Monday, May 19, 2008

Denegration of the Individual

People are becoming faceless all over the world. They are looking more like each other every day. This is not very surprising since we are being mind controlled through out our lives. This aspect of control is called conditioning. It has its advantages. It trains a person to behave in a certain manner in a given situation. Even culture has this as its basis. But the centers of control have undergone a sea change in the last century. These were exercised subtly and innocuously by religious men and philosophers in the past. Even the temperamental guilds of artists had some influence in this matter then. But in the modern times, all this has been subverted by the barons of market. They have the money and the necessary infrastructure to drill new attitudes into an unsuspecting populace.

These are the cruelest of times for mankind. Every day newer diseases and larger calamities are threatening their very existence. The stupidity of a few people is destroying everything we have ever built. This is the reign of imbeciles who are out to exterminate the human race altogether. Hence a larger platform is needed to voice our concerns in the surrounding gloom. Almost every one is hunted today one way or other.

Let us keep our hopes up and work for a release from these callous and insensitive morons we had the ill luck to vote in to power. This struggle is one of reclaiming our lost prestige and our natural freedom. The will to stand up against all subtle kinds of torture is rare among people. Most of them obey without looking into the matter closely. In some experiments it has been found that even those who have some brains are as obedient as the most illiterate where it comes to bending before authority. Perhaps this is a habit acquired through ages. I know there will always leaders in the society and there will always be scoundrels too. But it is when the scoundrels emerge into power that danger strikes.

Let not this be the case always………………

We need to reinvent individuality. Rather than a member of a mass with the same characteristics let us be different, let us be individuals and voice our views as such.

Man is a social animal they say, yeah as long as the society has something for him, not the other way round.

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