’s technique seems helpful. It’s more explicable in the context of Hypnosis that is at the back of this all.
Well once you get inside the mind you try to create conflicts within the consciousness by introducing thoughts and emotions incompatible with the individual’s basic belief systems. (This is the normal human behavior, I learn) As the hidden parts of the consciousness are the more primary and are related to his/her personality these inner promptings would be taken as the action of their real selves. This would create commotion inside the mind (any sniggers? Come on, you can’t be terrorized by a guy named “Chasing my shadow”).
The person thus emotionally intimidated would naturally yearn for a solution for this dangerous situation inside. Then cunningly a solution is offered somewhat in line with the persons existing value system but of course subtly different in many ways.
All these of course are effected through covert mental manipulations.
The poor dumb ass embraces it and follows it through to the end acting it out and thus resolving the temporary hiatus (Hiatus?) he was facing. He would naturally be greatly relieved too. This is the case with even the finest of human beings or I hope so. When attack comes from within there is nothing one can do about it. He would not know that his character is being altered without his consent. (That’s how we create Zombies for our recreation)
Smirnov says a lot of fancy things about being careful while using the tools and to ensure that the basic character of the individual is not altered in the process. But its mere hogwash as you would learn by going through the explanations provided in the site. He was too well aware of the dangers involved in marketing these tools (That’s the novelty of the whole thing, isn’t it?).
But I must say that there is nothing new in the technique, there is only a change in the actual methods employed to alter an individual. You can’t call Hypnotism a new technique or hypnosis a new phenomenon, can you? Hardly. All old magic was concerned with it, the white, black and the indifferent. They had their own technique to fashion Zombies but as it doesn’t come within the scope of this post let us skip it. (Skipping is good, it keeps the legs strong)
It is true that to bye-pass the conscious is not as easy as some believe (Or so the site says). Both the conscious and the sub conscious have strong defensive mechanisms to guard against such attacks. The subconscious also works in the form of images rather than words (This seems to be my own contribution; I have no idea where it came from). You can’t just override the conscious and get into the subconscious by brute force.
That’s why trigger words are needed. They can be only of two kinds - those related to the instinct of survival (fear of death) and those related to the sex drive. (I find both of these are my contribution too, where does all these interesting thoughts come from I wonder? I certainly was not born with them I am afraid, as some inherently intelligent people are, they don’t need any education, they only require edification.)
Anyway I would like to emphasis it that these are the only kinds of trigger words which would do the trick. Though the site does not say it in so many words, this has to be the method employed to get at the subconscious by them. They only tell us that the first stage is to locate the trigger words of a particular individual. This is done by placing the person in front of a computer screen which plays a stream of random numbers asking them to punch a key when they feel like it.
These are not random numbers at all. Every number has a word imprinted on it (So says the site but more likely it’s an image, as my coming thoughts suggests) which could only be seen by the subconscious of the individual who is being tested. The tested individual involuntarily punches the space bar when the numbers with the words relating to his basic instincts appears on the screen. Without knowing to him or her examiners would have a complete profile of the person ready to be used when situation demands it later on.
(Hell, it’s going to be long post. I find that the thoughts have started thinning out of my head by now. May be their makers are taking a nap. I should wait till new ones come and continue later)
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