I think I have moved a little away from my main concern, that of helping my electronically harassed friend. Some might have guessed that I too have become involved in the process even if in a different way. All of it had started long before I even started this blog. It had to do with what I said on the shameless corruption in my office.
May be they wanted to control my outbursts; they tried even beaming me with their state of the art technology. They tried their best to make it work alright. The perps are a community the world over and help each other out. The moment they included me in their black list they got the tools to sound me out through their subliminals. Unfortunately I was not a novice in this genre of tricks.
I could easily beam some too if I really want to, though not in the techno-stupid style of the perps. I did not develop it to do this sort of thing. It comes as a natural gift as you bring your will under your control over the years. None of the perps who are around now have been to the places I have been to and back.
I have distaste for this sort of thing, not because I would accrue any bad Karma from it, to me such inanities do not exist; they would not trouble me in the least. Those who talk about Karma know nothing about the real nature of it. Even if they have read or heard it somewhere they would not understand it in the least. Not because they are stupid, but because they would refuse to believe in truth like the Englishman who saw the Giraffe for the first time and declared “I don’t believe it” So I would desist from going into anything of the sort here. Explaining them would not serve any useful purposes at all.
But there is something else in it, controlling others in effect blocks their free spirit from doing whatever they want to do in life. Even the evilest deeds are a sign of growth in a being. Some would not understand this too. It’s intricate and it would take some real reflection to grasp it all. Anyway if you curb this free spirit it takes away their individual freedom to act with their free will. That is worse than death. If they want to be perps let them be perps. I would only be careful not to let them have a free ride inside my brain.
This I do without mercy. When they tried to sound me through subliminals, I cooked up a subliminal sound file myself and played it on them with the woodpecker file I downloaded from Tom Bearden’s site. It seemed like a nice touch at the time. I looped it over many times and recorded the subliminals beneath it just fast enough to be heard and not slow enough to be glaringly obvious.
Of course I wanted them to notice that something of the sort is going on. In certain cases it’s the partially known which frightens the shit out of us rather than the unknown. Unknown is yet unrealized, it can be pushed aside, but not the known, it stays and stares.
Now the woodpecker noise is the most irritating one I have heard in a long while. The duds had to bear it for one thing and had to listen to the subliminals too. Well they had it coming. They started it with their cell phones, I pods and gizmos. I got angry, and I also had access to the records of my friend to form a view on what sort of things that they pump into you.
You know, the one advantage of having a cell phone is this- You can play anything anywhere and there is nothing others can do about it. This subliminal recording of mine had none of the algorithm Smirnov was talking about. It was just a subliminal file you can make with any of the free tools available on the net. It contained no trigger words or trance-inducing-beats at all, no alpha, theta, delta shit. Then why play it you may ask.
Well I had some other tricks up my sleeve and the sound file was just a ruse. As I told you I am no tyro in this ‘influencing others’ business. When one does Pranayama for years on end he acquires the talent to control prana in himself as well as in others. I had practiced intense concentration and meditation for long hours, had studied occultism for I don’t know how long. I did it all to get at the truth. But really there is no truth that way. There is only bondage.
Anyway I know a bit about how the subtle forces in nature actually work and I have enough understanding of them to make some of them work nicely- Pretty dangerous tricks to posses as I shall show you later.
You might want to know what I recorded in those subliminals. Here are some samples. They might look bizarre and cruel, but they were fashioned on those supplied by my affected friend, may be a little stronger, well you need to upstage the culprits. Anything goes in war and love as they say. The detailed versions of the ideas I used is followed by the bracketed ones containing the real version. Ideation is vital in any such business:
“Do you look into the mirror, you corrupt imbecile?”
(Ever look in mirror?”)
“Does shit bought by dirty money taste better?”
(Shit tastes better?)
“Say, what price would fetch your soul?”
(You bloody sell-soul)
“Would you sell your family off to the biggest bidder?
