Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bummer story

I am bad. I have hurt my perps in a bad way. Their eyes are not currently draining.Their tears have created a big river by itself. I call it the river of sorrows.

There is no bridge across this river- may be there is one across the river Kwai but this one is un-bridgable.

( Not unabridgable, well may be that too is true , sorrows can’t be abridged. They lie like a whale swept ashore by a naughty gale.

-Gigantic, infinitely portruberent, excruciatingly prominent.

Hence like James Joyce I will let it stand-

Dear word, don’t sit, stand, stand, stand)

What a bummer!( Anyway what does bummer mean?)

Well talking of rivers,

We used to have 44 rivers in the Gods own Country, we now have 45.The last one that of my perps.

It has enough water to drown the grand canyon. I don’t know where it is situated though, the canyon. Let me know if sombody has the full dope on it.

Would ya?

My guess is that Sitchin Zacharia would probably say it is in Nubiru and is being held by EN KI currently. I would only be worried if it is occupied by Ishtar, I like the babe.

She is defenitely sexy.

Sex is savvy even in a goddesses.

Well wherever it is situated, it would be filled, flooded and swept away by this river that we have. The Grand canyon that is.

I Am not content and composed ( though I have composed the above) to let the matters lie like this. Who would want to only hurt their enemies , that’s bad form man, bad form, you should eliminate them instead. Exterminate, massacre, decimate.

And that’s how its done mate. Its like mating, the agony and ecstacy of it.

Off with their fooking ( As the irish would intone)heads.

Indulge in a terrible carnage, (wasn’t even carthage pulverized). Be horrifying cannibals , create a deluge of blood. Completely destroy not partially maime, painstakingly anihilate and not simply punish.

I am not the author of these Maxims. Chanakya ( Koutilya) is. Now there was a man if there was any. He could teach wickedness to the Devil and the dark lord would be thankful too.

I can imagine their bitter faces as I am writing this. They used not to believe in god, but recently they are never out of the temples and Kuttichathan Madoms. It is not Madams ( I only know of one madam, it is kunju madam and she is a man, the fore most pious perp I have ever met in this land) but ‘Madom’ ( House, lodge , staying place or whatever)

Their Kuttichathans are good, for they seem to report every thing I do to these uprights.

They tell me openly that the times have changed, meaning of course that it is the proleteriate which is in power ( they prowl the secretariat that is).

I am not irritated. I never am.

Good game shrimps. Lets move further on.

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