Sunday, May 4, 2008

The native story

Some think that such harassment is reserved for the more developed countries. But nothing could be farther from the truth. A search in internet reveals that there are also victims from the subcontinent. This is more alarming since the threat is not quite understood by those who are being subjected to it. There are no forums where these hapless people could voice their concern and describe their experiences.

Take India for example. The government certainly would have such an arsenal at their disposal by now since the technological growth in the country is undeniable. We would not lag far behind in developing any kind of modern weapons systems once we are aware of their existence or learn that such experiments are on foot in other countries. This is applicable in all fields. Here is an instance of what the country could do if it puts its mind into it. We have been able to develop cheaper alternatives for the pharmacological sector (Even for AIDS) and were doing quite fine till WTO and IPR came into being. Also the research for non lethal weaponry is not all that hush -hush since it began somewhere in the nineteen forties.

As far as India would be concerned we are already capable of launching satellites of our own. GPS is widely used in the country and there is a communication revolution going on in the land. Almost every one in the land has a cell phone now. So that any one could be easily tracked where ever he is in the land with pin point accuracy as the country is well populated with communication towers. The powers that be would only consider it a logical development of the technology if sophisticated surveillance and mind control tools are to be produced and put into use.

And what about human rights and being the largest democracy in the world! Well, my man, who takes them seriously these days?

I believe more and more incidents of electronic stalking and harassment in the land would come into the open once the victims learn there are kindred souls elsewhere in the land suffering from the same abuse.

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