(You rotten pimp)
The list could go on. ideation is needed because when they hear the words their minds should search for their meaning, that’s what makes them hot and cold at the same time, the frantic search for the meaning of the terms. Why is he saying that? Why am I a sell-soul, pimp, shit eater? It’s this confusion that does the trick.
I can get pretty imaginative when I get a mood on. But this alone would not do as you can see. I needed to burn these into their brains and make them jump at them. That needed methods to bye-pass consciousness and its censoring features as those Russians mentioned in the site. I did not have Smirnov’s technology with me. So I had to improvise.
First you need to acquaint them with the words thoroughly to sensitize them to it as the perps themselves do in the case of others. Well I had the cell phone. I asked my friend to call me every now and then and would talk to him loudly interspersing my talk with the words in the subliminal text.
The talk would go like this, giving stress on the subliminal words.
“You don’t say! You actually saw him take the bribe? Does the slimy ass ‘ever look in the mirror’ (You need to tone the phrase up). He did that? Perhaps ‘shit tastes better’ (stronger tone). My god, these guys, they would ‘sell’ (strong tone) even their ‘souls’ (strong tone)”. Every word used in the subliminal text would have to be brought into their attention again and again.
That of course concluded the first part. The perps and those trained by the perps are hardened imbeciles and would be unfazed at such gimmicks. They would laugh it off. But as they say in the parables, a war is not won in a day. I had an action plan. I needed just to get the words across first.
Now begins the second phase. The woodpecker noise continues with subliminals in it and simultaneously I force my will on them taking them up one by one. There are subtle techniques for it and I won’t go into any details here. For one thing they won’t make it any clearer to you, for another even if anyone tries to imitate me it would take years to reach that level of effectiveness. Mental powers do not come easy; you need time, perseverance, hard work and above all luck to get there.
Then there are also checks and balances against acquiring them in the nature itself. They are pre-installed preventive measures to make sure that none would make use of such powers to harm others. Unless you are 100% certain that you are in the right and you know the dangers involved and the techniques to defend and fend of forces against you, you would be torn apart by the giant forces of nature itself. Every force that you make use of would turn on you and you would find yourselves with no place to hide and no one to save you.
I never had the occasion to make use of these before I had the tiff with perps because I had few enemies in life. I usually mind my affairs most of the time and let the others be; I am a little harsh with my tongue and can be quite acidic with words but the anger passes when the moment is past. I used not to hold grudges at all. I had done years of conscious projection of powerful thoughts on the welfare of the world. So I had little reason to act against any one.
Till the perps appeared in the world with their inanimate mechanical tools to destroy people’s minds the world worked pretty well by itself. Evil and good was there. They balanced each other and every one had their share of them. Every deed done was recorded and reciprocated. But the current techno-stupid tools absolve the imbeciles using them completely of the responsibility of their deeds. I was angry that this was happening. I could not sit idle with a philosophy of “God will take care of everything” and see others and I suffer from our stupidity.
These wretches are out to out-wit the god himself. They had to be taught a lesson. The nice thing was that the imbeciles had the backing of every religious organization in the locality. I liked that, I had always known them to be mind control groups who would sacrifice their followers ruthlessly to achieve any petty aims they set upon. It was nice to have them under one roof and pit myself against their guiles and vileness. May be there is something in astrology; I was born under the strong influence of the Mars. I like a fight any time. But it is easier said than done.
There are several hitches when you go on a mental skirmish with others. Unless your mind can work at different levels at the same time nothing will come of it. When your will is forcing itself on the other person, you should also be broadcasting the words mentally with tremendous force so that they would make an indelible impression on the other mind and along with that strong mental images relating to them need be sent. You have also to try to connect these words and images to something that the person is afraid of in life (the trigger element of Smirnov). You need also to make sure that these would remain with them and set upon them on every occasion they falter.
