I know it’s not easy to curb subtly planted thoughts from emerging into your conscious, and they may even override your conscious activity as in the case of brainwashed persons. All this could happen. But not everyone is mentally manipulated to become a suicide bomber. Even the perps would not go that far, they wouldn’t want their own asses blown away in the process; you may still have some little time in your hand.
So stall for time, nothing is going to happen to your world all of a sudden. Well if it would have to, it has happened already. So what are you afraid of? The feared shit has already happened; otherwise you would not be in the place that you are now. So take it slow. When you draw back from doing what they suggest they might come out into the open and try to make you do it by overt promptings. That not a very bad thing. It is as if you are forcing their hands.
As I mentioned before too the only two areas you need be careful is the fear of death and the manipulations on your sex instinct. To nullify their effect on yourself you can call those incidents back into your conscious mind. If you are struck mute by the mere suggestion of death (Most people are, despite what they maintain outside.) break out of the habit.
Think on death, all philosophy begins with death. It would soon cure you of the fear of it. Even the greatest fear it, it is congenital. But fear of death at the moment of its actual occurrence and fear of it instilled in you artificially by external agencies are two different things. The later you can combat. You haven’t actually died; you are only being threatened with it.
So you are going to die, what the hell, everybody has to die; your fear is not going to make you less a candidate for death. Say hello to death, let’s be chums with him, you can even converse with him.
He is mortal. Shiva had once killed him too. This shiva is nothing but you true consciousness. It can raise or kill death if it wants to. Nachiketas, a young Indian boy once approached death for guidance. It was given freely to him. There is a whole treatise on the subject. Death is approachable and companionable. He is near us every minute. He is the most nearest of all our kins. So why fear him.
The best example of the conquest of this fear can be seen in Socrates. He was sentenced to die, Plato and others could have easily saved him, but he chose not to escape.
He was a true philosopher. He had conquered his fear by dispassionately thinking on it. I assure you, you need not be a Socrates to do it. Anyone can do it, provided they are ready to do the work.
If you can’t, alas, then there is no way I or anyone can help you in this regard. This fear of death that they make you feel, comes from the submerged regions of the mind. You would not know if it is that you are afraid of, but as I explained there are only these two methods to get at your subconscious and modify it- Fears related to Sex and death. You get rid of the fear of death first. Then no amount of subtle promptings can make you do what you don’t have to do.
Then there are people traumatized by sexual experiences. This may even have happened in the early childhood. If it is too terrible for the mind to handle the mind would try to blank it for life to preserve the individual. But the fear would remain and would show itself by several things that people do and say. The false morality that they teach you throughout your life might also cause conflicts even if you are not otherwise affected by sexual fears.
It’s a bit tricky to get out of the mental muddle if you were molested in any manner in childhood. There could be a method to deal with it too. But it is too extreme to suggest it here.
Instead I shall tell you a parable. If you were a lion cub and was mauled by bigger lions and somehow escaped, the fear will stay within you till you become like them, a lion. I know being a lion is not fun; it’s being brutal and merciless, it’s being predator instead of prey. You may never want to hunt and kill but unless you believe that you can do it, others would still hunt you down.
It’s all in the mind.
My ideas might be a little hazy for your liking, I know. I don’t have any readymade solutions for the problem. I am trying to find some. I think that is what matters at this juncture. Even if I am the only person thinking on the subject in the universe (I know I am not), it might just generate some responses in the human conscious environment. Thoughts are not fruitless, if I know anything about anything that is this. Thoughts tend to coalesce and produce like thoughts.
Some of you might be able to better my suggestions. Let the thoughts on freedom flourish.
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