All this requires knowledge and the capability of manipulating forces at different levels, knowledge about human energy fields, primal forces, nerve centers, how different forces would work on different inner vehicles of man, the channels through these things can be sent, nature of obstacles to overcome (inborn as well as installed by magical rites), the features of the mind, the basic nature of the individual and you name it, you have to know it. If your efforts fail at one level you need to go up to other levels and work from them. In some cases you may need to work from within them.
That goes by the name of shifting of consciousness, pretty mighty feat by ordinary standards. Once you start on it you should not fail, if you do you would not be left to talk about it.
Well anyway I got through to them after a little while. They began to feel the heat of the mental turmoil. I would try them out occasionally by mentioning the bare outlines of some subliminal term like, ‘Sh’ and they would go pale. The problem was my control over them was more lasting and serious than theirs on others would ever be.
Even now if I had any thought on any one of them it would lodge in them immediately. They got frightened to the core and started consulting every knave that has ever practiced sorcery in the land. As I have mentioned before, they are at temples and churches the year round, ardent atheists among them have started reciting divine charms to save their “Souls”. The Hindus bring their black magicians, the Moslem’s bring their Mullah’s and the Christians bring their priests and nuns to the office to watch over my “Evil” influence on their poor “blameless” sheep.
As they were the practitioners of such arts they soon realized where the problem lay and stopped their broadcast altogether. I too stopped my tricks on that line on that. The dunderheads never had the guts to start on that path again. Now they try to besmear me by any means they could lay their hands on. They start rumor campaigns, send anonymous letters to all and sundry, sabotage my work, ride the net to prevent me from saying anything on them, file court cases to curtail service benefits etc.
I have received enough threats on life to scare the shit out of any one. The latest one had bikers following me to engage me physically, the main instigator being the driver of the official car. I am pretty free with my tongue as I mentioned earlier. I may have said something to particularly please him that day. He is on daily wages and has nothing to fear about official action. So he shoots off his mouth inside the office though he had no business to be inside it in the first place.
There are a few other daily wage hands too, whom they use to such good effect. The girls among them would watch for an opportunity to create a terrible ruckus in my presence. As I have nothing to do with their work I don’t talk to them directly, it’s too risky in the prevailing circumstances, and as such I wouldn’t look at them even if they had a hundred boobs instead of the normal one (or is it two for person?)
They practice at being rude to me every moment of the day. They have fixed a technique by which the buck is passed to everyone so that I can’t fix on any one in particular. If on this day someone would be rude to me, the next day he/she would be otherwise while someone else would take on the “work’. The poor darlings hit upon the course to evade my ‘invisible’ attacks getting fixed on anyone of them. They fear that it would drive them crazy.
That continues to this day. Today day it’s the guy to whom I once had denied the “Uniform Allowance” who is at the fore front of the attack. (He had changed category and was thus not entitled for the allowance. There was no normal way it could have been done. Yet if I had shut my eye and if the auditors had not noticed it, he might have benefitted from it.) He still holds the grudge and he is chums with the local goons and has threatened to “take care of me” if I get out of hand.
Actually I love every moment of it. Look at the effect I had on them all, I had turned all the imbeciles to the altar of god; I had rekindled spirituality in them. I had joined together people who were at swords and daggers when they see each other. The tumult ended their corruption altogether. Now they work for the ‘common benefit’, not for bribes alone, the poor lambs. The speed at which they now serve the people is unbelievable. They had to run from post to pillar to ‘control’ me so they had to please everyone who came to the office.
The greatest worry they have at present is whether am I (meaning of course, yours truly) working hard enough. Honestly I am not. I am lazing it and is doing the barest minimum allowable work. I had ideals once and had worked like five men but with these fuckers around I feel like kicking very hard at something rather than working hard.
Anyway you need to give the devil his due. They are fast becoming model citizens. I would not wonder if one of them wins the Bharatratna (Highest possible civilian award in this land) in the near future- bless the darlings.